High Res Photos and 720p video

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This topic contains 23 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Hywel Phillips 14 years ago.

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    Hi All,

    Starting in March we will be uploading higher resolution photos and videos.

    The videos will be available in 720p MPEG4, which I think is a definite quality improvement over the large WMV files. The current options (large and small WMV, and iPod sized MPEG4) will still be available for all videos. Not all videos will have 720p right away but all the new stuff I am editing from now on will have it.

    For photos, we’re adding the option of downloading full resolution JPEGs for selected photosets. See the member’s home page for details of how this will work- basically there will be a selection box in the browse gallery page for each photoset which will show you if a large resolution version of the set is available. If this is popular we will move over to having full res versions available for all new photosets.

    Right now it is a bit of an experiment- I’ve had to turn the JPEG quality settings down on the full res versions, otherwise they would be stupidly big to store and download. There’s a bit of leeway here so download a couple and see what you think. The first set with a full res version will be up on 1st March.

    Cheers, Hywel.



    OK, I came to the forum just to chime in on this topic. Big fan of the high res zips, really my only complaint about the site in the past (excluding the obvious ‘not enough Sammie!’) was only having 0-5 of the high res images. It was a horrible Tantalus sort of thing going on, knowing you had such great HQ versions on your side, and then getting tiny (OK, not tiny, respectable!) little files on our end.
    That said, I’m on a fast enough connection that the download time doesn’t bother me and I have HD space to spare (though that might change at 100 megs a pop – but that is what I call a good problem to have). That said, I imagine bandwidth on your end is an issue, but I really hope you find a way to keep posting the HQ stuff.
    So yeah, in closing, two thumbs up. The only downside IMO is after one day I’m already spoiled and was bummed to see today’s shoot wasn’t in high res 😛



    Glad you are liking the high def pics! From our end there are a few factors limiting what fraction of sets can go up in HD.

    1) The monthly bandwidth usage bill. We’ll just have to monitor this. In principle these sets are a factor 10 bigger (or more) in HD, we can’t afford to go from our current 3 TB a month to 30 TB a month unless we get 10x as many members, so we’ll see how it goes.

    2) The quality of the original shots. Much like paper prints of old, the constraints on the technical quality of what makes an acceptable shot depend very much on what sort of enlargement you’re doing. Viewing these shots at 100% on a huge monitor is like having a wall-sized print made, and not every shot will quite be up to scratch. Tiny bits of subject movement or camera shake, unnoticeable at web size enlargements become important at 100%… and if I feel the technical quality is little too low, I won’t put up the set in HD.

    Obviously we’re aiming for the best shots we can do but some conditions are easier to shoot in than others. A set shot in the studio at 1/400th of a second at f/16 with tons of flash light with a Hasselblad will hopefully have very good technical quality. A set shot at sunset in changing light conditions on a wind-blown coast at 1/125th of a second at f/3.5 with a middling quality zoom lens on a Canon 5D is likely to have more shots on the edge.

    3) The delicate subject of photoshop. I’ll write a blog post about this, but the basic fact is that we want the models to look good, and a Hasselblad shot from a few feet away shows EVERYTHING… including things that the human eye is simply not good enough to see unless you are an inch away. Editing is more time consuming if you know every shot is going to be seen at 100%.

    4) Storage space on the server. Currently physically limited by the size of the high speed disk array, we will fill the array in a couple of months if we put up HD for everything right now. We are getting a new server with bigger disks and changing our backup strategy to make it easier to manage (if a little less robust- basically we’re going back up the full data less often, because most of that data is stored in multiple backups on my system at home too. The frequently changed data we will back up just as often, and the membership database will stay on the bank-grade separate secure system it is on already).

    5) Reprocessing. It is a full time job for me to keep up with the one update a day schedule. Reprocessing archives is simply not feasible unless the site membership doubles and I can hire a lackey to do nothing but that. I do have archived full res versions of more recent sets which could potentially be added when sets come around in the archive, once the server storage space is expanded and assuming the bandwidth demands do not prove impossible. But older stuff (anything edited with Photoshop/Corel Photopaint as opposed to Aperture/Lightroom) would not be cost effective to reprocess at full size I suspect.

    Sooo… expect about 1/3 of the sets to have HD versions at first, with the intention being to move towards 100% in time if we can!! 🙂 🙂 But I hope you’ll not be too disappointed if some sets are only presented in web resolution for technical reasons. We’ll try our best to make sure as many of the sets as we can get HD versions as soon as we can.

    cheers, Hywel.



    A small request: (Or at least I hope it’s easy to do)

    Currently the normal-sized photos come in a zip file containing the folder “shoot_name” (e.g. chloepinkdressbed1). But for the large sized photos, the folder is just named “full.” Could the names of these folders be changed to “shoot_name_full” or “shoot_name_large” or some such? (e.g. “chloepinkdressbed1full”)



    1) Most other sites seems to be posting files that are hundreds upon hundreds of megabytes nowadays. Maybe it’s time for RE to switch to a new and improved service provider. Have you investigated the competitors?

    2) Excuse my denseness but I’m not following; you lost me. Your “technical quality” statement, quite frankly, doesn’t make any sense. Why would you shoot at 1/400th of a second in a studio, with strobes, when a 1/200th is the maximum strobe sync can handle?? And why would you shoot at f/16??? No camera/lens is at optimum performance at f/16. Sounds like your camera(-lens) needs a big fat ND filter, with AT LEAST 3 stops of density.



    Hi Doc,

    thanks for the query. I’m sure Hywel’s buried so if you’ll accept the opinion of the junior photog around here I’ll try to help..

    1/ “Most other sites” – you’ll need to be more specific before I can daw any reliable comparison there. “Most other sites” don’t do 90 updates per month, very few burn more bandwidth than RE. It would be MUCH easier to turn out 30 BIG updates a month instead, I’d imagine the boss would jump at that option but would others like to see that?

    2/ In terms of tech quality I read it as Hywel is raising the two extremes of our shooting. Very few shots are shot at either but all are between these. Infact they get worse, I’ve handheld at 1/50th outdoors. The point is that if I examined these 1/50th shots at full uncompressed size then probably only half of them would make the grade as hair moves, eyes blink, models fidget, grass waves and I have badly shaky hands. When viewed at a smaller size then probably 75% are acceptable. So generally speaking the faster you shoot the easier it is to get sharp shots and you get better images more of the time. Win. In a studio you can happily shoot at 1/125 and usually be fine but if you’ve got the light available you may as well use it because, as said above, if you can get 1/250th you’ll get shots that much sharper – more of the time. Also get more “bang” out of colours of scenery, shine from steel etc which can give the images a higher visual impact.

    Granted, unusual for me to shoot at f16 in a studio but the pro’s sometimes do in the quest for skintone and shadow detail (I believe). I’ll have to leave the tech explaination to Hywel for this one..

    We shoot (usually) on quality prime lenses, f16 would not introduce any noticeable lens effects. Maybe a budget zoom would but thats why we avoid them.

    Yep 1/400th is the other end of the spectrum to mentioned above. A pro camera such as Hywels Hashisbad will happily sync at 1/500 as it uses a posh leaf shutter thingy which always opens fully at any speed. Ironically I *think* cheapo compacts do too as they have purely electronic shutters. I’m not an expert but reasons for using these very fast sync speeds include..

    – freezing motion (hair flicks / moving water etc)
    – balancing bright sunlight (fill flash). As a flash is typically 1/1000th ish you utilise more of its power and less of the ambient (sun) light with a faster sync.
    – depth of field flexibility for arty shots
    – longer flash range (err, I think..)
    – longer flash battery life
    – faster flash cycle time

    Now I think about this, I can’t think of any negative things about fast sync speeds. Lol – I’m sure there is some.. anyone??

    Hope that helps, apologies if any of the above is rubbish – corrections welcomed, pls remember I’m just an amateur 😕





    Sorry for not getting back to this sooner, been away shooting.

    As Merlin says, it isn’t just the size of an individual update that counts, it is the frequency of updates. Hundreds of megabytes a day is quite different from hundreds of megabytes a week. We already grow the site at several Gigabytes every month, which is increasing to around 10-12 GB a month with full-sized images and 720p video. I don’t think there are many sites offering 10 GB of material a month.

    Our web hosts are not necessarily the cheapest in pure $ per TB but they also provide many services to a high standard, not least of which is the billing service, which we had no end of trouble with with previous providers. They regularly renew our hardware and review our provision without us having to buy the new machines ourselves, so overall I’m reasonably happy to stay with them for the moment. For example, they are not charging us any extra to move the site onto a brand new server with substantially larger arrayed disks in order to keep up with the demand imposed by the full sized images. Otherwise we’d physically fill the disks soon, and these aren’t cheap-as-chips SATA, they are much higher speed disks in arrays to keep the site running at something like a decent speed even on Friday nights. There’s also stuff you don’t see, like a proper regular backup strategy in place in case the server were to die horribly. Not having to do that all myself is worth a lot.

    As for the technical quality stuff, as Merlin says most of our photos are now shot on a medium format digital Hasselblad, which has leaf shutters in the lens and can therefore sync at any speed, up to and including 1/800th of a second. We usually run at 1/400th of a second in the studio- at 1/800th you do have to account for the duration of the flash somewhat (you lose about a third of a stop because although the flash supposedly has a t(0.5) of about 1/1500th of a second, the tail of the light reaches out a bit longer… I don’t have the t(0.1) time but I suspect from my own tests that it is more like 1/600th of a second). Anyway, 1/400th is enough to freeze most things and make sure we get the whole of the flash.

    There probably are drawbacks to fast shutter speeds, but I can’t think of any for people photography either. (One might want slow sync for flowing water for landscape photos for example).

    Maybe if you want to convey a sense of motion, but then it is easy to just turn the dial down and shoot at 1/200th or 1/125th or whatever! Being able to sync anywhere up to 1/800th gives great flexibility… it would be even better with slightly faster flashes, so if I buy more flash heads for the battery powered unit we use outside, I will probably go for the more expensive version which a has a quicker flash time… t(0.5) 1/2500th and hopefully a correspondingly short t(0.1) to REALLY freeze the action if we need it. Although shots like Sophia’s hair flick in the pool are pretty damn good as it is.

    For lens performance, most 35 mm lenses perform best at f/8. Although naively looking at the physics one would expect the diffraction limit to be reached at f/8 pretty much independent of format, the common consensus and observation in practice is that the sweet spot for medium format lenses is more like f/11, and are perfectly usable at f/16.


    We have pixel area around 46 square microns, in between the Canon 1DsMkII and 20D on their table. If you look at f/16 you can see that yes, the Airy disk is spreading over adjactent pixels, but given that the sensor is really using 4 pixels per point because of the Bayer pattern filter, that’s not enough to cause disturbing softening or lack of crispness in the images seen at 100%, especially not after a little capture sharpening is applied. (Whilst this cannot restore detail that wasn’t captured, it can restore the local sharpness and acutance which gives the impression of crispness… and few of the details we are looking at on the shots are really at the one or two pixel scale).

    So, strictly speaking the system gets diffraction limited somewhere around f/10 but the effects are not drastic at f/16 by any means.

    I really noticed the effect stopping down to f/45 for some macro shots, though!

    I chose f/16 for the example because that’s the smallest usable aperture giving maxiumum depth of field without encountering substantial softening from diffraction. We can shoot anywhere from f/4 to f/22 with reasonable strobe control, and at f/2.8 using continuous light or with an ND filter. But at f/2.8 there may not be so much point showing those sets in full size anyway because the depth of field is so shallow that only a small part will be in sharp focus- a great artistic choice, but not one that necessarily benefits from being seen at 31 megapixels. You’d get very sharp eyelashes, but nicely soft out of focus feet… which you can probably see just as nicely at 1-and-a-bit megapixels as at 31 megapixels.

    The lenses perform best around f/11, with extremely good f/5.6 to f/16, and indeed pretty damn good results even wide open (which is why the lenses cost best part of three thousand pounds each- performance wide open is limited by aberrations, which are a function of lens design, rather than by diffraction which is a physical limitation at smalll apertured).

    We tend to shoot around f/8 to f/11 in the studio, but often shoot at f/16 for maximum depth of field.

    So no, we don’t need to shoot with ND filters normally. We can just turn the lights down if we want. If we wanted f/2.8 on the infinity cove we’d probably need to as even on minimum power there’s so much light bouncing around that tends to come out at f/8 but on the black background or on location we can usually shoot anywhere from f/2.8 to f/22 just by turning the lights up and down.

    Cheers, Hywel.



    OK, so, I’ll preface this by saying this by saying it is entirely possible this is already implemented and I’m missing it, but oh well 😛
    However as far as I can tell, there is no way to know there is a HQ set available without clicking over to the acutal shoot itself. I usually just download straight from the front page or the updates page if it is a shoot I know I’m going to want, but if I do that now I always get the smaller ZIPs and don’t even know there is a HQ set to be had. Ideally if the site could recognize that we have the HQ flag set and automatically link those, that would be great. But I imagine that would cause extra bandwidth usage on your part, aside from maybe being technically a pain in the butt (I’m not really sure on that front). So as a compromise would it be possible to maybe get a “HQ” icon or something on the front/updates pages to designate which shoots have HQ versions available?



    We initially decided only to make the normal-sized ZIP files available direct from the the updates page for various reasons, the main one being that it meant people wouldn’t idly click and get a 150 MB file instead of a 15 MB file, and that auto downloaders wouldn’t just hoover up multiple versions of the galleries and eat our bandwidth.

    I totally agree that a “HQ available” flag is a really good idea, given that not every set will have HQ (old archives may never have it, for example).

    So at the very least we should implement that, assuming that there’s not some ghastly technical issue (which I don’t believe there is).

    But if we are doing that, why shouldn’t the HQ available flag be a link to the ZIP file? It would really make more sense if it were. So really we should bite the bullet and put links to both ZIP files on the updates page.

    I’m running it by Ian and hopefully we can implement this for you soon, it does make more sense to do it this way.

    Cheers, Hywel.


    P.S. Lurker, sorry for not replying, that also seems like a totally reasonable request and I’ve asked Ian to see what the ZIP file creation lets us do in the way of subdirectories inside the ZIP file.

    Cheers, Hywel.




    1: A few examples would be for instace Met-Art, FemJoy, and Twistys. They all post multiple updates per day in hi-res, Met-Art, and FemJoy even post in full resolution, up to 7k depending on the photographer’s camera. (I’ve even seen 65 megapixel series at Met-Art.) And they all allow unlimited movie downloads of the full HD movie files, which are sometimes up to a gigabyte in size.

    With that said, my number one wish isn’t actually that you start posting the full res files. Seeing the skin pores doesn’t really do anything for me… 🙂 I’d much rather see the bandwidth being used for keeping more content online. It’s really frustrating that the series keep popping in and out of availability.

    Hywel (& Merlin):

    2: Well like I said, I knew I was being dense… 🙂 I didn’t know you used a medium format camera. I just assumed you’d use a regular DSLR since you don’t really post any hi-res pictures anyway. I work with photography & cinematography myself, but I use a Nikon D3x when I do still work, and as you know, that thing won’t sync with anything faster then a 1/200th of a second, when using studio strobes. I incorrectly assumed that you’re using something similar. Thus, my dense question.



    Sadly Femjoy et al are completely and utterly out of our league and indeed out of the league of everyone running a bondage site… and probably always will be.

    Femjoy’s Alexa traffic ranking is 2700 or so and MetArt’s is a frankly staggering 841, which is odd because I think Femjoy is by far the nicer site to visit (though I’ve not been a member of either).

    Ours is 112,000 (and we think that’s fantastic).

    Even the very biggest paysites in the BDSM field like kink.com’s biggest sites are only up in the 6,500’s or so, even some of their smaller sites are 40,000 or lower, and Alt.com (which is probably the biggest fetish-related site I know of catering to pretty much every kink you can imagine) is only around 2100.

    Only a few other bondage sites make it to around the 100,000 level, many are down in the millionth-or-lower.

    Of course, the Alexa rankings are vague and unreliable at best, but they do give an indication of the scale of the differences.

    Mainstream glamour is just a much bigger market than bondage, and that will give MetArt economies of scale that will always be beyond us. I don’t know what their customer base is relative to ours but I’d guess on at least a factor of 100 and quite possibly substantially more. I’m not sure we could get a traffic ranking of 841 if everyone who has even considered tying up his girlfriend were to sign up to RE and visit four times every day 🙂

    Oh, and Femjoy charge in pounds what we charge in dollars!

    Actually it is quite a compliment that you even think of RE as somehow comparable to Femjoy or MetArt. I guess it shows what you can do with a few people with energy and enthusiasm! We’re proud of what we do, but let’s bear in mind that actually it is a pretty niche product. It is a bit like a high school magazine publishing shots from the arctic then complaining that they don’t have any shot on the moon 😉

    It is the same story really with the content rotation. If we kept more content up, more people would join for just one month, quit, wait a year, join again, download everything, quit, wait a year… At the prices we pay for bandwidth wholesale, given the scale of our operation, we simply couldn’t afford to run the site that way, especially not with 12 GB a month of material. If it stayed up a year, the potential bandwidth usage of one user quite legimately logging on and getting everything would be 144 GB. Cost to us = $144. 15% goes straight off the top to VISA/MC/processing so unless we charge $169.41 for a one month membership, we’d stand to lose money JUST on the bandwidth.

    Now obviously not everyone will download everything- but enough do that it is a worry, and the cost of shooting the material, paying the models, hosting fixed costs, buying bondage gear, computer gear, camera gear, and paying the bills all has to come out of this same pot of money.

    There are ways to deal with this- download usage is one, and I’d not be at all surprised if even sites like MetArt do put a cap on how much members can download per day or per month. So the material that looks available may not actually all be available to you at once.
    Choking the pipe is another way to do the same thing- you can get it, but maybe not as fast as you’d like it. Making the site layout not very conducive to download managers is another way to do it (DDF productions I’m sure have that as a guiding principle behind their site organisation). As I’ve just rambled in the post above, we always end up trying to make the site as logical and easy to use instead, so my first attempt at making the full ZIP files a little tricky to download has lasted all of a week or so before plumping for the “what I would want if I were a member of this site” solution.

    Of course, not everyone wants to download everything. I’m sure that’s a big part of the “lots of updates” website business model, especially if the archives are not so easy to search. It is the difference between the library as a business model and a magazine as a business model. We’ve gone the magazine way, Kink.com have gone the library way, for example.

    But ultimately the best way we have to limit the download costs is to limit how much of the material is available at once.

    I know that’s not ideal, but we felt it helped the site stay feeling fresh by bringing sets around in the archives, and it makes the costs of someone downloading everything stay somewhere in the ballpark of the price of membership. And all the old stuff is available in the store, so you can just pay for what you want, it will all come around again eventually in the archives if you stay a member, which is what we’re really hoping to encourage you to do. And of course you can always download and keep stuff yourself (which we believe bondage fans are more likely to want to do than mainstream porn fans, for example, who don’t tend to collect photos and videos the way a lot of bondage fans like me do).

    Anyway, we hope there’s enough life and variety and quality here on the site to keep people members from month to month, as really it is you long term members who make all of this possible. Please don’t ever think that we take your generosity in supporting the site for granted, we really appreciate it!

    Cheers, Hywel.

    P.S. we do actually post some sets in full res now, which is where this thread started. We are shooting on a 31 megapixel MFDB camera- the likes of the 65 megapixel backs are also way out of our league. Frankly the 31 megapixel back was a quite a tall order 🙂 to be spread out over a couple of years to pay for it.

    But I do love the photos, and I’ve always been motivated much more by making the very best and most elegant beautiful bondage photos that I can than purely by making money in so doing (the site started purely as a way for me to cover the costs of shoots: I was running it as a hobby). We just have to acknowledge that with RE paying the bills, we have to keep it making commercial sense in order to keep it going at all.

    I feel a little bit like we are shooting for posterity- and in a slightly roundabout way, I like the way the stuff is taken down then comes back maybe years later, when people can see it almost as if it were new. That is a large part of the motivation for moving to MFDB, parametric editing and full res uploads- because right now no-one has a 31 megapixel screen to look at the pics on. But maybe in ten years time people will, and maybe when these archives come around almost like new people will be blown away by them all over again.

    This has already happened on the videos, where I’m re-encoding stuff shot several years ago from the stored DV masters. It may not be of the quality of the newest stuff, but at least we can showcase it at higher bit rates than we were able to when the clips went up the first time.



    Hi, thought I’d give my take on Highres & 720p.

    The 720p video is fantastic. Perfect for my monitor size. No weird pixel enlargement going on. It shows off the amazing footage you got from the 5d mkII in ‘A Bondage Romance’. Much better that the previous formats. I will always choose the 720p over smaller formats. Now if only you could do these uncompressed….!

    However, For my monitor size, I see very little point in downloading photo’s that are far greater in size than my monitor can display. Yes, If I zoom in I can see more detail, But for me, I prefer to see the photo as a whole, and let the photographer decide the crop.
    I have also noticed, When zoomed to fit the screen, the smaller file seems to look better than the full size image. This is probably due to greater jpg compression on the full size images, or maybe just preview doing a really bad job of scaling them.
    I definately agree with taking photo’s in the highest resolution possible. Eventually we will all have HD+ resolution monitors. But until then, I will stick with the standard size files.

    Just my thoughts…



    Hi Sheep,

    That’s always been my thinking behind the sizing of stills and videos- but some people do really appreciate the full size versions, so might as well give people the option. Initially I was only processing the images at the final web size, but for some while I’ve been storing full res edited versions anyway, so it wasn’t much work to export them in more highly compressed form for the site. On the day we all get super-HD+ monitors (and the servers are huge and everyone has giga bandwidth) at least I’ve got them highest res available.

    The ZIP file on updates page option for high res pics is written, just need to test, should go live soon.

    I agree it would be nice to up the bit rate of the movies in due course- I think much higher priority than going from 720p to 1080p for example. I’m archiving the clip masters in as high a quality format as I can so that we can later encode again at higher bitrate when the bandwidth and disk space catches up with demand.

    Cheers, Hywel.


    … HiDef ZIP file icon added to the updates pages, needs adding to the main index page as well, will be there soon too (I forgot to mention to Ian that it needed changing there too, my fault).

    Full sized ZIP file having the subdirectory in it is done, not all files will have this immediately but all will have from the next batch of updates.

    Cheers, Hywel.



    @hywel wrote:

    Full sized ZIP file having the subdirectory in it is done, not all files will have this immediately but all will have from the next batch of updates.

    I don’t want to be a pest, but I was hoping that you could give the full sized zip files and their subdirectories (and the jpgs) a different name from the corresponding regular sized files. E.g. kaylasteelsatinbed1_full.zip vs kaylasteelsatinbed1.zip



    I’m not sure how easy that is to achieve- I think the facilities for manipulating the ZIP files inside the scripts are limited. However, the ZIP files come with their hierarchy, I think, so if you unzip both into the same directory, you should get a directory of the form

    containing the standard size images, and also containing a subdirectory called full which contains the large size images. That echoes the organisation of the files on the server.

    Cheers, Hywel.



    A small note from me 🙂

    First thanks for finally giving higher res photo’s, i dloaded the first set just now. Looked good on my 1920×1200 monitor.
    I also noticed that it was only a test because the files are 10 times bigger and get to expensive.

    But i would be happy already with “only” 1900×1200/1900×1080 jpg’s (with lesser compression) or 3000×2000 jpg’s if that means that saves a lot of bandwidh/storage but not stopping in 2 months.
    6000×5000 res is nice, but for imho on my monitor overkill because i only watch pictures fullscreen.


    Ariel Anderssen

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! How very interesting. I’m quite turned on now.



    She had been shivering for a while now. The sun had set a while ago and the room was now lit only by moonlight. Her Master had removed her clothes when he brought her down here, At the time it had been stiflingly hot in the dungeon so she hadn’t resisted much. Of course now she wished she had, With the warmth of the sun gone it was quickly beginning to get cold, But he wasn’t going to break her, She would never admit to it. Never!
    He had cuffed her hands together in front of her, locked a chain around her waist and passed the end through her legs to form a crotch chain. He had then fed this chain though a pulley on the ceiling, pulled it tight, forcing her to stand on tip toes and then locked her handcuffs to it high above her head. He had left her like this saying she would stay there until she felt enough remorse to admit she was wrong and would beg for the punishment she knew she deserved. How could she beg for that? She knew what he meant, What she deserved, But she hated it so much…
    By time he came back every movement had started hurt. She had got tired of standing on tip toes a long time ago, but standing flat tightened the crotch chain to much. To make things worse her arms were now aching badly and she needed to relax them, but because of the pulley that hurt her too. “Are you ready to admit your guilt? Are you ready to beg?” He asked. “No way! I didn’t do anything wrong. Even if I had, I can’t beg for that… It’s horrible!” She moaned, and shook her head emphatically. He smiled and walked over to the wall. “You will be soon” he said. With that, he bent down and turned on a tap.
    Immediately freezing cold water starting pouring down over her, she screamed! and tried to get out from under it, Moving that much was a bad idea and as the chain tighten up she screamed again . “No…! Turn it off” She cried. “Its Freezing!”. Turning it off he asked “Well then?” She looked at him and shook her head. Turning the tap on once again he said “This time it stay’s on until you have apologized”. It was just to cold. She knew she was beaten. “I’m sorry sir, for talking to you in a sarcastic tone.” she whimpered, “And?” He asked again. “Please Master, will you lock me in the scolds bridal so I may redeem myself”. She begged. “And how long do you think you deserve?” He queried, Smiling at her. She knew that if she said to little she would be in even worse trouble… “24 Hours” She whispered. “Good girl” he said as he turned off the tap and started to let her down “Though I would have thought 12 Hours would have been sufficient! Still, As you asked, I shall oblige!”. She stared at him and knew it was going to be a long, long day.


    Ariel Anderssen

    Oh, good Lord, the complexity….

    I was using Hywel’s computer secretly earlier and found Sheep’s reply. Which I liked very much so I posted a reply to say how much I enjoyed it. But it appeared as Hywel’s post. And then I remembered I couldn’t remember my sign-in so I couldn’t correct it. And by then I’d logged out so couldn’t even delete it. So I had to go and confess to Hywel, and now I’ve spent a really very painful evening as a result. Tricky!

    So now I’m posting again to say yay, thank you Sheep for the lovely story. Hywel says it isn’t a story, but a suggestion for something that should happen to me though. And it’s all certainly a lot more interesting (to me) than anything to do with pixels. And more painful.




    Tut, tut. Both Carelessness and Forgetfulness at the same time?! Surely not preferred quality’s for RE’s resident slave girl… Glad to see that Hywel has it in hand.

    I really like the idea behind predicament bondage, Though I’m not convinced anyone could maintain the above position long enough for the sun to set…! You could also do a position similar to the above with rope for 45 training, You would just need to loop the crotch ropes though the back of the waist rope with one going to the ankles to prevent kneeling up the other going up over the pully to the arms. Like this, Any deviation from the 45 position would increase the discomfort.

    Well now, I posted said story in response to a certain someone’s post. So obviously I had said person in mind when I wrote it…. In fact after the stunning ‘Silenced. Total.’ set, A video demonstrating the effectiveness of a Scold’s Bridal would be great…





    what mpeg 4 are you using? because if you are using mpeg 4 avc(e.g. h.264 and x264) it shouldnt be (much) larger then sd wmv, and almost every computer now here can play those, except for atoms, but they mostly havent got 720P resolution anyway…. the only problem would be encoding, what probably will take longer.
    (in reply to you saying that you need 10times the traffic for 720P)

    and i dont know if you are using a company to design your site or do it yourself, since php(since the non-member pages are php i assume the member pages are too) do got quite some possibilities concerning to the creation of zip files.
    (in reply of your reply on lurker)

    i hope i am not sounding like an annoying person here, or a knowitall or whatsoever(im told i can be quite annoying sometimes 🙁 )but i just want to give a suggestion, nothing more, sorry if i am annoying.



    We’re using H.264, and indeed the file sizes of that are roughly the same as the WMV (about 2000 kbps). So the bandwidth is about the same (assuming people only download one version of the videos), but the storage requirement doubles as we still put up the WMV as well.

    The factor of 10 comes from the high-resolution photos, where the full res files are typically about ten times the size of the standard res.

    Changes requested to the ZIP file structure above are possible, but we’ve got a few other things to finish off with site development first so do’t hold your breath. (Nothing especially dramatic or even visible to you guys on the members side for now but stuff we need to be efficient on our site admin etc. so worth doing right).

    Cheers, Hywel.

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