Jasmine Sinclair an RE model no more! – CD is in a bad mood

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    Hi All;

    Post 101 – treble figures would you look at me!!

    The light-hearted introduction to this post is, I fear, contrary to the overriding melancholy tone of the rest of the post. Why the dark mood? Well why else – Jasmine Sinclair is not modelling for Restrained Elegance again (see Hywel’s introduction page to the site). Whilst I am not entirely sure about my initial motivation for joining the site way back whenever it was, I am sure that seeing pictures of Jasmine probably in the preview section was certainly high on my list of reasons. Back then I don’t think Jasmine had started her own site and so Jasmine Sinclair kind of was Restrained Elegance (I don’t mean to over-do this). Of course things have changed since those days; Jasmine got her own site, Hywel began working with a wider group of models and so the amount of Jasmine on RE had decreased since those early days but the link remained and RE was still the kind of ‘spiritual home’ of Jasmine. To learn that this has come to an end is a big shock and (again not meaning to overplay this) represents something of an end of an era for the site.

    I think, for me certainly, the biggest shock of all of this is the apparent nature by which this seems to have occurred (there is an inherent bias here I suppose as we have heard only Hywels account). Those of us who have been around for a bit will recall that Jasmine took the best part of a year off a couple of years back with back problems. Had Jasmine been forced to retire due to a recurrence of these problems (this is an example you understand – I would of course not wish this upon anyone) I would have been saddened, as I was when Belle left the site earlier in the year, but would have understood and wished her well with whatever she went on to do. Reading through Hywels narrative of events (please forgive me if I have got the wrong end of the stick) seems to suggest that relations between the two of you have perhaps become a little strained such that you neither feel that you are in a position to work on each others sites. This is a real shame, as the pair of you (certainly from the videos you have shot together) have always seemed to have a really good working relationship, and indeed friendship and I therefore really hope that this separation (this is beginning to sound like a divorce) does not become acrimonious.

    Those of us who are regular visitors to RE can’t fail to have noticed the massive drop in Jasmine sets during ’06 from previous years. Ironically I personally feel that RE is just coming to the end of it’s strongest year ever (again I mean to make no correlation between the two events). Yes, of course we are going to miss Jasmines appearances here but RE has come a long way since those early days when she first appeared and I am thus sure it will continue to go from strength to strength. I must also confess to being an occasional member of Jasmines site and it will certainly be intriguing to see where this goes with a decreased/complete end to Hywels involvement in it. Indeed, it has often been discussed in here how Jasmines site has in the past been criticised for being too much like RE (inevitable given the two sites related histories), perhaps this disentanglement will help towards getting Jasmine the recognition that her site deserves in it’s own right.

    I hope my attempts at looking at the positive (above) are not taken out of context. My overriding feeling this evening, and I am sure I am not alone in this, is sorrow that Jasmine will not be appearing here again, and I really hope that she might reconsider. However more then that I really hope that the pair of you can remain friends – heck it’s not worth falling out over.

    I will finish by wishing Jasmine well in the future. This long-term member would like to thank you for all of the fantastic sets you have done for RE over the years. You are a fantastic, stunningly attractive, genuinely likeable, sexy bondage model and your presence on RE will be sorely missed.


    Ps; Hywel, Given the retirement from the site of Belle earlier in the year and now Jasmine I was wondering if you might consider buying Ariel some flowers next time you see her – perhaps even some chocolates – or a gift wrapped Chanta for a couple of days to play with her!



    well said CD – sums up how a lot of us are feeling, i’m sure…


    I won’t pretend that things haven’t got a little strained. Jasmine has decided not to work for ANY other bondage site, and that includes RE. So it isn’t anything personal. The lack of Jasmine on RE in 2006 isn’t for lack of trying on my part- far, far from it, but it just wasn’t what Jasmine wanted. There will be a few new sets of her in 2007 to use up my stock, but then … no more. I am very sad about that.

    I don’t think I fully understand her reasons, although we have gone around and around and tried to explain to each other. And I don’t think she understands my reasons for feeling that if she’s not willing to appear on RE, I don’t really feel that I can shoot her for her site either. I’m probably being stupid, but either we’re going to work together for our mutual benefit or we’re not, and I just can’t find a solution we’re both happy with as Jasmine is really determined and sure that she does not want to appear on any other bondage sites, period.

    We are trying very hard indeed to separate what I guess is a mostly-business problem and remain good friends. It is a bit touchy at the moment, I’ve already blown it a bit by the way I worded what I said on the members’ home page=. Despite having written and re-written it about six times I still managed to upset her and make her sound bad. I really didn’t mean to, I have apologized to her in person and will do so here in public too. I am pretty gutted about it, but it isn’t worth falling out as friends because of it.

    But… I couldn’t say nothing- it feels like the end of an era to me and is probably the biggest change on Restrained Elegance since the day the site opened. I’ve always felt that RE is kinda Jasmine’s second home, having started her bondage career here, having worked with me so closely for so many years on RE and JS, and having shaped the whole “Restrained Elegance look” together. She is very, very much more than just another pretty face on the website, for hundreds of reasons.

    I really hope that one day she will come back.

    I know that we have lots of great models here on RE, and that things have expanded to bigger and better things in 2006 with more in store for 2007. But Jasmine has always been the one who shaped and influenced the whole visual style. RE will carry on without her, but god-damn I will miss her and I think the site will not be quite such a fine place without her.

    And CD, yes I was on the phone to Ariel yesterday and rest assured I’m going to try not to lose her too!!!




    Most probably the very first thing that caught my eye for RE were a couple of photos of Jasmine.

    She is just absolutely gorgeous – almost a perfect fantasy.
    And I also had the impression that she had a big impact on the glamorous (but kinky 😉 ) style of RE.

    But I have to say: let her go. In the end, not the model shapes the picture, but the way the photographer looks at her. And you can produce really stunning results with quite ordinary women (as you proved with Pling).

    You will have to find some way to maintain your friendship with Jasmine, without tying it to your job. And honestly: you want her as a friend, not as an employee, don’t you? So you shouldn’t mind about the professional aspect. Just let her go. As a model, of course.

    Well, maybe this just had to happen. You have done a couple of very interesting experiments in the last few months (inventing RE Nights, for example), and RE ist constantly evolving. And maybe this break gives you the freedom to do some things you just haven’t even imagined while Jasmine was still around…

    So, cheer up!




    I know you meant no offence by it but I am not sure I would have used the phrase

    quite ordinary women

    to describe Pling. I am sure what you meant was that Hywel managed to shoot a girl-next-door type beautiful woman with no modelling experience and has achieved quite remarkable results. The words Pling, quite and ordinary should never appear together in a sentence – she is quite extraordinary! And we don’t want to upset her – I want her back to model again and I have not seen her full sets yet!




    @cavalierdriver wrote:


    I know you meant no offence by it but I am not sure I would have used the phrase

    quite ordinary women

    to describe Pling.

    Yes, sorry, that was inappropiate. When I wrote this, I hesitated for a moment, because I wasn’t sure if I had found the right translation in english for what I intended to say. But I guess this turned out a bit unfortunate.

    Of course I meant women that don’t work as a model for a living. Pling is an absolutely beautiful woman, but she is not one of these rare full-time bondage glamour models. And still she looks absolutely awesome on these photos. Absolutely no offence intended here.


    🙂 Thanks Marius and CD for putting the wording straight! 🙂

    Pling is definitely not an “ordinary” woman- she’s a gorgeous woman who isn’t a professional model.

    Cheers, Hywel.



    A sad day indeed. Its always a shame to see the end of a successful partnership but I’m sure there’s much I’m not aware of so I’m saying little.

    Still, the glass is half full if you ask me, firstly, JS has not really added much here for the last 6 months so it’s not going to be a huge change to the site, as a member I mourn the passing of Belle more. Marius is right, this site is about the ethic you guys put together years ago and not any one model. Although some events can seem like a bummer at the time its just such events that shape who we are and what we do afterwards, how often do you look back on things and realise although bad at the time, much positive stuff has come about as a direct result, ..thinking new models and features for 2007.. And finally, its given CD lots and lots of material heheh :p

    Anyway, cheer up. I can recommend Guiness, the universal (temporary) solution to all lifes little problems and creater of interesting new ones! I’m off to test this theory fully. :drink (LOL how convienient is that smilie..)




    Johnny 5

    Sad news that Jasmine has departed the RE scene along with the lovely Belle!
    But hey! the god news is Chanta is back and Abi Toyne is here
    as well finally. :laugh: Maybe Jo Guest will make a surprise visit next year..then maybe not!
    And lets not forget that Proper movie getting a release hopefully next year as well! :nana :nana



    Sad to hear that Jasmine is leaving RE but I agree whit the rest, let her go. Better to loose a model, trying to keep a friend.

    Thanks Marius, CD and Hywel for your lovely comments, really made my day 🙂 keep me happy and smiling :smooch

    / Pling

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