I came across an interesting essay

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    Here: Why does porn got to hurt so bad

    It’s on porn in general. Specifically on why trashy, slutty porn is so popular compared to porn that coveys a sense of good sexy fun. But I think it also offers some possible explanations as to why grotty-industrial-dungeon BDSM sites are so popular relative to places like RE.


    Interesting article! I thought about posting a reply there but then saw it was turning into a bit of a troll fest so thought I’d reply here instead.

    It certainly does seem to be the case that the exaggerated “porn star look” is very widespread. So much so that a lot of SoCal models seem to have plastic surgery to look scarily interchangeable. I don’t know why, although I do wonder if a sort of hyperstimulation thing is going on, a bit like the cuckoo’s gape.
    ( http://cas.bellarmine.edu/tietjen/Animal%20Behavior/driving_parents_cuckoo.htm )

    The porn star look certainly seems to over-exaggerate typically feminine traits (like big boobs, small waist, pouting lips and small nose).

    I would point out that market forces among the punters are far from the only forces at work- plastic surgery costs money, and the models who are spending all that money may be doing it more from insecurity than for cold-blooded evaluation of their earning potential as a model.

    But… there does seem to be an awfully big market for trashy stuff.

    I wonder whether there’s actually more of the attainable amateur stuff he seems to prefer around than he realises? Anecdotally, the low-production-value amateur snapshot magazines were alleged to be vastly more profitable than the high glamour of Playboy and Mayfair, and he may just have been looking in the wrong places.

    Or he may just have unreasonable expectations of how easy it is to look effortlessly relaxed and natural in front of the camera day in day out.

    He and some of the subsequent posters go on quite a lot about wanting “realistic” photos of “attainable” girls.

    “Attainable” is almost the opposite of what I personally want from erotic photos. If you hadn’t already guessed, I’m much more drawn to princesses 😉 “Aspirational” would be more like it I guess. But I try to encourage a more natural makeup look for our shoots and generally photoshop a lot less than the plastic porn producers do. I’ve always want to make the girls look like themselves, but looking at their very best, if you see what I mean. The full-on porn star look doesn’t do much for me, generally.

    The industrial-setting bondage sites may not be so aspirational. I think they may a bit more “girl next door” in their model selections than “porn star” though. They certainly don’t photoshop much, indeed they sometimes want to see the girls looking at their worst (which I can see from a BDSM humiliation point of view, it just isn’t to my taste).

    Some of them are pretty trashy, but I’d have to say that the biggest of the bunch, Kink.com, seem to work with a really lovely cross section of girls of all sorts of size, shape and look. For the record I think pretty highly of Kink.com’s stuff, it just happens not to be my personal taste. And I do wish their sites were a bit less interchangeable: they ALL seem to have the same photographic style which gets damn monotonous after a while. It does feel a bit mass-produced.

    Maybe it is easier to imagine yourself in the scene of a modern industrial setting, although I’d never describe any BDSM erotica as “realistic”. Maybe it depends how big your ego is, because I have no problem at all imagining myself as a billionaire playboy, a criminal mastermind or a cruel sultan 😉 🙂 🙂

    I don’t mind if the industrial bondage is where most of the market is, or if the biggest customer base would be for the proper porn star look. RE has always been an intensely personal project. Although it is was very surprising and absolutely LOVELY to be able to make a living out of it, I don’t run the site purely, or even mostly, to make money. I do it because I love making RE-style images and no-one else was really quite doing it the way I wanted it. 🙂

    Cheers, Hywel.



    Some of the comments made the point that what’s wanted in porn is something “better” than real life, and the essay itself hinted at it (“though perhaps never with a partner quite as exuberantly mammalian as Ms. Zemanova.”) I read “attainable” in terms of the fantasy context: Whether an idealized me who somehow entered the world of the photo might have a sexy good time with the model; or whether the rule, even after entering the photo, would still be “look, but don’t touch.”

    I wouldn’t say that hyperstimulation is going on in the trashy porn, at least not more so than in the good stuff. One thing that did occur to me was that the trashy porn producers might be taking a shotgun approach, throwing out a bunch of potential “releasers” and hoping that each guy looking at the photo will have one or two of them stick.

    As for “no-one else was really quite doing it the way I wanted it” – I hear you. That’s a major motivation of my own for writing: I want there to be more of those particular kinds of stories out there, and no one else really seems to be producing them.



    wow, now I see proof that at least some people are actually thinking about what they view and why I’m very impressed.

    And a bit unnerved.. thinking of the occasional set “banged out” against the clock, usually at the end of the day and perhaps lacking the usual degree of thought.. 😕 eek

    Some of the comments are telling, I can *actually hear* the uhhh-huh-huh-huh 🙁




    @hywel wrote:

    “Attainable” is almost the opposite of what I personally want from erotic photos. If you hadn’t already guessed, I’m much more drawn to princesses 😉 “Aspirational” would be more like it I guess.

    Interesting comment, Hywel, since you’ve said you’re not a switch. I am a switch but I also tend to go for that “unattainable” look, especially in dommes but also when the women are the bondagees.

    After all, if they were so attainable we wouldn’t need the restraints, would we? 😀

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