Restrained Elegance Nights – Thumbs up for the first installment

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This topic contains 14 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Hywel Phillips 18 years ago.

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    Hi Hywel and Ariel,

    Having borrowed a broadband modem for an evening yesterday (big download) I set aside the required 40 minutes to take in the first installment of restrained elegance nights (the house was empty). May I be the first in this forum to congratulate you both (it has been a little quiet in these forums this week). I will admit when it first started, the scene in the doorway in particular, I was a little concerned it may have become overly harsh but once it got into its stride my concerns were proved unnecessary (what do others think?). Can’t wait until the next installment. Am not familiar with the layout of Hywels studio yet – what lies upstairs???

    Just one thing. Regarding Ariels comment that those of us who are particularly observant, or paying particular attention to her bottom (what us??) may have noticed some bruising. Are you serious??? What the hell did they do to you? Was this an RE shoot or someone else?? Have the police been informed??

    All the best.







    Must admit when Ariel said she wanted you guys to explore her darker side I still didn’t realise it was quite so dark :oh


    You’ve done me a bit of a favour also, the arguement has raged at my end for 2 years as to whether my other half is as hard as she thinks she is. Kinda fancies herself as a bit of an Insex girl (as was) and moans about me being a wimp at the corporal stuff. However, after seeing Ariel turn up for what was always going to be a corporal session clearly still painfully bruised from a previous session I think has made her realise a few home truths. Thank $uck for that..

    Must admit, I do wonder where the existing bruises came from Ariel.. have you ever turned up to a vanilla shoot with such marks? ( … year.. I err.. walked into a door, arse first…) heheh

    Textbook domination Hywel, fundamental to set out your stall nice and early, the “unnecessary” spanking actually still in the doorway is nice work and sets the scene well. How much did Ariel know about your plans?


    Regards Both



    We’d discussed a bit about:
    * Her character (initially a bit know-it-all)
    * The long term bondage idea itself, obviously
    * A few things about limits
    * Safewords and safety (needed for a shoot like this)
    * Plus I told her to text me from the taxi so I could get the cameras rolling, and warned her not to wear anything she really cared about.

    That was about it- the rest was as much a surprise to her as it hopefully will be to you. It isn’t all as dark as the first installment of course (I don’t think that would be sustainable for 24 hours- more interesting to have variations of pace etc.)

    The next episode is nearly ready and will be up later this month.

    I’ll let Ariel tell you all about the bruising – it wasn’t me who did that! Ariel, did the caning I gave raise any new bruises at all?

    One of the reasons I did the cold-water thing is that it is supposed to greatly intensify the sting of the cane without doing any more damage- in which cause I think it was very successful.

    Anyway, glad at least a couple of people liked it!

    Cheers, Hywel.



    I think I have found a likely explanation for the huge bruise. Whilst preparing for the shoot the photographer realised he had left his paddle at another studio. Realising his mistake he sent a young apprentice out to buy one, but instead of going to the local sex shop ended up at the nearest watersports centre and came back the sort of thing you might steer a canoe with. With Ariel tied and ready what choice did the man have but to use it – hence the bruise.

    Well it might have happened…



    Hi all

    Perhaps I’m showing my ignorance here but this cold water thing is new to me, and potentially a bit of a revelation. Hey Ariel can we have some feedback on how effective it is?




    Ariel Anderssen

    Hello everyone! First of all, I do apologise for being absent, my computer has gone hideously slow and is no fun at all to work on at the moment. And my ‘h’ key is breaking…. I’ve also spent part of my week in a mansion in deepest rural England, being tied to a staircase – I do love my job!

    Was terribly pleased to see a thread about RE Nights (Thanks, Cavalier Driver), and I’m so happy that people are liking it. It was such fun to shoot, and it was the first time a project I’d had creative input on has ever been put on a website 🙂

    Now I must explain the bruising, I’m so glad there are people who care about my bottom 🙂 This year I resolved to be more honest about being submissive, and decided to do my first serious spanking shoot the week before I shot the Long Term Bondage project. Apparently, they normally go easy on new models, but I have problems with telling people to stop (especially when I’m kind of enjoying myself) so I ended up being spanked, then caned, then paddled, then strapped, all on the same afternoon. Hence, the rather bad bruising. :smoke2

    I was kind of upset about the lack of realism that resulted; and am very sorry. But, Hywel, you did cleverly manage to use the cane on previously unbruised bits of me, so they marked too – hmmm, well done 🙂

    And, to answer your question, Merlin; the cold water thing does make a huge difference – it hurts LOADS more. I’d always thought it was a rather silly idea and couldn’t believe it would do anything – but it REALLY does. I’d never expected Hywel to actually hurt me, he’s always seemed rather nice – so it was a bit of a shock! I totally didn’t know what to expect from this shoot – it was such an interesting experience, and all my favourite bits are still to come 🙂

    I do try really hard not to turn up to vanilla shoots with bruises. When I work in fashion it’s obviously not so much of a problem as long as I get changed in private but when I do have bruises at nude shoots I normally tell people the truth 🙂 If I lied I’d be worried they’d realise and then think I was being abused, which I’d really hate people to think. I often find other photographers are really interested, and sometimes even suggest doing a bondage shoot (which is always great – I never mind corrupting normal photograpers)…

    Anyway, lovely to be back and I do hope everyone had a lovely weekend. I’m sorry again for being absent – I love the forum 🙂


    You’ve done me a bit of a favour also, the arguement has raged at my end for 2 years as to whether my other half is as hard as she thinks she is. Kinda fancies herself as a bit of an Insex girl (as was) and moans about me being a wimp at the corporal stuff. However, after seeing Ariel turn up for what was always going to be a corporal session clearly still painfully bruised from a previous session I think has made her realise a few home truths. Thank $uck for that..

    Incidentally, if your other half would like to try it out, you could always send her over here for a day… especially as it wasn’t actually me who caused the bruises!


    Edited By Hywel on 1141638120



    Heh, I mentioned it last night, unfortunately her mind boggled to the point of kinda ending the conversation, if she starts stringing words together again I’ll let you know 🙂

    Even if your were serious I wouldn’t bet on her turning up as, firstly, I want a go! – you have all the fun, and secondly shes just a bit shy. As an amateur photographer, about a year ago I walked into the room during “play” carrying a reflector at which point she instantly snapped out of subspace and threatened to have me killed if I picked up a camera. Submissive??. I should mention that by day she maintains an award winning corporate career of which she’s very protective. I guess other photographers out there will feal my pain as I’ve got a head full of ideas but don’t want to risk my life. Still, one day…

    Wasn’t going to mention this but the only time I’ve ever know her be genuinely FREAKED OUT was about a month ago, while on a very vanilla corporate junket in Europe she cast her eye over ” a big white sportscar with a red interior” only to notice Ariel draped over it, or so she thought. In 9 years I’ve never known her run but apparantly she still can, bless, she even borrowed a strangers mobile to call me from “hiding” and then again from the plane.. a complete starstruck mess. I’ve been laughing for weeks about this, be afraid Ariel, us kinks are out there, all around, its just that most of us are a good deal more shy than yourself heheh

    Speaking of Ariel, you misunderstood me a little on a previous post, back to the water thing, I’m not really interested in how painful it is but I’d be very interested in knowing if it actually does reduce buising and welts etc, which is the bit I can feel guilty about.




    I was being KINDA serious. I was chatting to Ariel about the recent forum posts today in fact and we both thought you two sounded really fun.

    So I am serious, in that if she wanted to have a go at being a bondage model I’d be very happy to shoot her- pics for public consumption if they worked out well or just for fun. Of course, I had no real reason to think she MIGHT want to have a go at being a bondage model, so I was also sort-of teasing her about the “Insex girl” thing!

    I also completely understand about being protective about the corporate career and obviously I wasn’t trying to intrude, to “out” anyone or make improper suggestions.

    No, I take that back I WAS making improper suggestions, but only in a very light-hearted way! 🙂

    Still and all there is a studio full of interesting toys to play with and there’s more to life than taking photos for profit so the offer still stands with whatever terms & conditions to come have fun (just her or the two of you, in fact).

    On the use of water- the point (I think) is that it adds considerably to the sting. That means more sensation for a given amount of “whack” put into the stroke. Which means not having to hit hard which should reduce any risk of bruising. But beyond that there’s plenty of things to use which hurt like hell but don’t mark anything like as badly as the cane. I’ve got a *really* stingy paddle (the one Myla jumped a mile from a playful swat with in the Xmas video) which doesn’t mark at all. Plus as Ariel will tell you that little switch I used in the RE Nights has quite amazing sting, you just wouldn’t believe it to look at. So there are plenty of ways of intensifying the sting without leaving bad marks- water is just one way to try it.

    Oh and I am now *DYING* to know if that really was you draped over that sportscar, Ariel!


    Edited By Hywel on 1141843392


    Ariel Anderssen

    Hello 🙂 Well, sometimes I do drape over sportscars, it’s quite true – which country was she in? I’ve only been in Switzerland and Spain in the last month…. I like the idea of people trying to spot me though; If anyone manages to catch me they’re very welcome to capture me and bring me back to England. I’ll be in Nevada and California from 21st March – good luck everyone!

    I’ve thought of a good plan – there should be a Restrained Elegance open day, everyone can come and have a go in the cage, and Hywel can take pictures of it all…. hmmm, actually no – I like being in the cage and I don’t think Belle wants to share her corner…..



    Wow, blown away… I’ve been sat here looking at this (blank) screen for ages, the ability to type has deserted me. Of course we would absolutely love to take up your suggestions in some form or another, always risky talking for another person but I’ll take the risk in this case 🙂

    I’ve no concept at all of how I’d feel about seeing by long term friend / girlfriend / sub as an RE model, won’t process :oo . Similarly can’t decide if a “pro” shoot would make her more of less likely to step out of the shadows. Admittedly I’m biased but I say Jo’s in pretty good shape for a 34yr old but lets face it alongside the pro models featured by RE every girl I’ve ever known would look like, well, me in comparison (not a good thing heh). Anyway a little moot at this point at her 90 day visa was quite recently extended to 180, so I’ve got about 8 weeks before she’s back for any time (sexual frustration.?.. me.?.. think I’m developing a facial twitch) which has obviously strained things a bit, quite a bit infact.

    Laughing as I type this but it’s just occurred to me that there is no way on this earth that I’m gonna make her believe there’s the possibility of her own RE shoot of some kind, not even worth trying. I’ll introduce her to you guys through this medium as soon as possible, but currently she’s homeless in the UK and living in a hotel overseas so web access is limited.

    Ariel, the “draping over white sportscar” was Geneva, I didn’t mention she’s got a meeting with the same client at a similar event in Docklands (in the summer?). She’s kinda more prepared to bump into you this time, so there you go, your very own stalker :laugh:

    Take care all, I so need a :drink



    Just a quickie to say the latest REN video is great. :notworthy
    Great footage, great bondage, great gag (i do like a nice tight ballgag), great feet and okay model! :nana
    Just one thought – Doc – how did you resist the temptation to give Ariel’s very inviting bum six of the best (and the rest?) while she was in the stocks? :crazy I’m sure she would not have minded?
    Cheers Tighter
    ps – have you given any more thought to the spreader bar?


    Ahhhh, but the demerit was for bastinado, not for a spanked bum! Dominants need discipline too LOL :singhappy

    This was Ariel’s first serious bastinado. Her shock is not at all feigned- I don’t think she had ANY idea how painful it was going to be, and especially not how painful the little strap I used would be. Now she knows!

    On the spreader bar front, we did something vaguely similar at our shoot last week. I tied Ariel to a desk, keeping her legs spread by tying them to the desk legs, then did an elbows-together strappado and hoisted her arms up to a ceiling rope. Then I spanked her… and took my belt off and spanked her with that too. (I’ve always wanted to do that!!) It was a great shoot- we did our homage to King Kong as well and a couple of other things. Just need to get it all read in and start editing the videos… first parts of that should be ready in a month or so I think.

    Cheers, Hywel.



    I have only just had the opportunity to catch up on the fourth installment of RE-nights and have say ITS FANTASTIC. The two preceding instalments really did begin to ramp up the expectation for when the Demerits began in earnest and we were not let down.

    Ariel – I must congratulate you for your supperb acting during this instalment. You really got across the sense that you were feeling some discomfort – and we all know Hywel wouldn’t really hurt you. Oscar nomination stuff – you had me fooled.

    Hywel; “This was Ariel’s first serious bastinado” and Ariel has been on the site for what? two – three years? You call yourself a foot-man. I think you should consider making up for lost time – how about an ‘Ariels foot torture’ set of videos like you did with Jasmine a while back???

    Am really enjoying RE nights so far – well done to you both.


    I think you should consider making up for lost time – how about an ‘Ariels foot torture’ set of videos like you did with Jasmine a while back???

    Aha… wait and see what else I had in store for Ariel’s feet in the long-term bondage series!

    I think it could be time for more foot torture videos next shoot as well! :stiffdrink


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