summer almost gone

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Hywel Phillips 12 years, 8 months ago.

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    what happend to the great looking movie over at elegance studios??



    There are two movies in post production at Elegance Studios. Slave Auction, which I’m editing, and Haunted, which Steve has kindly taken over editing in order to get it done in something like a reasonable time scale.

    I’ve about 80% through Slave Auction with the rough cut edit. I need to spend two or three days to finish it, which I hope to be able to do in the next week or two. I also need to shoot a few pick-up shots but other than that I think I have everything I need (except time to do it!)

    Haunted – Steve said he was about 60% of the way through the rough cut. Then he’ll need to go through and do colour correction/grading/beauty pass to make it all look at its best, then finish off with a few effects shots.

    On the plus side, this week Ariel has discovered the joys of video editing and has been going great guns- so the videos from our recent shoot with Pandora Blake are pretty much edited already! Having an extra person able to contribute on the editing will be a big benefit. As Ariel has discovered, video editing is creative, absorbing and fun but absolutely cannot be done in a day filled with distractions.

    As the boss, I have a lot of different tasks to juggle – including lots of mundane but necessary production stuff like taking care of all the arranging of shoots, doing the paperwork, customer and technical assistance if people are having problems, website software updates, accounts, doing the taxes, and all that sort of stuff. It is the intrusion of those sorts of things that can make it hard to find a concentrated spell of time to edit demanding projects like the Elegance Studios films, especially as we are obviously still shooting and editing for RE updates all the time too.

    So hopefully having three of us able to contribute on the editing should make a lot of difference!

    More news on the release schedule for Elegance Studios soon, I hope!

    Cheers, Hywel.


    Update… Steve, Ariel and I just had a viewing of the rough cuts of Haunted and Slave Auction.

    Both are looking good, but Steve and I both ended up with two pages of notes for fine tuning, and Slave Auction needs finishing the rough cut as well. Steve’s got everything he needs to finish hopefully, so that should come along as soon as he has time, but I need to shoot a few inserts and record some more soundtrack stuff as well as editing the last few scenes of the films.

    So we’re hoping to get the films out on a timescale of a month or so, but we’re definitely going to take the time to do it right so don’t hold us to that!

    Cheers, Hywel


    Slave Auction is done! It is up on the Elegance Studio site and shopping cart, check out:

    for information, preview photos and trailer or go straight to

    to purchase and download now!

    Cheers, Hywel

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