Bondage Photography Tutorial 13th February 2010

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    Hi All,

    I’ll post an announcement on the main site news page soon, but I wanted to give forum posters a heads-up… Ariel and I are running the next in our series of Bondage Photo Tutorials on Saturday 13th February 2010, at the new RE studio at our house in Reading.

    Full details are at:

    If you’d like to know the sort of things we get up to on these tutorial days, just have a look at:

    which showcases some of the photos taken by members who have attended previous photo tutorials!

    Advice and equipment is available all day, and the session is limited to just four attendees, so you are sure to have plenty of time behind the camera to take photos. This also means we can tailor the day to suit your own interests and level of experience.

    Email me at if you are interested. The session costs 200 UK pounds per person (with 50 pounds of that required in advance as a deposit to secure your place).

    Cheers, Hywel.



    Greetings from New Jersey,

    I hope everyone had a great holiday season and all your New Years are starting well. I’d love to join in the fun and the learning experience of one of the tutorials but the financials just don’t allow for it at the present time. I hope it goes well and I look forward to seeing some of the results on the site in the not too distant future.

    I’m not sure if my schedule will permit it yet but I will try to answer Hywel and Ariel’s request and participate in the chat on Red’s Realm.

    My best to everyone and I know that the RE team will continue to delight us with their efforts in 2010.




    … looks like we may have filled the February tutorial places (pending receipt of deposits from those who have expressed interest).

    If anyone else would like to come to a tutorial session please do let me know, we are thinking of running another one in April or May.

    Cheers, Hywel.


    Look forward to catching up with you at the Red’s Realm chat, Jeff, hope you can make it!

    Cheers, Hywel.



    Good luck with the tutorial today! Hope everyone has a fab time. It’s a real insight to see how the R.E. photographic sets are produced. I’m sure it’ll be a day to remember for all those who attend.



    We had a great time at the tutorial yesterday. It was the first time we’d run a session at our new studio (which is also our house) so we were a bit nervous as to how it was all going to work logistically. It all ran very smoothly, hopefully everyone enjoyed themselves and everyone definitely got some cracking shots! Here are a few samples, the full sets will be up on the site in due course. (As will the remaining photo sets from earlier tutorials, which I rediscovered when reorganising my hard drives a few days ago).

    Many thanks to Lau, LJ, Satyr and Sheep for coming along with some creative inspirations for interesting photosets and for kindly giving us permission to feature their photos on the site!

    Cheers, Hywel.




    It really was a wonderful day, And I wonder how long it will be before my brain actually believes I was there, and that is wasn’t just a dream!

    Hywel and Ariel, Thankyou so much for letting us come and try our ideas, and showing us how to acheive them, even when on paper, globe cuff strappado sounds “horrible” or maybe even impossible! Ariel, you made it seem easy. I could happily have spent days there. Tying up Ariel, Taking bondage photo’s & learning from Hywel, what could be better?

    Of course, Now I want a better camera, lenses , some studio flashes etc, a lot more bondage gear, oh, and of course a studio with a resident slave girl, so I can try lots more ideas! (Hmm, I’m guess that’ll all be way out of my budget….)

    And of course the day would not have been complete without Ariel calling Hywel her “Rope Bitch”!
    or without the lovely cake Ariel made. There should definitely be a Ariel bakes a cake Video.

    Any one on here, if you get the change to go on one of these tutorials, take it! I couldn’t recomend it enough.
    I can only hope that I will get to work with them again at some point.

    Thanks Again,




    @sheep wrote:

    I wonder how long it will be before my brain actually believes I was there, and that is wasn’t just a dream!

    LOL I remember that well! A very surreal experience indeed, it was probably worse in the big old studio as you found yourself walking between very recogniseable sets/props which were somehow very different to how you imagined.. 🙂

    Glad the day went so well (again) all previews are stunning. I’m loving the low key strappado (anyone got time to desaturate this?) find myself wishing there was a diffused uplight on Ariels face, just a little tho, or less light in the whole scene (retDSC_3176.jpg). This of course this highlights a common issue.. you just can’t always do that as you’ve got a set of 30+ to shoot instead of 1 perfect image, I’d imagine thats one of the many things the guys shooting on the day are realising now.

    It down hill all the way now Sheep.. pretty soon that 5Dmk2 won’t seem that expensive anymore.. that spare room would make a great little studio… 😀

    Arrrr, Ariel with a fringe again – reminds me of when she first appreared on RE which are still some fav sets..




    I’m actually beginning to doubt whether it’ll ever feel like it was real. Though while I was watching the second part of “A bondage Romance” I kept thinking, I was sitting at that table right there where Ariel was sitting. Thought it does appears that a bound Sammie isn’t a permanent fixture on it….

    We did shoot a couple of test shots with the said fill light there, but decided that it looked less dramatic with it. Though probably with some more playing a setting somewhere between would have been good. There are a couple of shots in the set where the fill would definitely have helped.

    Hmm, Is this what you meant?

    or how about this?

    Still got a lot to learn.

    Hmm, the spare room…. I was actually thinking about an underground venue I have access too, pretty much perfect as a dungeon. with plenty of rated bars to hang flashes from (And to tie models up too as well) plus mirrored columns, in fact it has big potential for some creative sets.
    Still, I get ahead of myself, even if I did have the gear, I have no idea how to go about persuading models to let me tie them up and take photo’s of them. So more reseach for me to do…

    You know, It took me about half the day to work out that the fringe was what was different. I was too distracted by Ariel being in 3d, which after a year of seeing photo’s and video’s takes some getting used too!




    Hi Sheep,

    Glad you had a fab time at the tutorial! These sample pics look terrific! 🙂

    It sure is very surreal. It took me about a week to get over the tutorial I attended and to get my head around the fact that I was actually there with Hywel and Ariel shooting bondage. There’s nothing quite like it!

    Yep, from now on the credit card will take a hammering and there will be a never ending wish list of shiny new kit to buy. I’m sure we can all vouch for the fact it really is never ending!

    Your underground venue sounds interesting! Mirrored columns? Cool….Sounds like a lot of potential. 🙂

    Oh yes, Ariel in 3D is breathtaking…. 🙂



    Indeed, the underground venue DOES sound interesting… although mirrored columns might equal a nightmare of reflections of the photographer on camera and light bouncing around LOL

    Actually we’re on the lookout for some interesting new UK locations, especially if it is fairly local… any idea how much it would cost to hire the place, or what sort of hours we could have it for?




    Er, Yeah, I hadn’t thought about you doing a shoot there. Was just thinking about a space that I could practice and experiment in. However, it is certainly a possibility. It’s a 400 capacity venue, so plenty of space. Mostly painted black.
    I’m in there a couple of times this week, So I’ll take some pictures of the space next week and you can see what you think. I don’t think hours would be a problem, 10am till 10pm would be no problem, and extended hours would also possible. It tends to be busy on friday / saturday, but mostly unused on week days.
    I can’t remember how much they charge for hire, But I check with the manager and let you know.

    Hywel, On a more technical note, you mentioned a while ago that you might do an updated equipment list of your gear, that would be great! More specifically, Do you have any recommendations for which light meter, flashheads & accessorys I should look at getting. I don’t want to buy cheap rubbish, but at the same time, it is unlikely that I will be using them as often as you!





    I will do an updated gear list for the site (although I can hear Ariel’s cough-of-disgust from here at such techie talk…!)

    If you got us the venue to shoot in I was going to invite you to assist at the shoot, of course 🙂

    Cheers, Hywel.



    You could get Ariel to do an equivilent list of the studio bondage gear, and what she thinks about each item. That should keep her from getting too bored by our techie talk…. Might inspire some interesting idea’s too.

    So how about a globecuff crossed over reverse prayer?




    fine plan sheep.

    Let Ariel do a list of all bondage gear on the site – od cause whith sample pics of everything – in use.




    Greetings from New Jersey,

    Hope everyone is doing well. I like both Sheep’s and Hasler’s ideas. I’d also enjoy seeing Ariel do a list of RE restraints and costumes showing them in use and giving us her comments about them. Should prove very interesting.



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