Photo tutorial samples 15/11/2008

Home Forums General Chat Photo tutorial samples 15/11/2008

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    Hi All,

    On Saturday we ran another of our photo tutorials, this time attended by four people including two long-standing regular posters on the forum, Cavalier Driver and Fogane. Together with newer members Teddy B and Dresda who shot four lovely sets, including one with horribly slippery ribbon (thanks, CD…) and an ambitious suspension rigged by Dresda and Hywel putting our heads together.

    Here are a few samples from what we shot. Everyone has kindly agreed to let me put their photos up on the site, so I’ll be processing the full sets and the first ones will be up on the members’ area in January.

    Don’t worry if you missed the tutorial- they were such good fun again this time that we’ll be running some more as soon as we’ve moved house and got ourselves sorted out.

    Cheers, Hywel.



    I do like the ones using the ribbon. They do seem to suit you Ariel and they lend a more fun image to the pictures.
    Altho i would imagine they where a pain to keep in place given the slippery nature or ribbons?


    FX… Hywel rolls his eyes ๐Ÿ˜•

    Indeed, ribbon is a horrible thing to try to tie with, it is too slippery. We had a go at it tying the knots behind and wrapping the ribbons over in the front, to present the nice flat shiny width of the ribbon on the bits you could see. It was partially successful- Ariel couldn’t actually get herself out, we had to cut her out (we could have untied her but the only thing more fiddly than tying knots in ribbon is untying knots in ribbon so it seemed the easiest solution).

    We liked the look, though, so we’re going to experiment with ways of making the ribbon less slippy. Ariel suggested baby oil on her skin, and I think maybe tying knots front and back rather than just at the back will help, too. So we’ll experiment. Three cheers to Cavalier Driver for the idea!

    Cheers, Hywel.



    Oh Cav.. ๐Ÿ™„

    ..there’s me thinking you were going to be super-mean to Ariel.. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Glad nobody got the Christmas tree out for a background prop!

    Barbie idea is a cracker tho! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Interesting stuff, well done to all involved.




    YAY, clearly another very successful tutorial!! Well done everyone and I have no doubt you all had a fantastic day!

    I really like the contrast lighting in the first set and very glad to see you made use of that large ball gag for Ariel ๐Ÿ™‚ Love the clothing choice too! Very nicely shot.

    Ribbons CD !?!?!?!?โ€ฆ. Iโ€™ll come back to that in a sec ๐Ÿ™‚

    Beautiful blue dress in the 3rd set and a blue pair of handcuffs too!! Looks like Arielโ€™s really enjoying having her elbows tied together. Yum.

    Hey, what a great looking suspension! And you got to make use of the bamboo pole Ariel!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Iโ€™m really impressed with the simplicity of the rig too. Lovely poses and great pictures.

    Right, back to those ribbonsโ€ฆ Now I will admit, if someone said you were going to produce a set using ribbons as the bondage, I would be somewhat sceptical. But I have to say CD, with your idea youโ€™ve made this look really good! Very elegant style, love the little touches like the matching ribbons in Arielโ€™s hair, and a very pretty tie with great photography. I guess poor Hywel suffered rigging this one but Ariel certainly looks like sheโ€™s loving it!

    Great work by all!




    Those photos look even better now they’ve been edited. I’m so pleased with how well the photos turned out, I still can’t believe some of those shots came from my camera!
    A brilliant day and great to learn how the magic happens. I learnt a lot about studio photography.

    I hope a solution can be found for the slipping ribbons, I love the way they look and the way the light shines off them. The ribbons in the hair too is such a cute look.




    Great pictures!

    Greate work everyone!

    I think I spotted some Swedish colors. ๐Ÿ˜†

    Take care everyone!



    Hi All;

    Thanks for your positive comments. Saturday was one of the more memorable days of my life – I am so pleased I went. Ariel is even lovlier in real life than on the site (I know – it seems impossible but really she is) and Hywel gave an excellent tutorial. I suggested in the chat the other day that I found the day a bit surreal – I honestly think Hywel believes what he does is the most normal thing in the world. I think it first struck me when Ariel slipped out of her dressing gown ahead of the ribbon-tie (as you can see from the pictures without the ribbon she really wasn’t wearing all that much!) I nearly dropped my camera! – this was not going to be a normal Saturday sat in front of the TV. It was also quite strange seeing Ariel and Hywel in 3D, of course I recognised them both immediately, but it was really quite odd being in a room that I had grown so used to seeing only on my computer monitor.

    Kate diagnosed the other evening a condition known to all who have experienced an RE shoot as post RE smugness – a condition from which I fear I may not recover. I was wondering though if any of you have any advise on how to snap out of it. I had two really long and fairly tedious meetings today and I fear that flashbacks to Saturday might have dented my attention somewhat. If this carries on I will agree to some more ridiculous deadlines and likely loose my job!

    I was delighted that the ribbon idea sort of worked – at least until it disintegrated! I think the result was really effective. It is a shame that it is a bit of a nightmare to tie though (Hywel grumbled really quite a lot!) – it would be good to see a set where it holds out a little longer.

    The suspension was amazing to see. It was the last set we shot and looking through the photos that I took they are the shots I am most happy with – I think I was a little apprehensive when we first got underway and it is great to see the progression in my shots as the day went on (I guess that was the point of the day). It was also really interesting to see how much Ariel puts into her work and the effect, particularly the hogtie and suspension, had on her (nothing major – just a need for a few moments to get her self back in normal Ariel mode).

    I had a great time – a day that I won’t forget for a very long time.


    Ps – Not only is Ariel a beautiful woman and bondage model she also makes exceedingly good cakes!



    Merlin – I know this is a potential problem, given that she quite likes it, but I can’t imagine anyone being mean to Ariel – she is just too lovely! I am not sure how I am going to react to the next set of her being spanked/flogged/whipped. You begin to feel a little bad when, having helped untie her from a suspension, she springs up and busys herself making you cups of tea!

    As I say – a bit surreal!



    I just have to echo CDs comments. A surreal and memorable day alright, and Ariel and Hywel are so lovely, as are so many people who have formed what I might call the Restrained Elegance community – the models, the photographers and a lot of the members.

    Post-tutorial smugness, oh yeah. I’d like to use the word joy too. I still haven’t stopped randomly smiling, and I may not for some time…



    Lovely Pics ๐Ÿ˜€

    Ohh… I really like the ones with the ribbons, A wounderful idea but I can just imagine how hard it was to keep them there,

    And the one with the blue handcuffs. I never seen that color of cuffs (one thing more on my wishinglist ๐Ÿ™‚ )

    Really great work everyone, will be nice to see the sets go up on the site



    @cavalierdriver wrote:

    I suggested in the chat the other day that I found the day a bit surreal – I honestly think Hywel believes what he does is the most normal thing in the world. I think it first struck me when Ariel slipped out of her dressing gown ahead of the ribbon-tie (as you can see from the pictures without the ribbon she really wasn’t wearing all that much!) I nearly dropped my camera!

    LOL it sounds like one of those “you know you have been … too long when” things.

    You know you have been a photographer too long when your girlfriend strips naked in front of a room full of men, and all you are thinking about is how hard it is to tie knots in ribbon…!

    @cavalierdriver wrote:

    Ps – Not only is Ariel a beautiful woman and bondage model she also makes exceedingly good cakes!

    Oh! My poor waistline! ๐Ÿ˜›

    Of course, I do realise just how much of a lucky bastard I am. I just imagine telling teenage me all about what my life would be like when I hit 40… I don’t know that I’ve have believed it!

    I’m glad you both enjoyed yourselves, Fogane and CD. And a dose of post-RE smugness does wonders for cheering oneself up on a wet Monday morning. We’ll be running some more sessions next year once we’ve moved and you’d be very welcome to come back for more ๐Ÿ™‚

    I still vividly remember going back to work after doing my first ever RE shoot, still feeling smug and with lots of “I can’t believe I took those great photos”. Obviously, the shine does rub off a bit when it is a job- I honestly do not think twice about seeing lots of gorgeous girls naked any more- but I do still get the smug RE glow and the “I can’t believe I took that shot” feeling quite a lot, too! So I do appreciate what a lucky sod I am ๐Ÿ™‚

    Cheers, Hywel.



    Good heavens! Thank you very much CD and Fogane (and everyone who commented on the pictures). It was a real pleasure to meet you at the tutorial, I’m so glad that I keep meeting lovely RE Members.

    Ha, sorry for freaking you out by suddenly getting naked, CD – I always forget that it might be a bit of a shock… But I’m glad you liked the cake, made me happy!

    I love RE! And if I could go and visit my teenage self and tell her what my life is like now, she’d be so relieved. By the time I was about 18, I’d given up on the idea that anyone would EVER want to tie me up, unless I cleverly got cast in acting jobs that’d maybe require it. Captain Hook tied me up in a musical of Peter Pan when I’d graduated from drama school, but it wasn’t really very satisfactory cos I was meant to escape, while singing, which distracted me…

    Hooray, more tutorials, more cake, more Members, more cake….




    The post RE smugness began to slip yesterday when my bike got a puncture on the way home and I had to walk a couple of miles with the stricken cycle to the railway station – it is back now though!

    Ha, sorry for freaking you out by suddenly getting naked, CD – I always forget that it might be a bit of a shock… But I’m glad you liked the cake, made me happy!

    Don’t lets get me wrong – there was absolutely nothing there that freaked me out – as I pressume my facial expression testified! As I say, it just wasn’t my normal Saturday.

    you know you have been a photographer too long when your girlfriend strips naked in front of a room full of men, and all you are thinking about is how hard it is to tie knots in ribbon…!

    I suppose – though again not a problem the majority of us will ever have (on balance therefore I still think your job probably beats the rest of ours!).


    Ps; RE Christmas pantomime – Ariel tied up by captain hook and sings whilst attempting to untie herself (the older Ariel might not have the same success escaping). In the meantime CD is going to look out the local drama school – fingers crossed for a production of hook.

    PPs; Since there has been a bit of talk about alternative bondage materials (following the ribbons) – we were talking on Saturday about early bondage experience (as kids) and tying up/being tied up by friends. A common experience for the few of us involved in the conversation was dressing gown (bath robe) cord. I don’t think this has been done on RE yet – perhaps somehting that needs addressing.

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