Bendy – in response to the latest Roxanne shoot

Home Forums General Chat Bendy – in response to the latest Roxanne shoot

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Hywel Phillips 18 years ago.

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    Hi all;

    Again, it has been a while since I last posted here (busy boy these days)

    Just thought I would drop a line saying how fab the recent shot with Roxanne struggling around in that cage was (9th May). Roxanne hadn’t really shown up on my radar until this set (I had downloaded the previous sets ‘Roxanne Red’ but must only have glimpsed briefly at them) she is a stunner and the shoot in general was first class. I was going to suggest that maybe some shackles/handcuffs may have been good (perhaps around a bar of the cage with her hands and feet thus restricted a bit further) but on reflection that may have restricted the poses she was able to pull whilst inside the cage (loved the bare feet sticking out the top of the cage).

    Along with Paige Robbins RE now seems to have a growing number of acrobatic and gymnastic models and I look forward to future sets with poses that exploit all of the flexibility that these models have to offer. Anyone have any ideas??

    All the best


    Ps – Welcome back Hywel


    I actually wondered whether Roxanne was going to be able to slip out of the cage entirely! It was only her pelvis which stopped her I think. I did debate adding shackles but then I saw her throw these incredible contortionist poses and thought… nah! :devil

    Wait until you see some of the dangling from the wall shackles suspension shots I did with her! :singhappy :lick :singhappy


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