Gilligans Island

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  scotto2589 13 years, 9 months ago.

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    I would love to see a photoshoot and/or video based on the 60’s TV series.

    Imagine two models dressed as Mary Ann and Ginger “kidnapped” by a tribe of cannibals.

    They are bound and gagged and carried slung under a pole back to the village.

    There they are helped out of their clothes and prepared to be the “guests of honor” at the feast.

    I was thinking a baby oil rubdown and an apple in the mouth would suffice.



    I’ve never seen the program- is there a clip online somewhere we could look at? Bit tricky for us to do US TV show homages when the show didn’t make it to the UK 😉

    Cheers, Hywel.



    Greetings from New Jersey,

    Hi Everyone,

    I kind of like Bob20’s idea of a Gilligan’s Island based set or video. The idea of the damsels in distress being carried around by a native tribe tied to a pole is a “B” movie classic and while there was some bondage in the original Gilligan’s Island series and the female characters did get tied to stakes by natives, I don’t think they were ever carried around. As far as viewing scenes from the original TV show, try YouTube. I did a real quick search on their site and there are a number of clips.
    Not sure where you would find a tropical island location to be able to justice to the storyline. Perhaps the location in Spain you have used a couple of times might fill the need for palm trees and sand.




    @hywel wrote:


    I’ve never seen the program- is there a clip online somewhere we could look at? Bit tricky for us to do US TV show homages when the show didn’t make it to the UK 😉

    Cheers, Hywel.

    Wow, this was one show that I thought was spread to every corner of the globe.


    The show was a campy goofy show about a group of tourists who get stranded on a deserted island.

    The important part to know are the two hot actresses on the show. If you ask any american man over a certain age “Mary Ann or Ginger” they will know what you are talking about.

    The small picture is from the 60’s Tv show

    The big picture is from a recent remake or I think maybe from a reality show. Anyway it shows the basic idea behind the two characters.

    Ginger is a glamorous movie star, think Marilyn Monroe. She is arrogant, stuck up, and is adverse to physical labor.

    Mary Ann is the cute, sweet girl next door and/or farmers daughter.



    I am thinking Sammie B and Ariel…. in Fuertaventura.

    Kate x



    I like the idea……

    Well Done Kate 🙂



    @bob20 wrote:

    Wow, this was one show that I thought was spread to every corner of the globe.

    Same here! It’s often cited as the archetypical “mindless 1960s American sitcom” but it could actually be fairly amusing.

    And yeah, although Ginger was supposed to be the glamorous Marilyn Monroe type, every guy I know, myself included, thought Mary Ann was far cuter.

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