In Search of a Story

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Hywel 15 years, 8 months ago.

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    So, can you do better than poor Hywel’s beleaguered brain in thinking up a story outline for today’s set featuring Sophia Smith? There’s a prize for the best contribution!

    It doesn’t have to be an epic, a decent paragraph would do, so long as it is interesting (and sexy…) Over to you!

    Cheers, Hywel.



    Just off the top of my head:

    The lakefront cottage was pretty enough, in a quaint sort of way. But it was boring. Boring! Especially when the weather didn’t cooperate and Sophia had to stay cooped up inside.

    Her husband was a practical-minded sort who could sit and read, ignoring the bursts of wind and rain outside. But Sophia couldn’t. “For heaven’s sakes,” he told her. “Stop pacing around. Can’t you sit down and be still?”

    Well, no. She couldn’t. And her husband, being a practical-minded sort, didn’t try to force her to sit still in her chair. He just made arrangements to keep her from pacing around.



    Hi all;

    So here it is, CD’s first foray into the field of fiction. In actual fact retrofitting a story onto an already shot set turned out to be quite dfficult, and I am therefore not really sure photos and story fit entirely together, but I am happy with the concept anyway;

    The big day had arrived. It had been a year in the half in the planning, the church booked, dresses brought and honeymoon paid for. It was to be the wedding Charlotte had dreamt about since she was a child and nothing was going to spoil it for her, except perhaps for Sophia….

    Charlotte always knew that Sophia had a thing for Dave. Was it the occasionally caught stares she had seen pass between them, or the fact Dave seemed to laugh more when Sophia was around? She couldn’t quite decide but was sure that nothing was going to come between her and her dream wedding – least of all Sophia (her heart sank at the prospect of the vicar asking the congregation if they knew of any impedement that should prevent Charlotte getting her man!). Some insurance was definitely required…

    Sophia was at first perplexed at Charlottes invitation to the house on the morning of the big day, she never thought her and Charlotte got on all that well and she seemed to be overly paranoid about her friendship with Dave. Still, it was Charlotte’s big day and if she was wanted this was not the day to disappoint – who knows maybe the prospect of married life had mellowed the old girl. When she arrived at the house Charlotte seemed pleased to see her, and even complimented her on her new satin skirt (brought especially for the occasion). All of the wedding plans looked to be under control and, having a little time to spare, Sophia joined Charlotte in a little drink to calm the nerves (Sophia remembered to kick her shoes off on the way in, save dirtying Charlottes new carpets). Why had the pair not sat down for a drink and a chat before? Sophia thought as she started on her second glass of champagne. Charlotte was being really nice. Until…

    Suddenly Charlotte revealed a length of rope from behind the couch;
    “Whats that?” asked Sophia naively.
    “ I think it is time the pair of us had a little chat about your behavior around my fiancé, Bitch!” spat Charlotte approaching Sophia with the rope.
    “I have seen the looks you give him, but in a couple of hours he will be mine and I am going to make damn sure you can do nothing about it”

    Half an hour later the bride left for the wedding. She looked fantastic and as she stopped outside the house for a quick photo before the short journey to the church a smile crept across her face, was it the joy of the occasion or the knowledge that she was now sure that nothing was going to come between her and her big day.

    What do you think? Is anyone elese planning on entering?




    hmm, apologies in advance if I cheapen this thread..

    Err, no. Afraid every attempt at weaving a clever and sexy storyline basically starts and ends with a one liner.. So here goes 😉

    .. wow.. just how *did* you know I’m wearing a matching set of undies.?..

    .. Sophia wasn’t just comfortable with being tied up – she could actually fall asleap ..

    .. does my bum look big in this ? ..

    .. The damn clock was so ugly Sophia just couldn’t bear to watch it any longer ..

    .. Sophia started to wonder if he really was a plumber ..

    Best I can do for now,




    @merlin wrote:

    hmm, apologies in advance if I cheapen this thread..
    .. Sophia started to wonder if he really was a plumber ..

    That one really tickled me for some reason, Merlin!

    Anyone else got any ideas or suggestions? I know there is one more person out there scribbling away, does anyone else want to pitch in with an idea?

    Cheers, Hywel.



    “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” said Sophia.

    She was standing in sparsely used guest room in the north wing on the 3rd floor. There on a red, wing chair, laid a few coils of rope. Exactly where Bishop said they would be. She had been giggling and smiling the other day when they had planned this, but now that the moment had come she couldn’t help but feel a little anxiety mixed with excitement at what she was about to do.

    The Royal family had left for their summer home, the day before, and the only staff attending the estate besides herself where a grounds keeper, and the stable master Bishop. The grounds keeper had gone for the day and Bishop was supposed to be here within the hour.

    They had the whole estate to themselves.

    A smile returned to Sophia’s lips.

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