Bastards… – Am back but hassled

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    Hi All,

    Am back, had a great diving trip to Cocos island in Costa Rica.

    Got back exhausted and jet-lagged last night to find the house had been burgled. Smashed glass of a downstairs window and a bunch of stuff stolen. Thankfully nothing of sentimental value taken, nor any of the vital computers for the site (it was all backed up anyway, but the hassle factor would have been severe).

    They have stolen one of the two big camcorders (the other was at the studio) and there’s a lot of paperwork and clearing up to do, so may be offline for a few days more while it gets sorted out.

    Updates for the site are ready through to 31st, hopefully will get everything sorted out in time to make sure February’s updates all come as they should.




    Sorry to hear your news!

    Got broken into last October, total pain and insurance companies don’t make it easy!

    Good luck with the hassle




    Sorry to hear what have happen.

    Hope it all works out to the best for you.




    Oh, Hywel….what an absolutely sh*te thing to have happened – at least you can take solace in the fact that it could have been so much much worse. Plus you have just had a fab diving holiday. The scumbags can’t take experiences like that away from you.


    Kate x



    Sorry to hear that. At least nothing irreplaceable has been stolen.

    And I guess this burglar was not of the sort like “Female, end 20, attractive, locked herself accidentally in the globe cage before leaving”? Oh, Bummer.



    I am very sorry to hear that Hywel, its never nice to be broke into. I hope you get everything sorted out ok.




    Didn’t this exact thing happen before, a few years ago?

    Welcome back and good luck with the aftermath. Hope they didn’t get the Dalek 🙂




    That’s a damn shame, getting burgled.

    @marius wrote:

    And I guess this burglar was not of the sort like “Female, end 20, attractive, locked herself accidentally in the globe cage before leaving”? Oh, Bummer.

    That would make it worse: Imagine if Hywel returns to find that an attractive female burglar has locked herself accidentally in the globe cage. He grabs his camera and takes a bunch of photos (for evidence, you know). It turns out to be an absolutely stunning, gorgeous photoset.

    And then he can’t post it because she refuses to sign a model release form! :banghead


    Hi All,

    Many thanks for the kind words. Yes, Merlin, twas very similar to the break in a couple of years ago. It isn’t the same bloke though (he’s still in prison- Thames Valley police actually caught him).

    It was still the “Rubbish Reading Robbers” though as they left tens of thousands of pounds of computer gear, thankfully. They mostly took portable floggable stuff like the Wii console etc.

    Anyway, every cloud has a silver lining. The theft of one of the video cameras added to a nice surprise from how well the sales and exchange rate did in December means that I’ve just ordered a new high-def camcorder. I’ve been debating/drooling over acquiring one for a while so might as well do it now!

    The Dalek is safe! (But obviously needs to be sacked as a guard-Dalek since it didn’t exterminate them…)





    Hi Hywel, hope you had a great holiday.

    Sorry to hear of your break in, at least you get a nice new camcorder out of it though! :singhappy

    Take care



    what is a/the dalek ??


    LOL it is one of these:

    from Doctor Who. Wikipedia Dalek entry

    I have a four foot high inflatable Dalek in my kitchen. Don’t ask…

    :oo :oo :crazy :crazy

    And I can’t resist adding…


    and best of all….




    Such a shock! I hope there was not to much mess, and this has not been to much of a burden on you, just back from a lovely holiday and all.

    The silver lining is good news! Best to focus on this, if at all possible! 🙂



    @hywel wrote:

    I have a four foot high inflatable Dalek in my kitchen.

    I had intended to be good, honest!

    but the temptation is to strong.

    might I suggest that a certain guard dog / resident pet needs some training in chasing down and detaining evil?

    I can see it now… pet runs along and throws herself naked in front of the purveyors of evil. they are so over come by the sight that they stop, and are still drooling, while pet complains about how she should not be a pet at all half an hour later 😀

    if you need someone for pet Ariel to chaise after and practice detaining I suppose I could be talked into it, eventually, with great reluctance… *innocent expression number 81*



    Hi Hywel,
    Really sorry to hear such bad news.

    Can I ask, do you really have a Dalek (i know its not real)?
    Wow just when I thought you have one of the most awesome jobs in the world, you climb the awesome-o-meter by having a Dalek.

    Hmmm how about a female Doctor Who captured by the Dalek and put in to bondage?

    Hope everything works out for you.



    what is a/the dalek ??

    Oh Hasler – you really are going to have to get hold of some Dr Who on DVD or video (actually it must be all over You Tube) it is fab and all British children are brought up fearing the evil daleks (the now occasional nemeses of the Dr). There has recently been a resurgence of interest in the series as the BBC brought it back (about 4-5 years ago) and it now lacks the cardboard sets and frankly dodgy props and adversaries for which it was famed in the 70’s. As a mark of how big it is, they even got Kylie Minogue to feature in the recent Christmas special and there is talk that the BBC might be in talks to get her back on a more permanent basis (though if anyone that saw the Christmas special this is clearly going to be an interesting twist in the plot!). Unfortunately the new series(s) have not really featured the Dr’s assistant (the Dr often picks up an assistant along the way with whom to share his adventures – oddly these are often attractive women – well you would wouldn’t you?) becoming captured and giving it the damsel in distress routine, a childhood memory no doubt for many of the UK-based RE regulars.

    Hywel has a Dalek? – can the man become any cooler? Wicked job and a Dalek! My hero.

    Perhaps this is one of those things that if you see every day the thought never occurs to you but there has to be some mileage in featuring your Dalek in a RE set? Admittedly it may take some skill on the part of the suitably restrained model to convey fear of the impending wrath of an inflatable Dalek (they can shoot you from something that looks like a sink plunger!) but it has to be worth a try!


    Ps; Though a Dr Who fan always I really enjoyed Torchwood (a sort of spin-off for adults with some characters occasionally traversing the two shows) last year and have just watched the first episode of the new series. Worth a look.


    Thanks to everyone for your kind comments 🙂

    It is mostly under control now (in fact the new high definition video camera is already here…)

    I do have another more personal announcement. I wasn’t really sure whether to post this anywhere but decided to in the end as others have been very open about things on the forum.

    My wife and I have decided to split up. This is a bit sad but we definitely know that we are the best of friends and are happier going our separate ways. We are absolutely DETERMINED to stay as proper good friends and we think that splitting up will be for the best and allow us to do that.
    We actually made the decision back at the start of summer (and told close friends & family back then). It is definitely time to move on now for lots of reasons.

    We couldn’t face the stress of selling the house etc before we went on our lovely diving holiday (which we enjoyed a great deal by the way!)

    We’re now starting to tidy, paint and tart the house up a bit so we can sell it in a few months. It shouldn’t have any impact on stuff on the site, although I am not looking forward to being without home internet while I move at least I have the studio from which to run the site. Annoyingly the studio’s broadband is a tenth the speed and twice the price, but that’s business internet for you.

    I don’t really want to say much more out of respect of my wife’s privacy, she’s always been a rather private person which is why I’ve never said anything much about her on the site! I’d just like to say again that this isn’t a drama, it is a bit sad but we believe it is for the best.

    Cheers, Hywel.



    sorry to hear – but cant be that bad you going on vacation together after the decision is made.
    Good luck whith the sale and everything.



    Just see CD’s post for a simple summary of Dr Who. I do feel I need to take issue with some of his assistants outfits in the recent series though! They are hardly what you would call skimpy and fragile *sigh* what is the world coming to?

    Hywel I am somewhat shocked at this news about you and your wife. I can hardly claim to know you, but still, please let me offer my sympathies to both of you.

    The most important thing here is that this is done carefully and that you both remain friends afterwards.



    I am sorry to hear of your decision to break up with your wife. My thoughts go with you in this difficult phase.

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