Away from the PC – for a week

Home Forums General Chat Away from the PC – for a week

This topic contains 7 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Grasicrogeors 18 years, 5 months ago.

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    HI All,

    I’m going to be away from the PC for a week, may not have internet access, so if there’s some problem please email – if they can’t solve the problem it may have to wait until I am back online.

    Cheers, Hywel.



    How do I get in touch with Hywel? I have sent him 3 emails over the last few months to ,
    Should I be sending them somewhere else as I have had no response?



    That’s weird. That email address *should* work. Try again, or send me a personal message here.



    I sent one there as well a while ago….


    I sent one there as well a while ago….


    Hmmmm. I don’t think I got that one either. What a regal pain in the arse.

    Guys- if you email me and I don’t get back to you within a few days, assume it has got eaten by the great Internet email monster and try again- maybe to instead.

    I have no idea why emails are going missing but tech support at my webhosts shrug their shoulders and say “we can’t see any sign it ever got near here”.

    🙁 🙁 🙁



    Oh FFS now the forum is giving its random happens every month or so “server error” when you post! :angry: Argh not my day. Sorry guys I will try to sort it. Posts do get through, it just gives an error when you post. Maddening because the problem spontaneously goes away again.

    When I finally get some time to get my head above water I will see about moving to a different forum system or something. Or hire a “proper” webmaster to do these jobs- anyone want the job?



    I don’t really see the Forum issue as a big problem.

    O.K. so occassionally someone (like me, see above) will post twice in error but otherwise it’s fine.

    In my view, not enough people use the forum to warrant paying someone to look after it, our money is better spent on lovely young ladies and new outfits etc etc…

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