Congratulations to Ariel (well, Amelia)

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    Hi All,

    Couldn’t resist posting congratulations to Ariel’s alter-ego, Amelia Jane Rutherford. (As you may know, Ariel has two stage names: Ariel Anderssen for bondage, and Amelia Jane Rutherford for spanking. They are quite different characters in some ways!)

    Anyway, Amelia Jane has been awarded the Spanking Spot Golden Buttocks award for the Best Spankee of 2008!

    Congratulations, we’re all very proud of you!

    Cheers, Hywel.



    Well done Amelia! 😀

    @The Spanking Spot wrote:

    I think I would be hard pressed to find someone who wouldn’t agree that Amelia was the most hard working spankee in 2008. She posed for more sites with more shoots then perhaps anyone in the industry has ever done. Furthermore she tantalized us with her beauty and her ability to recieve a spanking with the best of them.

    I don’t really know your spanking work as Amelia, but I believe the comments from The Spanking Spot completely, as I know how much enthusiam and hard work go into your bondage work as Ariel.

    I’m going to have to check out some of the spanking sites, it is something I’m interested in even if not as much as the bondage.



    Well done Amelia/Ariel

    Whilst spanking really isn’t my thing I have no doubt that you approach that side of your work with the same professionalism and enthusiasm that you do for your bondage work. I am therefore sure that Amelia delights her spanking fans just as much as Ariel delights us. Well done girl! (I am still not sure how anyone can bring themselves to spank anyone so lovely – it must take some method acting!)

    Incidentally has it dawned on anyone else that the golden buttocks award is a bit of an odd name. Surely the redest buttocks would be more appropriate.

    Congratulations once again.




    Yay! Congratulations Ariel..ia Jane!

    Thoroughly deserved recognition of your efforts! I am sure that the rest of the RE community, like me, feels very proud of our resident slavegirl.

    Are they really giving you some golden buttocks? Hope you shall wear them with pride – but warn the spankers before you turn up to shoots with them. Gives a new meaning to ‘This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you…’ :mrgreen:

    Kate x



    Congratulations Ariel on your award.

    It would be great to see more restrained spanking on this site.


    Ariel Anderssen

    Thank you everyone! I haven’t won anything since I was 15, hoorah, I love it 🙂

    Alas, CD; Amelia Jane is not very lovely. She is basically all the bits of me that I’m too polite to show in real life. So she thoroughly deserves to be spanked pretty much all the time….

    My new, golden buttocks may well appear soon, and rest assured, you’ll see them here first 🙂

    Thank you again! (and thank you Hywel for PUBLICISING me. I hadn’t told anyone cos I was too shy).



    Congratulations Amelia / Ariel 😀

    Just read the post on spankingspot and saw that you won YAY!

    / Pling

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