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    Ariel Anderssen

    Hello everyone,

    One of my jobs at RE this month has been to start writing more of the stories that go with the photosets. Up to now, I’ve only written text to go with sets I’m in, so it’s been very interesting to start looking at sets I haven’t seen before, and to figure out stories to go with them. But since I’m spending RE time and money on this, I wanted to check in with you about what you like, or what you’d like more of with the text accompanying pictures.

    Obviously, I’m aware that some people probably don’t read the text at all – I guess some of you would prefer to construct your own story. But for those of you who do read it, I’d love some ideas about your preferences.

    I’m finding myself writing in a few different styles at the moment.

    1) The first is writing an actual story, in third person and mostly past-tense, giving the model a character (spoilt princess – footballer’s wife or whatever) and describing the scenario leading up to their being tied up.

    2) When it’s a set which involves me, I’m mostly writing in first person, describing the experience of shooting the set.

    3) Sometimes, I find myself telling the story of what happened on set during the shoot – so the story is actually a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the workings of RE, rather than a piece of fiction.

    4) Sometimes I can’t see a clear storyline, or I believe there probably wasn’t one in the first place (sometimes we just shoot something because it looks nice, or because the model had a fabulous dress with her and she fancied being hogtied in it, for example). In that situation, I find myself just describing what you’ll see if you download the set. ‘Katy Cee looking gorgeous – nude and restrained with SM Factory cuffs’ would be an example.

    With 1) I’m often a bit unsure of where to stop. Mostly I’m telling the story up until the moment of capture, and then I leave it to your imagination about what happens next. I don’t want to freak anyone out by going on to describe a rape fantasy, for example – the pictures might suggest that to me but I feel like you should be free to decide that for yourself. Do you like the story stopping at that point? Or would you like a description of how the model’s ‘character’ feels once she’s tied up?

    With 2) I’m really comfortable – because I’m just telling the truth. I don’t know if it particularly adds value, but I kind of hope so; especially when the action seems a bit on the hard side or maybe non-consensual, I like being able to reassure people that this was my fantasy, and that it really did feel good. At present, I don’t write first-person descriptions from other models’ points of view. Firstly cos it wouldn’t necessarily be true, secondly because it feels sort of rude to the model to pretend to be her! It’s not practical to interview models about how they felt about each tie so I won’t go down that route unless people absolutely love that idea. And then I’d still have to be honest and say it was just a story, I think…

    I love writing 3). There are often fun things that happened on set (like a recent model not being able to fit a ballgag into her mouth, but insisting on trying until she could get it in!) and I feel like it’s nice to get a behind-the-scenes look from time-to-time. But I worry it might take away from the sexiness of the set. Let me know what you think! Would you prefer stories to this type of text?

    With 4) I kind of feel I might be insulting everyone’s intelligence. You should get to choose whether you think Katy Cee looks gorgeous in the SM Factory cuffs, and if you think she does, I guess you don’t need me to tell you that! Does this type of text add any value for you? And if not, is there a way I could write it that WOULD be of value?

    Is there a different type of text you’d be interested in reading?

    Oooh, please reply, I’m very interested! And sorry for the long post!


    Hello Ariel,

    First of all I’m happy to see that you survived the visit to the hospital!

    My first point has nothing directly to do with your post but I’ll take the opportunity to mention it anyway.
    Please add the date of the shoot to the accompanying text. It may otherwise be hard to tell how old it is, especially when it makes a comeback to the archive later on, because the date of publishing seems to be updated then.
    For recent shoots this isn’t a major problem since you can always check the meta data. It would still be nice to be able to check the date at a glance though.
    Is the date encoded into the video files? Not as far as I know. If not, it’s more important to add the date to the text in this case.

    So you actually write at least some of the stories after the shoots? No wonder that some of them feel tacked on, since that is what they are. It’s more of a wonder that so many of them actually work and add something to the sets.
    On the other hand, I guess I just got the answer to why some models seem disconnected from the stories. They can’t very well BE connected when they don’t even know what the story will be!
    You seem to have an unfair advantage here, since you write much of the material yourself.

    1. Where to stop?
    Why not vary it? If you’ve got a great idea and are feeling inspired, why not continue the story past capture? It’s no must but may be nice to see now and then.

    Rape fantasies really are close at hand, aren’t they? It’s not a very pleasant subject but it IS an obvious reason for tying someone up. Would it be possible to write such stories without deviating too much from the RE style? And could it be done without causing too much of a discrepancy between text and photos?
    Lets not forget that there may be other endings to the stories, or do you always go for the worst case scenarios?
    Have texts of this kind ever been published on RE? I don’t think I’ve come across any. There’s no fault in trying, if this is what you want and you feel it lies within the boundaries of RE. If you don’t try you’ll never know if it would have worked, but you probably shouldn’t expect any standing ovations.

    2. Ariel, first person
    Perfectly alright as long as you keep more or less to the truth (as you say you are). Some filtering and some white lies may be excused from time to time since a story along these lines may not add much to a set:
    ”Ugh, boooring! We must have done this tie a thousand times by now. Don’t people ever get enough? Well, at least we’ll have a break for lunch soon.”
    On the other hand, the text should not be too forgiving or covering up too much. Nothing wrong in leaving a certain edge.

    First person descriptions for other models: Yes, that does seem a little dishonest.
    A full interview may be out of the question but why not let the model herself write down a few quick thoughts and impressions? Of course no one should expect any elaborate stories in this case, just a few sentences.

    3. Behind-the-scenes
    Behind-the-scenes glimpses are always nice. Sure, the pure sexiness may suffer so it probably won’t fit every set. Just don’t be afraid to use this style when there is something interesting or funny to tell.

    I really like this kind of glimpses but I’m not entirely sure why. Maybe it has something to do with the border between reality and fantasy, the difference between seeing the model as a person and seeing her as a fantasy. Real people are seldom very exciting, and pure fantasy – with hardly any connection to reality – don’t stir any stronger feelings either. But the moment you ground your fantasies in the real world, when you get a fixed point for your thoughts to take off from, things can get a lot more interesting. In this case, knowing something about the model – or thinking that you know, at least – may be the necessary link between reality and fantasy. Come to think of it, this may be the reason why I prefer (good) videos over stills.
    I’m not sure this made much sense. It felt perfectly clear when I thought about it but written down it looks rather like some random and garbled thoughts (100 percent fantasy if you like).

    4. No storyline
    You’re right about this kind of ”story” not bringing much value to the sets. There is however one kind of information you could add to make it somewhat better, and you touched on it yourself: You could mention what kind of restraints are being used, at least if it is something a little more exotic and out of the ordinary.

    And sorry for the long post!

    Long post? Long!? Someone seems to be far too fond of Twitter. (Yes, I found it. I’m a little disappointed that you seem to have been giving the rest of the world almost daily reports on your health, while we have had to drag it out of you here. Alright, I know it’s private, so I hereby give you permission to tell me to shut up and go poke my nose into someone else’s cysts.)

    Anyway, where were we? Twitter. We obviously see it differently. You like it. I, not so much. If you have something to say, why not try to say it well instead of flinging a few mangled sentences about? (And please don’t take this as an excuse to pick on this post. I know my English has started to fall apart but it’s almost 3 a.m. and I’m just too tired to care.)




    My thoughts on the subject:

    1. In general I’d prefer the story to stop at the moment of capture. In some cases you might go on a bit to describe how the captive tried to escape, but couldn’t. Other than that, I’d rather you not go into what happens to the captive next. At most, have some stories describe what the captive expects to happen, or what she’s told will happen, or maybe (fictional) off-screen preparations for what will happen to the captive.

    2. I’d really rather you didn’t write first-person stories for sets with models other than yourself. Writing them for your own sets is fine.

    3. A “behind the scenes” is a good thing to do sometimes.

    4. If there isn’t a clear storyline, do a sort of “behind the scenes” thing, describing more how the set came to be set up than what the set shows.

    Finally, I’ll second Martes’ request to add the date of the shoot (or the date the shoot was first posted) to the description.

    And I’ll second Martes’ thought about being glad that you survived your trip to the hospital.


    I’ll let Ariel reply to most of this, Martes, but wanted to agree with you about storylines sometimes feeling tacked on the end. We don’t like this way of operating, and a big part of our restructuring the way we work for next year is to eliminate the two primary causes of that.

    The two primary causes are the absence of the person writing the stories on set while it is shot and the delay in getting the story written.

    Often there was actually a story, but coming to write the text for the set two years after the shoot when you weren’t even there makes it rather tricky to do a good job on the writeup, and the results of those tend to be the more “tacked on” ones.

    One can’t even liven things up with extra behind the scenes insights if you weren’t there behind the scenes at the time! 😕 😕

    This is just one of many reasons why we’ve decided that we’re always going to shoot as one unit in future. That means Ariel or I should be on set for more or less everything we shoot. Working with two units means we’re working out in the fields while Kate or Steve is shooting indoors, for example. This results in a much less cohesive shoot with less creative input, and less likelihood of good direction to the model as well.

    It is much harder to direct when you are also the rigger (responsible for the bondage and, of course, the model’s well-being and safety) and the lighting guy (responsible for getting the lights set up correctly, balanced right, flattering, safely set up, and correctly exposed) and the technical side of the photography as well as concentrating on your own composition… and then looking at what the model is doing.

    You’ve just got too many calls on your attention given the time pressure that the model is going to have to get untied soon, and stuff starts to slip out of your mind. Since inadequate direction isn’t going to endanger the model, or technically mess up the shots, I find it is one of the things that can get a bit left out in the “brainpower time share” hecticness of shooting. I find it helps enormously to spread this load between more people, which leaves a lot more “spare” brain power and pairs of eyes which aren’t looking through the camera viewfinder to do direction.

    All of which are excellent reasons for moving purely to one unit shooting in future.

    We’ve been tackling the delay in writing the stories by trying to tag at least the story outline in the metadata on shoot days while it is fresh in our minds, and hope to move towards having all the stories written within a week or two of the shoot. This is a good reason for getting Ariel to take care of some of the story writing as she can handle that side of it while I handle the techie side of organising, labelling and robustly backing up what can be as much as a terabyte of data from a week’s shoot!

    Cheers, Hywel.


    Ariel Anderssen

    Thank you very much for replying, Martes and Lurker; hopefully what you wrote will help me do a good job of writing accompanying text. Righty ho, I’ve never actually used the quote tool before, but what with trying to learn the behind-the-scenes stuff, I’ll have a go…

    @martes wrote:

    Please add the date of the shoot to the accompanying text

    Actually, I’m not sure if that’s possible or not. Err, Hywel? I hadn’t thought of that being useful – I suppose I worry a bit that people might not like seeing a set so much, once they knew it was shot 18 months ago. Maybe that’d make it feel a bit unsexy somehow – I normally like to imagine things happening right now! Obviously, everyone knows intellectually that a set from Sweden must have been shot during our trip there for example, but I don’t know if it’d be a popular idea to make people more aware of that?

    @martes wrote:

    So you actually write at least some of the stories after the shoots?

    Mmm, it probably does seem rather weird, doesn’t it? As Hywel said, we’re mid-way through an attempt to change that, so we’ll write at least the bare bones of the story to our data on the same day we shoot the set. Even at the moment, when everything goes absolutely to plan the model will be aware of what the story of her set is going to be, so we shoot it, and write text which matches what we were trying to achieve on the day. But there are so many reasons why things don’t go to plan… Like the model turning up, and not fitting the ‘princess’ dress we’d picked out for the ‘princess’ set. Or the model being less keen on the idea of a story than we were. Or the model having a great idea for an outfit or bondage position that we shoot even though no-one can exactly think of a story to justify it at the time. Or the pictures simply not ending up conveying what we originally planned, in which case making up a different story feels a better idea…

    @martes wrote:

    Lets not forget that there may be other endings to the stories, or do you always go for the worst case scenarios?

    Errr, LOL, I think I always go for worst case scenarios in my own head! But I try not to write them 🙂 I’ve certainly written some stories in the last few days which I think veer in that direction, but hopefully they’re still in the RE style, and don’t bash you over the head with my fantasies too much…

    @martes wrote:

    ”Ugh, boooring! We must have done this tie a thousand times by now. Don’t people ever get enough? Well, at least we’ll have a break for lunch soon.”
    On the other hand, the text should not be too forgiving or covering up too much. Nothing wrong in leaving a certain edge.

    Ha! I’ve never thought that! Not during a shoot for RE, anyway 😉 But I totally agree, I don’t like stuff that pretends to be a truthful first person account, but feels too good to be true, and therefore insincere. I avoid writing anything that doesn’t truthfully describe my experience of the set, and I won’t be writing; ‘oooh, this was my most amazing experience ever, in the world – I got so hot just looking at that great big thick rope and that hogtie was the most arousing experience in my whole life.’ or anything so over-blown. And I’m not comfortable with sugar-coating everything; I’ll tend to say if I found a position difficult, for example.

    @hywel wrote:

    Someone seems to be far too fond of Twitter. (Yes, I found it. I’m a little disappointed that you seem to have been giving the rest of the world almost daily reports on your health, while we have had to drag it out of you here.

    🙂 Well, I think of RE as a place where people maybe come to escape from real life, so I think Hywel and I generally try not to use the forum for non-hot, off topic stuff 🙂 Whereas on Twitter I feel a bit safer about not boring people, because you can choose not to follow me. So anyone who’s really interested in my medical dramas, pets, shoes or home-decoration choices can read my blog/twitter stuff, but I want to protect RE Members from the boring bits 🙂

    @lurker wrote:

    I’d rather you not go into what happens to the captive next. At most, have some stories describe what the captive expects to happen, or what she’s told will happen, or maybe (fictional) off-screen preparations for what will happen to the captive.

    Yep, I agree with you generally. Its definitely more comfortable to write, for me; and I like the more teasing element that goes along with that kind of ending.

    @lurker wrote:

    And I’ll second Martes’ thought about being glad that you survived your trip to the hospital.

    Thank you very much! I’m very happy to have survived, and to be on less painkillers than before 🙂

    If anyone else has thoughts about text/stories, do let me know!



    Adding the date of the shoot
    @arielanderssen wrote:

    I hadn’t thought of that being useful

    It’s confusing to see an old set being published with today’s date. The inevitable question will be: How old is it then? To which there is no answer, and that’s slightly annoying.
    Do you remember my post from seven weeks ago when I was upset with Hywel for what I thought he did to you in one of the foot torture videos? The publishing date was 19 May 2010. I wrote ”I watched this… a few months after it actually happened”. To which you answered ”I haven’t watched the series since Hywel edited it ages ago”. For a moment I assumed you had the attention span of a five-year-old but then I realised that the date must be bogus, or at least not related to the date of shooting in any meaningful way. With a proper date mistakes like this could be avoided.
    Lurker, do you have any better arguments?

    @arielanderssen wrote:

    I suppose I worry a bit that people might not like seeing a set so much, once they knew it was shot 18 months ago. Maybe that’d make it feel a bit unsexy somehow

    With that kind of reasoning you might as well close down the entire archive. Nothing but old and unsexy stuff there, right?

    Where to stop?
    @arielanderssen wrote:

    I’ve certainly written some stories in the last few days which I think veer in that direction, but hopefully they’re still in the RE style, and don’t bash you over the head with my fantasies too much…

    You know, you’ve really piqued my interest now…

    Ariel, first person
    @arielanderssen wrote:

    oooh, this was my most amazing experience ever, in the world – I got so hot just looking at that great big thick rope and that hogtie was the most arousing experience in my whole life.

    LOL! I’m very glad we won’t be seeing any of this.

    @arielanderssen wrote:

    Hywel wrote:
    Someone seems to be far too fond of Twitter.

    I was rather tired when posting but I’m fairly certain I was the one who wrote this.
    Maybe we are two who try to avoid Twitter?

    @arielanderssen wrote:

    Hywel and I generally try not to use the forum for non-hot, off topic stuff

    OK, point taken.

    What I say next has nothing to do with the stories but I’d like to mention something I wrote in my previous post.
    It isn’t entirely clear to me what your role is as the Restrained Elegance resident slave girl or how you are supposed to be treated on the forum. If I come up with a particularly demanding request or a request that would fit the character I suppose I could send it your way, but other than that? The page doesn’t quite seem to match reality. If it really is meant to work that way, we will all need some clear guidelines or no one will dare to take the first step.

    A big sign on the front page saying
    Exclusive to members: Slave girl for rent on hourly or daily basis. Can dance. Restraints provided at no extra cost.
    would be pretty cool and would more or less say “Anything goes”. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to find any.

    Maybe longtime members already understand your role, since they were here when you were promoted. To me, sifting through more than 6000 posts in search for clues soon lost its charm.
    That’s why I decided to add a slightly bossy part in my previous post, with me giving you ”permission” to rebuke me. I was hoping for some kind of reaction to tell me the appropriate tone, anything from
    That won’t be necessary, sir. As the resident slave girl I am perfectly happy to answer any questions you may have. to
    Permission? What on Earth do you mean? As the administrator of this site I’ll tell you whatever I feel like, and I certainly don’t need your permission, thank you very much! One more transgression and you’ll be banned.
    Either I was too subtle or you are too polite, because you never took the bait.

    For all I know there may not be any special rules for the resident slave girl vis-à-vis members or maybe you just have some flexible guidelines, so this may be a tough one to answer. If you do answer, it should probably go in a new thread or even a sticky. If I hear nothing more about this, I’ll just continue in my usual matter-of-factly style (which I’m more comfortable with anyway).




    Greetings from New Jersey,

    I hope everyone is doing well with the obvious exception of Ariel’s ongoing problem. You’d like to think the doctors know what they are doing but a nearly three month wait before surgery seems like a very long time to wait given the risk of complications before then, but what can you do. The health care system over here is not that that great either. Here it’s the greedy unfeeling insurance companies that dictate when and what kind of care you get. But enough of that….
    I want to throw my two cents in on Ariel’s request for feedback on the stories that run with the photos sets and videos. First I would like to say that it would be nice to throw the original shooting date in with the production crew credits or at least the general time frame. Yeah I can probably find it in the Meta information but I don’t really have the time for that to be honest. I feel it makes a nice reference point to see how things have changed over the years on the site both in terms of the quality of the work but also how the rigging and photo styles might have changed along with how the model has changed if it is someone who has worked a lot with RE through the years.
    I do read the stories that go with the photos and videos. Many times I keep them in my head when I look back through a set later on and other times I’ll pitch the whole story and generate my own but that doesn’t happen all the often.
    As far as the type 1 stories go I would agree that we don’t really need to take things too far depending on the nature of the storyline. By all means explain her character and how she got there but if it is more a force fantasy setting I don’t really care to know the details beyond that point except to perhaps comment on her struggles through the night to escape before the villain (evil sultan, black prince, pirate, etc…) comes for her or, as some have suggested, comment on the off camera preparations perhaps being made for her. Of course in more light hearted stories like the lovely lady putting herself in bondage for her lover to find her and they have a hot night together then you can go into a little more detail without getting too graphic.
    Type 2 stories work well if the writer was the model so obviously Ariel if you are the model for the set or video it makes perfect sense for you to write the story in first person. I know your fantasies tend to run a bit darker than mine do and that’s fine as everyone is different but from time to time I very much enjoy the lighter side of bondage equally well. After all bondage is a form of adult play and play time is generally supposed to be fun so a happy and/or funny storyline works well from time to time. I would agree with most of the other members posting on this thread that writing a third person story for a set someone had little to do with rarely works well and does tend to be somewhat rude to the model in the set. As far as sets you are the model for I also very much enjoy the behind the scenes aspect of some of the first person stories whether the entire story is on that aspect of the shoot or if it’s a small note at the end. Of course a first person story would also work from Hywel, Kate, Steve or one of the other crew from time to time about how the set / video came together or some humorous thing that happened during it, etc. although some of this tends to run more towards type 3 stories.
    And as I’ve said before I enjoy the behinds the scenes material so type 3 works fine for me but it probably shouldn’t be in a majority of the sets. Personally a sentence or two from the model for the set might not be a bad idea in many of the sets. I often tend to separate the fantasy of a set or video from the reality of it. Yes I can enjoy the fantasy of the story but I also frequently find myself wondering what the model thought about the costume, the rigging, the location (if not in the studio) and so forth. Of course what do you then do for a set that was lost on the hard drive for a couple of years or just took a long time to get posted because of other constraints and a story was never written when the set / video was first shot? To me, if you remember some of what type of theme you were going for then simply explain that as best you can and talk about if the results met what the attempt was. If you can’t recall anything then just say so. No big deal and most will certainly understand. After all, how many photo sets and how many videos have been shot for the site and how many of those have yet to be posted? Clearly things will fall through the cracks from time to time.
    As far as the type 4 stories, hhhhhhmmmmm. I would suspect that from time to time the production team will find that no story comes easily to mind. Could be a long hectic location shoot, could have been a day with a lot of equipment problems, could be a model that wasn’t feeling well or whatever. Okay, it happens. Sometime the simple “This was a last minute or unplanned shoot so there’s no real story here. So why not just sit back and enjoy the sight of the lovely “Ms X” as she struggles against her “metal/rope/leather” restraints in a tight “fill in the blank” position. Sometimes nothing more need be said. Now if it was the type of set where the model brought a special outfit and wanted to be bound in it or wanted to try some bondage position or restraint that was new to her then that’s a fine story line for me as I enjoy cases where the model is an active part of the scenario. In that case it would be great to have a couple of lines from the model as to her thinking behind the attire, position, restraint or what have you was along with how she thought it went.
    One other thing. I can understand perhaps not wanting to spoil the fantasy of RE and the forum by leaving things like the current health issue or the break in to the blogs and such. That’s fine but the blogs are not updated as often as the forum is. Personally I’m not a big fan of things like Twitter, Facebook, Myspace and the like. I just don’t have the time to check 3, 4, 5, places to find out what’s going on with one specific thing I’m interested in. But I’m old school…. I think that’s part of why the forum works so well here. Perhaps if you don’t want to post things on the Chat side of the forum like health issues, server problems / delays, or other less bondage and bondage fantasy oriented items then might I suggest adding a third category at the start of the forum. Currently the two paths are Chat and Surveys. Perhaps a third path (Site Issues, Non-Bondage Matters, Notice Board or what have you) might be a way to convey that kind of information.
    Anyway, Ariel….. I wish you all kinds of go luck moving forward with your increasing RE duties and I know you’ll do fine with them. And obviously I think I can speak for pretty much all the site members in that we wish you and Hywel all the best with the pending surgery and hope this fully corrects the issues once and for all so you can get back to feeling like yourself and (yeah I know this last is a bit selfish but it is what it is) we get to see more of you both back in front of the camera as well as behind it.




    Ariel Anderssen

    Hello again;

    Thanks Jeff for your thoughtful comments about the stories. Those of you who’ve posted have definitely helped give me an idea of what you find useful, storywise. The thing I find most helpful is that you all seem comfortable with a variety of different approaches – which is a huge relief. I like being able to mix the style of the text up, and I know Hywel does too. So we’ll continue doing that, but will take your specific points into account too. I’ll certainly try to get comments from the models on the day, when it feels appropriate (I won’t be trying to force a shy model to tell me exactly what everything felt like, but plenty of the RE girls are more than happy to talk!!) That sounds as thought it’s an idea that’s worth pursuing if it’ll be of interest – and I like giving the models a chance to be involved too 🙂

    I’m also comforted that you sound uncomfortable with the idea of making up a pretend first-person account for models who haven’t been involved. So I won’t be doing that, hooray! But I’ll carry on doing it for my sets – it’s generally more natural to me than writing a third person story.

    Thanks Jeff for your thoughts about what the forum should be used for. I do totally see that searching through our blogs, Twitter accounts and Facebook pages for information might all be a bit much. But on the other hand, my limited experience of forums where there are several different categories is that some sections just end up rather dead. Maybe the answer is just clear titles for new threads, so that if you’re not interested in a particular subject, you simply ignore the thread. Now that I think of it, that’s what I do every time I see a thread about ‘kit list’, ‘apertures’ or ‘bandwidth’ 😉 I still don’t think I’d want to put too much medical-drama stuff up on the Restrained Elegance forum, cos it seems like hijacking, but hopefully I’ll get well and there won’t be a need for any more health bulletins anyway!

    I’ll let Hywel reply to the questions about dating the sets – we talked about it but frankly, I’ve only got a very shaky understanding of the meta-data stuff at this point so I think he’ll probably be more articulate about it. Oooh, I actually feel quite proud of using the word metadata. Hmm, hyphen or no hyphen?

    Mmm, thanks Martes, I think you’re right, the Restrained Elegance Slavegirl thing probably needs to be clarified for anyone who’s interested. I’ll think about it, and I’ll post in a new thread when I’ve got something organised to say 🙂


    How about a video where you clarify what being a slavegirl means? While doing it? (And if you’re well enough – while tied up?)

    On the core subject itself, I tend to agree with what’s been written – go into the character of other models, but keep a first person view for yourself. When it comes to stopping, how about this: after the moment of capture, you stop being specific. Rather than describing, say, the exact way the baddie (or goodie) ties you, you could try describing the sensations – rope biting into skin, gag filling up mouth – that come in the process. Whenever I write, I try to include all five senses: here, maybe the senses of touch and taste could take centre stage?

    Just my two kroner,

    – Northerner

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