Jane Bond(age)

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  imported_Tanami 13 years, 5 months ago.

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    Seeing the lady spy set in the achives gave me an idea.

    Do a series of campy James Bond videos or shoots with a female heroine Jane Bond.

    well it could also be like austin powers.

    Our heroine allways seems to be caught by the bad guy and placed in some kind of perilous situation.

    Instead of just getting a gun the villain prefers to gloat over the spy “do you expect me to talk mr evil villain”
    “no miss bond I expect you to die” or “I suggest you relax and do not try to resist my orgasmatron machine miss bond,
    It will only cause you more pain, and in the end you cannot resist being turned into my mindless sex toy.”

    Of course the villain never waits around to see what happens instead leaving miss bond in the capable hands of a couple of drowsy henchmen

    A running joke could be about her clothing. Miss bond is sneaking around the evil lair in a business suit, gets knocked over the head, and wakes up in chains wearing some skimpy crazy outfit like a metal bikini and go-go boots.”where are my clothes”
    “you, Hey you” shes looking at a henchman who is standing in the corner of the room “I’m talking to you, are those my panties sticking out of your coat pocket.” He shoves the panties into his pocket guiltily ” Ah, no it a uh.. hankerchief”

    Well you get the idea.


    Bump, Please keep this in mind for your Jan 11′ meeting.

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