In the news…

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Rayy 18 years ago.

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    Hi All;

    Some of the UK RE members may have caught this in the news today. I guess if you are reading this though the story may be of more general interest to you.

    In that the police found no crime had been commited I suppose it would be OK to remark – how very cool (got me thinking why Hywel had not tried the passport burning tactic on Charisma). These Chronicles of Gor novels have been mentioned a couple of times in this forum this week. Are they worth reading???

    This whole side of the ‘scene’ (hate that phrase) was completely new to me (should have seen me reading the story in the paper this morning on a crowded commuter train out of London!!!). Dare I ask if anyone knew of this group or similar?

    Have a good WE



    Yeh I saw that new item too… and was just a little jealous!! (Assuming that it is what it appears to be, a genuine lifestyle thing and no-one is actually being held or anything horrible).

    The Gor books are pretty trashy stuff, but they have a considerable appeal if you’re into slavegirls devilishangel :devilishangel :devilishangel

    I particularly liked the Chris Achilleos covers they used to be published with- there’s one of a kneeling barefoot slavegirl facing away from the viewer, tied with leather thongs and being menaced by some huge bear or something… drool!

    There’s a whole subculture of bondage based around the books with names for dozens of different poses and positions, I think…




    Yeah. I think I mentioned in another thread that I have a sort of love/hate relation with the Gor books.

    My understanding, though, is that the group in the news is an extreme edge of the gorean fandom; a splinter group that most Gor-fans think are crazy. OTOH, I know that there’s non-gorean “lifestyle” or “24/7” d/s out there, so I’m not too surprised that some people have tried to combine that with the gorean fantasy.

    As for the Gor books themselves, I think of them as “moonshine whiskey for the mind”: Low & uneven quality, nasty taste, possibly poisonous – and packs a real 100 proof emotional punch.

    Personally I’d prefer to see an unabashedly sexist bondage romp that’s less nasty and mysogynic about it, a sort of “brandy for the mind” with the same 100 proof kick, but smoother and sweeter. I haven’t found anything like that though, so I’m trying to write a novel or two along those lines myself.


    Member that a Cavalier parked outside.. 😀

    I’m expecting a post from my partner on this one as she’s a bit of an expert, although obviously not as much as some I’m a little surprised to learn, is the scene really that big? Over Christmas I bought her an eternity collar, unfortunately in Gor terms it seems to be on parallel with a wedding ring in terms of significance, OOPS!! I just thought it looked cool.. I started to read up on Gor but it struck me that the original works have basically been bastardised with the majority quietly ignored and just a few (slavegirl) angles persued to suit the tastes of various D/S interests. Good luck to them I guess, I’m just not sure how much is actually “Gorean”.


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