Ariel’s Mayfair Hotel (now with pics)

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    I had the pleasure of meeting Ariel again this week for a shoot in a Mayfair hotel. In smart surroundings like that Ariel couldn’t resist the opportunity to dress up and I was introduced to the ‘sophisticated lady’ Ariel (together with her antique iron hand cuffs) as well as Ariel the naughty schoolgirl who seems to enjoy being tied up a little too much and the servant girl, chained to the bed as she polished her master’s shoes.

    What a fun afternoon that was, and I’m really pleased with the resulting photographs. Let me know if you would like to see more.




    Mmm, thanks Ricky, it was a really fun shoot. I like handcuff/mirror picture best, I think 🙂

    And thank you for arranging such a nice location – the hotel had super biscuits and it was WARM (first time I’d been warm at a shoot for about a week, I think!)

    Hope you’re happy with the results,

    Ariel 🙂



    of course you were warm Ariel – you spent the last hour in the hot-tub 😉




    The in-the-mirror shot is definitely my favourite. I like the way it almost looks like she is a ghost, because the camera appears to be right where she should be standing in the mirror. The light is evocative, and the curtains and background of the mirror make it look almost like you are looking into a portrait rather than a mirror. Really liked that one.

    The shoe polishing one is a good idea, but I think the shoe polish on her face should be stronger and more definite. The lighting is much less evocative and sparkly, I think a hint of hairlight or rimlight might help lift it a bit.

    The schoolgirl one has too many juxtaposed elements for my taste (eg tartan skirt, striped tie, patterned headboard, patterned wallpaper) and schoolgirl is not my kink really either, so that one left me a bit cold.

    The one in the bath is nice. It was probably a devil of a job to light safely, a bit more light on the white tiles to lift them a little but may well have been physically impossible to do.

    Really like the mirror shot a lot!

    Cheers, Hywel.



    Nice shots overall!

    I like Ariel’s pose and the concept of the first one although I personally would have lit it more low key and avoided shooting a wide angle with that picture in shot. The crazy angle on that frame is driving me mad! But I understand that it is tricky when shooting in a hotel room rather than a studio. Until Hywel mentioned it, I didn’t realise it was shoe polish on the face. I thought it was a mark on the monitor…. d’oh! A lovely idea though and something to develop in another location maybe?

    Although not a fan of school girl fetish, I like that Ariel’s expression is more experienced 6th former than doe eyed high schooler!

    Love the simplicity of the mirror shot. You cracked it. (The shot that is, not the mirror – I hope!!!)

    As for the last shot, Ariel – you are missing your mouth love! 😆

    Kate x



    Thanks for your constructive comments Hywel and KateTT.

    The concept behind the ‘mirror shot’ was that we would see Ariel’s front in the mirror with no bonds on view and then draw back to reveal the cuffs behind her back when the camera saw her ‘for real’. The trouble was that to get a shot wide enough to show both the real and reflected images of Ariel also revealed a lot of random ‘stuff’ in the hotel room that detracts from the picture (power sockets, a shabby desk etc). So, I changed the plan to reveal the cuffs ‘in the mirror’ like this – although an odd angle is required as it often is with mirrors to keep the photographer out of shot.

    The shoe polishing shot probably sits better as part of a set than it does here on its own. The dress, suit jacket and other props all played a part in the set where Ariel helps her master and mistress prepare to go out, whilst clearly bound so unable to go out herself (she later ‘found’ the key which is how she ended up in the tub with the champagne). I like the idea of taking this a bit more low-key and I’ll have a look to see what I can do about that in post-production.

    The schoolgirl theme is of course done to death on other sites and I had no desire simply to clone their approach, but when I saw Ariels face light up as she saw the costume I thought it would be fun to try. It was!

    Good point about SAFELY lighting a bathroom Hywel. I’ve had trouble with this before and on that occasion I removed the hotel bathroom door and put it under the bed – much to the amusement of Amy Allen who was working with me that day. On this occasion with Ariel I used a softbox outside the open bathroom door and set a white reflector in the sink. The angles were good to me and it gave a reasonably balanced light on Ariel. The real problem here was various notices on the wall warning you to keep the shower curtain in the bath and stuff like that. They are going to be a pig to Photoshop out!




    Hi Ricky.

    Let me get this right (CD perhaps a little slow on the uptake today). 1; You met Ariel in a Mayfair hotel 2; You got your shoes cleaned and 3; you want us to be nice about your photos? I am struggling to compute….

    Just joking – these look really good.

    Am loving the pose in the first shot and the scene just screams submission. The shoe polish on the face was a great touch (I must keep my monitor a little claener than Kates – I got it immediately). I must say I hadn’t noticed the wonky picture effect until Kate mentioned it – now I too can’t stop looking at it.

    Schoolgirl – not really a kink of mine but thats not to say I am against pictures of Ariel in the outfit. Not sure if it is the make-up, the lighting or what but Ariel looks kind of different in that shot (not in a particularly bad way – just different).

    Really great work – thanks for sharing.




    Thanks for that CD.

    The schoolgirl shots were a bit of a fill-in at the end of our second set before we cleared the decks for the servant girl set. Ariel had been working through a succession of bonds and had just torn her way out of a full length wrap in bondage tape – so she was a little bit hyper. Add to that her obvious enjoyment at playing the schoolgirl and I think that explains her ‘different’ look.

    That wonky effect in the servant pic was a nightmare. I wanted to get all the props in the shot, so I went wide, but we were in a hotel room and so had limited space.

    I’ll post some more from this set soon




    Hi again Ricky;

    had just torn her way out of a full length wrap in bondage tape – so she was a little bit hyper

    Now that I would like to see.

    So do you shoot for a site?


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