King Kong – A request fulfilled

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Hywel Phillips 17 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hi all;

    Just a note to say thanks for todays set (22nd July) the Ariel/King kong one. For those of you who are new to this forum this set was discussed/conceived here about the time that the new Peter Jackson version of King Kong came out (Naomi Watts barefoot being presented to King Kong – oh the joy of DVD!!!) and now it has been realised in another excellent RE shoot.

    I guess if I had one slight critisism it would be the replacement of the two trees (film version) with the dungeon equipment (RE version) – though I guess that is that is one of the perils of studio shoots (I mean this in the nicest possible sense but Hywel – you need to get out more – I mean of course with RE shoots).

    Just one additional comment – it seems it may have been raining on skull island in the past few hours our heroines hair has gone ever so curly (symptoms she shares with my dog!!!).

    Well done


    PS – Just a general comment HOW COOL HAS JULY BEEN ON RE???? Chanta came back and gave us (for my money) the best set ever seen on RE – Ariel leg-up – followed by the behind the scenes video. There was also the Chanta/Jasmine set and the Chanta/petra video, Paige in a big ole ball, more of the newer models Sophia and Hannah (both stunning)…..the list goes on. The site really is going through a fantastic period – I can’t wait for August!!!.

    PPS – Though I have always enjoyed Ariels sets, in the last few months, I guess since since around the time of the RE nights project beginning the sets Hywel and Ariel have done together (including todays post) have just had something a little bit extra. Not sure if it is the result of better chemistry between the pair of you, or that Ariel is more prepared to push the envelope a bit further or that I am getting a better idea of how she ticks from her entries on this forum but the sets have been top class – long may they continue.


    Glad you enjoyed the photos- the video is up at the start of August (and before anyone comments, I *know* King Kong doesn’t have a tail, but the only suitable costume I have does. So you’ll have to put up with it! LOL)

    It is always a bit of a juggling act deciding how to stage one of these complicated sets. :iconjuggle :iconjuggle :iconjuggle

    Outdoor sets have a huge amount of atmosphere, but they are harder to stage because very few elements are under your control. Weather (always a factor in Britain!) but also privacy, time, biting bugs, and most of all lighting. Outdoors you are stuck with what nature provides- especially if there’s just you and the model and you have to hump all the bondage gear with you to get to the location. Without a generator or large battery backed lights, lighting is down to sunlight, reflectors (if you’re lucky enough to be able to take an assistant), and some very cunning use of fill-in flash. It is very tricky especially in changing British light! In response to a post in another thread by the way that’s why the bondage tends to be less ambitious. Things are not under good enough control to spend 30 minutes rigging a complex tie when there are just the two of you miles from anywhere, and I’ve only got enough brainpower to do so many things at once 🙂

    In contrast a studio shoot may not have the immediate depth and look of the great outdoors, but nearly everything is under your control. In this case the set needed a VERY specific lighting look, which I could only achieve outdoors with a full film lighting crew, generators, huge outdoor lights etc. So it wasn’t really an option to shoot outdoors.

    I have got some outdoors shoots in the works though- and I just did a shoot in South Wales with Belle (some samples attached)!

    Glad you enjoyed July. I’m slaving away processing pics and videos for August- think you are going to like that too!

    Cheers, Hywel.

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