Feet – We aren’t freaks! Or are we?!

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Hywel Phillips 16 years, 4 months ago.

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    Saw this in the British ‘Guardian’ newspaper the other day:-


    As I know I am amongst ‘foot friends’ here I thought you might be interested. Though I didn’t write the letter myself I was delighted to learn in the first paragraph that I was not a big freak! Unfortunately as the article continued I became less satisfied – Dr Stephenson qualifying her first statement by suggesting I might be a bit odd after all. I think it best not to mention the whole bondage thing as well – I may never leave the house again! Maybe I should be on some national register?

    It could be worse I suppose, I could earn my living tying ladies up and then photographing their delightful bound feet. There is clearly no helping some!




    Greetings from Texas,
    In my youth I let such things bother me. A couple of years ago DEAR ABBY took a shot at us bondage types. She got so much negative mail over her responce that she printed a retraction the next week.
    Those of us with gray hair may remember an old sit-com called BARNEY MILLER about a detective squad in New York City. The first couple of seasons the youngest detective, Wajohoivets (no one on the TV show could spell it either), was constantly appaled by the kinky side of human nature. Finally, after busting a guy with 80+ womens shoes – left foot only- he made the statement “This stuff used to bug me, but…ya know, anything in Sears catalog some nut wants to go to bed with it.”
    There are folks out there that make me feel boaring and mundane!




    :spin oh c’mon.. I was never going to resist that one for long! heheh ..more meaningful insight to follow..


    Hi CD,

    I see what you mean. In fairness to the article author I think she’s making a valid point, that a fetish can start to become a “disorder” if it is making someone unhappy.

    I can see that if the ONLY thing you find arousing or erotic about your partner is the fact that she has feet at the ends of her legs it might cause some problems in a relationship. I doubt many people would feel happy being treated as just a body part, with the rest of them tagging along for the ride.

    Of course, that’s probably a straw man. I don’t know how many people with a foot fetish really have it in such an exclusive form that nothing else about their partner strikes them as sexy…. and if there’s a good spark there in the relationship, hopefully one could even work such deviant behaviour as wanting to tie up barefoot girls into a fun way of making love with each other!
    :heybabe :heybabe :heybabe :heybabe

    Cheers, Hywel.

    :nana :nana :nana :nana

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