Unfulfilled Fantasies – What does this mean?!

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    Ariel Anderssen

    Hello all you RE members πŸ™‚ I’ve been modelling on the site for a couple of years now, but only just realised I was allowed to have a pass into the members section – I was too shy to ask Hywel until this week…. In the future I’m going to be trying to help Hywel with new ideas for shoots; I’ve been into bondage for as long as I can remember (seriously) so I’ve got LOADS of ideas, all of which are written down in my little notebook which travels all round the world with me on modelling jobs….. But since this is a site that you pay for, I don’t want to use it just as a forum for me to play out my own desires (I’m submissive, so obviously not all that comfortable with using situations to my own advantage – I want YOU to be pleased!) So I’m starting this thread for two things, one to start to get to know any members who are hanging around; and two, to find out if there are any fantasies, desires or scenarios that you haven’t seen represented on RE yet and which you’d like to see πŸ™‚ I see this might be a bit over-personal to begin with, so I’ll start this off by telling you a couple of my fantasies which I’m hoping to incorporate into Restrained Elegance shoots in the next few months πŸ™‚

    One of the first things I realised I was fantasising about, when I was very young, was the idea of being kidnapped. As time’s gone by, that’s developed into one of my very favourites…. In my fantasy, I’m kidnapped by a dangerous, ruthless, criminal sort of man (yum!) who initially is terribly chivalrous and tries not to treat me too badly (because he’s a GENTLEMAN criminal….). Alas, I am a very bad girl, and abuse his trust by trying to escape, manipulate him and possibly try to bite him while he’s kindly feeding me. So he becomes much crueller, ties me up in a much harsher way, gags me (ooh, maybe with my panties) and generally terrorises me into proper, genuine submission… If we shot something like this, I’d love it to be with a medieval theme, with big heavy chains, in a dark scary cave… But do medieval ladies wear panties? I’m not sure…..

    Hmm, this has become a huge post, I wonder if it’s too big? I’d better stop, maybe there’s some awful kind of punishment for models who write too much on the forum….. Anyway – would that be a good one to shoot? And what other scenes would you like to see? I really want to know, I want to do my new job right!


    Ariel Anderssen

    hmmm, having spent the afternoon scampering back every hour to see what people said, it seems I’m going to have to reply to myself πŸ™

    ‘Ariel, that sounds like a great fantasy! Would you like me to be your virtual Master?’
    Ooh, yes please! Will you be very cruel and demanding?
    ‘Yes, I certainly will, come here, girl, and let me kidnap you….’

    Well that was fun, but I’d love to hear from an actual real person…..



    I’d go with something that plays on mans desire to tie up some of those teases we see on the streets every day! :devil
    Go with one of those jacket with the furry hoods that are popular now, silly huge furry boots, or knee highs (but your the six foot tall girl, aren’t you, so perhaps forget anything with heels, can’t have the sub looking too scary! :stiffdrink ), and a miniskirt goes well with everything!!!

    Me myself, I like to see any model in anything rubbery, or PVC!! :lick :lick

    The forum has been quiet of late, its great to see a model (or anyone) posting anything at all!

    And that virtual master you mentioned…. whenever he drags you down to that cave you spoke of, ask If you could be wearing a simple black corset/catsuit combo….. and if he were asking, I’d use the black cuffs with the red piping, and the collar to match (best present I’ve ever bought the missus those, so while i’m typing, thanks for the link Hywel :notworthy )

    I read on the front page that you and Hywel were planning some kind of short film……. you know if the bratty actress were to act up in some way while filming, the director might have to……. put her in her place :;): :;):



    I can not believe that nobody has replied to you!

    Therefore let me be the first to welcome you into the forum and say how much we (and I am sure i am speaking for all of the RE regulars) are really enjoying your sets. I know Hywel has said on the site and in these forums in the past how much he enjoys shooting with you – and it certainly shows – the results are fantastic (personal favourite, I think, is the ‘Hunter’ shoot where you were suspended and your clothes cut off).

    So pleased to hear that you are going to take a greater role in assisting Hywel planning shoots with you. Your first suggestion is a winner with me – and if you require a virtual master count me in. I saw on the television the other evening (I think it was Richard and Judy – can’t believe I just wrote that!!!) that Kidnapping is a major fantasy of many women and there is now a company in the UK from which you can arrange to have yourself kidnapped. Apparently they have done ‘mock’ kidnappings from mainline London train stations much to the concern of non-involved passers by!.

    The medieval thing works well with me too. A particular attraction of this site for me has always been the amount of foot content it boasts (a bit strange – maybe – but I’m amongst friends on this site particularly the webmaster!!!) so a barefoot medieval theme would be even better!

    I have responded once or twice to Belles area of this forum (I think the pair of you work very well together by the way – have enjoyed the videos you shot together, and am highly amused that she requires steps to gag/blindfold you!) and have always considered it a bit odd writing to a model on the site telling them how much you appreciate their work and then devising some fiendish torture for them. I will get my thinking cap on though.

    Must be off now – I hope other members are more forthcoming tomorrow.

    All the best


    Ps, Is your surname Danish??



    It seems wirewyrm pipped me to first place while I was writing my initial message. Oh well!!


    Hi Ariel!

    Great to see you posting on the forum! Shall we tease everyone a little more with a hint of what we have in the works? Why not…



    Hi Ariel, delighted to read your post.

    The medieval thing can be very sexy, I’m sure there’s some mileage in the trials of a sexy witch maybe..

    Here’s a little secret that might raise a smile to RE members, my own sub’s biggest fantasy is/was one of being abducted into slavery, unfortunately its the only one I’ve never really acted upon. We currently live about 100mi apart but just before christmas my company had to hire a van… guess where this is leading…hehe. Unfortunately as pounced in her garden she got off a scream, the neighbours must have reported the van plate and 20 mins later I got pulled over on the M1 by a small army of Dibble. I mean, how do you begin to expain the woman in the puppy cage, OOOhhhhhhhhh the embarrassment…

    I still can’t think about it but I can say for sure Jo would love to see a well put together abduction fantasy, with a model such as yourself and Hywel’s production I could probably manage just a… quick… peek.. πŸ˜›

    Speaking of Hywel, come on ya big tease to must tell us SOMETHING about RE Nights now… don’t make us (me) beg!


    P.S. Anybody else want to share any embarrassments so I don’t feel such a complete arse πŸ™‚


    Ariel Anderssen

    Hooray! I went to bed, and woke up with new friends πŸ™‚ Hello everyone….

    First of all, I must address the issue of poor Merlin and embarrassment, just so you know you aren’t the only one who’s suddenly come hideously up against the vanilla world…..
    About 4 months ago we were at home (in our little flat) and my Master was spanking me. Yes, perhaps I was exaggerating the pain, hoping he wouldn’t move on to the riding crop…. Yes, perhaps I was screaming a little too loudly… But, alas, one of the neighbours was obviously suspicious and came to complain πŸ™ We don’t live in a very neighbourly community, no one had EVER knocked on our door before, and it was really awful. Neither of us could cope with the embarrassment; we conducted the conversation through the front door, apologised, and have been much quieter since πŸ™ HA! Moving house though soon! Incidentally, I still don’t know which neighbour it was, so I have to scuttle apologetically away every time I see any of them….. Grrr, horrible…… Anyone else with awful embarrassment stories? Love the idea of the cage though, Merlin, what a lucky lady!

    Ooh, Cavelier Driver, I saw the Richard and Judy thing too – I was amazed that they were all talking about it in a totally normal way, and all managing to miss out the hugely sexual (to me, at least) element of the whole thing. Great idea, I thought, although I suspected that the ‘kidnapping’ would be likely to be distressingly gentle and unsatisfying…. I wonder if the people who do the ‘kidnapping’ enjoy it? By the way, I loved the hunter shoot too – thanks so much for remembering it! It was such fun, the first time I’d done any kind of suspension and I always love clothes being cut off. I’ve thought for a while it would be a lovely theme to revisit in a different way, I’ll have to think…And barefoot medieval sounds great – afterall, why would the cruel kidnapper let her keep her shoes on once she’s in the cave? I can’t see a reason…..(hmm, especially if the ‘kidnapper’ is Hywel…. πŸ˜‰ )

    And, hooray! Wirewyrm – (hope I spelt this right) – love the idea of bondage with those fashion victim-y girls too. Especially, incidently, the scary ones who hang round in groups. Yes, I’m 6ft 1, and YES, they still scare me….. Great idea – how would you like them to end up? Still in all their clothes, or perhaps a little denuded πŸ˜‰

    Thanks so much for all the ideas, I’m really excited about helping to plan this stuff, and hopefully shoot some of it…. I’ve never had a chance to talk to people about their actual fantasies before, and then do something about it. Can’t wait! I am indeed helping Hywel with the short film in a couple of weeks. I’ll be behind the camera (I can’t remember why, I’m sure there was a good reason) but I suspect I may not be particularly helpful, despite my best intentions… I feel I might be a bit absent minded, I may well lose some vital equipment, and it’s quite likely that I’ll cause a couple of minor disasters….. And will I be punished? you’ll be the first to know πŸ™‚

    Hello Hywel! The banner looks lovely – do tell them about Restrained Elegance Nights, I didn’t want to say anything and spoil the surprise….

    PS – I’ll be working in Switzerland this week, so if I’m slow to respond, please don’t think I’ve just got bored of the forum (I don’t think that’ll be happening for a while πŸ˜‰ ) It’ll just be because I can’t find an internet cafe…


    OK then…

    Restrained Elegance Nights is going to be Ariel’s new home on the web, right here on Restrained Elegance. We had been talking about doing a website together for a while now but we didn’t really come to a conclusion about what we wanted to do or how we wanted to do it until our amazing 24-hours-in-bondage shoot this weekend. We did think about doing a completely separate website for Ariel, but I’m greedy and I really wanted to have more of her on Restrained Elegance… and Ariel said that she’d just feel really weird turning up a shoot a telling me what to do, and she really wanted to be on Restrained Elegance more as well. So in fact neither of us really wanted to launch an independent website, even if we worked on it together. What we both wanted was a place in Restrained Elegance for Ariel to explore and share some of her fantasies.

    Ariel thought up the name “Restrained Elegance Nights” while she was locked in the cage at the foot of the bed trying to sleep at 4 am on Sunday morning during the 24 hour bondage shoot. I’ll let her tell you all about how she came up with the name and what our plans are when we launch the feature “officially” which will hopefully be in March if I can edit enough of the footage to get us going by then.

    Cheers, Hywel.




    Thanks Ariel, I think the embarrassment is starting to give way to seeing the funny side now, I guess actually mentioning it helped, how wierd is it that some things you can only tell strangers πŸ˜‰ Have fun in Switzerland, I worked there in the Autumn, fantastic place but maaan gid I get sick of eating cheese, ( I swear, cheese for every meal!) I’m sure there’s a joke there somewhere…

    Gongratulations to yourself and Hywel on the new project, I’m sure I’m not alone in really looking forward to seeing more. Another resident at RE?? never a dull minute. I’d stay away from the cake though, I hear its all spoken for.. πŸ™‚

    Had to smile about the flash of inspiration in the cage, I’ve heard that cages are the BEST place to do serious thinking, previously, in the same situation my own partner has shouted me (risky..) and instead of pleading for release in some form, instead asked for her laptop and done some inspirational work, heh, bless.. Now I’m wondering about the productivity gains achieved in putting cages in offices hehe. Hell THERES a multi-model shoot if ever I saw one, a bondage office no less. Been done??

    Must admit my imagination was starting to run away with what RE Nights was going to be, starting to think you were about to form some kind of Bondage / Fetish Club Night. Not really a “scene” player but curiosity would have killed me..

    Best wishes to all.


    Must admit my imagination was starting to run away with what RE Nights was going to be, starting to think you were about to form some kind of Bondage / Fetish Club Night. Not really a “scene” player but curiosity would have killed me..

    I’m not really a “scene” player either- if I were, I would probably never have got started with bondage photography!

    I did try going to Torture Garden just before Xmas, and I loathed it! If I were to organise a Bondage / Fetish Club Night it certainly wouldn’t be anything like that. I gather different occasions at different venues have been better… couldn’t have been much worse to be honest. Ariel and I both went along as our film has several scenes in a fetish nightclub and we used the “doing research” excuse to go. Rapidly came to the conclusion that our film club was going to be NOTHING like that! LOL

    Cheers, Hywel.



    More hopeful than what I thought when I saw RE Nights.

    I couldn’t help but think of that Baywatch spin off!!! :surprised :surprised :surprised



    @arielanderssen wrote:

    One of the first things I realised I was fantasising about, when I was very young, was the idea of being kidnapped. As time’s gone by, that’s developed into one of my very favourites…. In my fantasy, I’m kidnapped by a dangerous, ruthless, criminal sort of man (yum!) who initially is terribly chivalrous and tries not to treat me too badly (because he’s a GENTLEMAN criminal….). Alas, I am a very bad girl, and abuse his trust by trying to escape, manipulate him and possibly try to bite him while he’s kindly feeding me. So he becomes much crueller, ties me up in a much harsher way, gags me (ooh, maybe with my panties) and generally terrorises me into proper, genuine submission… If we shot something like this, I’d love it to be with a medieval theme, with big heavy chains, in a dark scary cave… But do medieval ladies wear panties? I’m not sure…..

    My riff (suggestion) on that would be for Ariel to be a wild elf (see if Hywel can find some of those latex elf/vulcan ears). She’s captured by a woodsman or hunter (dressed in skins/furs, or whatever Hywel has by way of medieval woodsman garb) who takes her to his cottage and attempts to tame her.

    And as elf-Ariel is a vicious wild thing, his attempts to tame her have to get sterner, with stricter and stricter bondage, until he finally succeeds.

    And I second CavalierDriver’s motion to make it a barefoot medieval set.



    oops, sorry for the multiple posting.


    oops, sorry for the multiple posting.

    I’ve tidied that up. Sorry, it is this damn server error problem which crops up intermittantly. I think a move to a more stable suite of forum software might be needed before long.




    Hello, Ariel.

    It is always interesting to hear from models directly. I am a handcuff guy and have enjoyed seeing you in those situations. You looked really tough & attractive in the shoot where you wore the LA county top. Good luck with your new site and with any luck, I will see you back in handcuffs.



    Alright Hywel & Ariel, I know the point of this thread is for suggestions, so here is mine for Ariel.

    As a variation of a boring tupperware party, put on your busniess clothes and get ready for a handcuff tupperware party. Of course you will have to check out all your wares in advance and try them on. Make sure they work and then let yourself out. I know Hywel has at least 4 sets of cuffs.




    That.s quite a shock to see the actual players posting on the board, now isn.t it? A pleasant one I might add. But if I could drop in – for selfish reasons alone – the fantasy idea that I have always quite liked [that is what this thread is for, no?]. I have always liked the two girl master/mistress sessions…it happens here on RE quite often, but usually with a certain amount of cheek. Although this is my favourite bondage website, I do have membership to another [captiveculture.com – wonder if you all have been there] and they seem to do the set situations I like…I.m always loathe however that they do not feature the more gorgeous models found on RE, not to mention the vastly superior image/video quality on this site. I was wondering if any sets like this would be appropriate? Anyway, as I always end up saying when I post – Love the site, keep up the good work. Cheers and yada yada.




    Hi Ariel.

    Hope you had a good stay in Switzerland. Am pleased you have had more response to your post since last I posted here Γ’β‚¬β€œ in fact you seem to have injected some life back into the board.

    As promised I have been thinking about some situations/scenarios for future posts.

    Firstly, and just a passing thought, have you considered a set with you dressed as a ballerina. Though something I have seen before on other sites, and indeed on RE (I think it was Rosaleen Young) I figured that, what with you being quite tall, this might be something that would look particularly good with you as the model.

    My second idea was rather more convoluted, and based on a kidnapping story I saw on some TV drama years back (canÒ€ℒt actually remember what show it was). Figured this could/would need to be shot in several parts. You are some heiress/posh totty/footballers wife! and have booked into a private health resort for some serious rest and recuperation from all that shopping and being seen in all the right places you do!, not unnoticed by our friendly band of local kidnappers who wish to extort some money from your wealthy husband.

    One day you embark in a beauty treatment. Being an old fashioned sort of bloke I have know idea what goes on in such places, but on the tv show I was watching said heiress was covered in some green mud (I presume green mud is beneficial Γ’β‚¬β€œ sounds too weird to me) the cucumbers placed on the eyes (cucumbers are for sandwiches and salad NOT eyes Γ’β‚¬β€œ women are so funny!!) and finally wrapped in foil to Γ’β‚¬ΛœbakeÒ€ℒ???!!!???. Whilst the beauty therapist was out of the room, and realising the vulnerability of the victim, our local band of kidnappers go in for the grab. I appear to remember the woman was on some wheeled trolley/table, and the felons tied her feet and body up (possibly tying her to the trolley/table) gagged or chloroformed her (I cant remember which) and wheeled her to an awaiting transit. Obviously some creativity may be required here were this to become a shoot.

    Once at the kidnappers Γ’β‚¬ΛœlairÒ€ℒ Γ’β‚¬β€œ I think it was a flat the kidnappers untie the victim and unwrap her from the foil. Obviously she is still covered in the aforementioned Γ’β‚¬Λœgreen mudÒ€ℒ and one of the kidnappers is tasked with washing it off. Thus the victim is carried to a bathroom and placed in a bath to be showered down (clearly by this stage she will be struggling and some restraint will be required).

    Now clean and dried the kidnappers move their victim to a bedroom and tie her (naked Γ’β‚¬β€œ or with some suitably sensual bedroom-wear on) to the bed whilst they set to work extorting money from her wealthy spouse. I always find a powerful scene in these tv/film damsel in distress stories is when someone decides the victim requires food or drink, and proceeds to assist the bound + blindfolded victim eating or drinking (not sure how well this would convert to still pictures though).

    I guess the story may conclude with some Γ’β‚¬ΛœhandoverÒ€ℒ Γ’β‚¬β€œ suitcase full of cash for bound woman sort of thing.

    There you go Γ’β‚¬β€œ that was something of an epic post. Hope you enjoyed it.




    :heartbeat Oh, fantasies…I’ve a million of them, ever since I was very young, *acting* out Princess stories.

    Just the basic ones: Caught in elegant church misbehaving by vicar…taken away to study for correction.

    2.) Gone With The Wind fantasies…what really happens in that bedroom after Rhett sweeps Scarlett up those stairs.

    3.) A kidnap-variation: Handsome, elegant distinguished man suddenly appears at house or by my side as I shop…whisked away to a very lovely but very serious *re-training* school.

    4.) Hiding in the library study of a friend, business associate, distant relative…strictly to have a chance to be naughty upon the wide gleaming desk…falling asleep and being caught by the owner and then, of course, dealt with accordingly.

    5.) Forced to get in a truck or nice car and being slowly made to strip and tied up for a thrilling ride in the country.

    6.) Chained to the foot of an antique fourposter rice-carved bed on a small rug as the lord of the manor tries to sleep.

    And I think I’ve said enough for now!




    :heartbeat Oh, fantasies…I’ve a million of them, ever since I was very young, *acting* out Princess stories.

    Just the basic ones: Caught in elegant church misbehaving by vicar…taken away to study for correction.

    2.) Gone With The Wind fantasies…what really happens in that bedroom after Rhett sweeps Scarlett up those stairs.

    3.) A kidnap-variation: Handsome, elegant distinguished man suddenly appears at house or by my side as I shop…whisked away to a very lovely but very serious *re-training* school.

    4.) Hiding in the library study of a friend, business associate, distant relative…strictly to have a chance to be naughty upon the wide gleaming desk…falling asleep and being caught by the owner and then, of course, dealt with accordingly.

    5.) Forced to get in a truck or nice car and being slowly made to strip and tied up for a thrilling ride in the country.

    6.) Chained to the foot of an antique fourposter rice-carved bed on a small rug as the lord of the manor tries to sleep.

    And I think I’ve said enough for now!



    Ariel Anderssen

    grrr, posted lovely long post yesterday when I got home from Switzerland, just realised it never arrived…. and have now lost it – GRRRRRRR. Trying again, if this works I’ll do a proper post πŸ™‚ Just wanted to say thanks so much to everyone who’s shared their ideas so far, I can’t wait to start having a go at turning them into photoshoots…. Right, off to see if this works….


    Ariel Anderssen

    Ha! Is working now – lovely to be back πŸ™‚

    I just got back to England, and am very sorry I didn’t manage to post while I was away – the only internet terminal I found cost a MILLION pounds a minute (or something like that) and it was in a station, so I couldn’t really access Restrained Elegance…. There WAS a lot of cheese in Switzerland, and also a depressing lack of bondage, punishment, or any kind of exciting suffering…. Anyway – it was absolutely lovely to get back and realise that so many people have posted such lovely ideas – I can’t wait to start shooting some of them – and I think some kidnapping would be a good place to start!

    Playpretty, I love your fantasies, I laughed when I read the Gone With the Wind one, I’ve always loved that bit of the movie and was so disappointed they cut straight to the next morning….. I guess that’s what sites like Restrained Elegance are for – filling in the gaps πŸ™‚

    I’m very excited about the ballerina idea – I’ve thought about it for ages and am so pleased there’s someone else in the world who likes this idea too! Hello πŸ™‚ I was a ballet dancer before I became a model, and I’ve always liked the idea of balancing ‘en pointe’ with some tough bondage to stop me being able to come down off my toes…. With toe shoes, the longer you’re balancing for, the more difficult (and painful) it becomes, so it seems like a fabulous dramatic scenario. I’m thinking maybe of a spoiled prima ballerina who’s started turning up late to practice, being rude to the teacher, demanding the best roles – naughty girl….

    I’m really interested in the handcuff thing. I love wearing handcuffs, especially because you can normally move round a fair bit, but they’re totally inescapable, and if you try you just get bruised wrists. But I always worry that perhaps handcuff sets are less appealing to you all, because the bondage is obviously a lot more minimal. What is it about handcuffs that’s sexy? I know about how they feel, (really great), but what are you looking for when you see pictures of models in cuffs? I liked the LA County Jail set we shot a while ago too, I love playing really bad girls….

    The name ‘Restrained Elegance Nights’ also reminded me of ‘Baywatch Nights’, but I promise there won’t be any silly running down beaches in swimsuits, and no David Hasslehoff… unless Hywel really wants that – but surely not? I’m really hoping it will be like the darker, more grown up side of Restrained Elegance, where we get a chance to enact more serious scenarios. And I don’t think there’ll be any cake πŸ™

    I must go for now, but thanks so much again to everyone who’s shared their fantasies, I hope I can help make them come to life. It’s great to be finally talking to you all – I’ve always wondered who was out there….


    LOVE those fantasies, Playpretty!!!! :heybabe

    And I know what you mean about having a million of them. When I get interviewed for websites etc. they always ask “where do you get your ideas from?” I never quite know what to say, because I just pick one or two random ideas from the MILLIONS that have been running around in my head since I was very small. It is just a matter of picking on a hint or a theme and grabbing hold of it, then thinking about it some more until it is fleshed out enough to shoot. So I always answer that I get my ideas from my head!

    I’d like to shoot all of those fantasies, they are soooo :love :dreamingoflove :devil deliciously decadent somehow! Please… tell me more! And we’ll see what we can do about filming some of them if you’d like us to!

    And for your fantasy number 6… it isn’t quite the same setting but… we did something quite similar, wait until you see where I made Ariel had to sleep at our first Restrained Elegance Nights shoot!

    Cheers, Hywel.

    Edited By Hywel on 1140345543


    I know what you mean about handcuffs (and metal bondage in general).

    Personally, I like the bondage to be:
    1) Beautiful. Who wants to make a stunning proud elegant beauty look crap? Not me.
    2) Inescapable. Not much point if she can get out.
    3) So she can’t run away.
    3a) Or kick me in the nuts, if she’s a fighter! :heybabe

    So I really like minimalist bondage – like a manacle around an ankle or collar at the throat, chained to the wall. She can do almost anything, she can show herself off really beautifully, but she absolutely cannot escape.

    When I shoot sets like that I sometimes feel like I might be “short changing” some bondage fans as I know some people like to see bondage that is really stringent and tough in its own right, and even so harsh that the submissive can’t move a muscle. I like to do that sometimes too, but I think it is actually more FUN if she can struggle prettily in her bonds but cannot even hope to escape.

    What do you guys and girls think?

    Cheers, Hywel.

    Edited By Hywel on 1140345430



    1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Yes
    3a. er, yes!

    But to show that I’m not a complete yes-man, let me say that I prefer somewhat more than minimalist bondage. I like to see all four limbs somewhat restricted in their movement. A set where the model has wrists cuffed but legs free, or ankles shackled but arms free is missing something, from my POV.

    And sometimes I like to see the bondage stringent enough that the model can’t do much more than squirm prettily. (But not bondage so tight or awkward that even squirming is difficult or impossible).

    OTOH, if Hywel and I do share a many of the same preferences. :cheers
    Which is why RE is one of my favorite sites.



    Well I say minimalist, schminalist. I happen to prefer a single set of handcuffs, though other types of bondage are OK.

    I do like the Restrained Elegance creativity in terms of the costumes and the story lines. No other site on the web is comparable.

    Well 18 months ago, Hywel, you graciously accepted my suggestion and made a great cat burglar set where the thief was captured & handcuffed. Time for an encore with Ariel (I ask hopefully)?


    Ariel Anderssen

    Ah, I’d like to be a Cat Burglar, hello Lockjaw! I was given some beautiful old fashioned handcuffs as a gift a while ago, but I’ve never used them for a shoot. They’re old and rusty looking, and they’re kind of D shaped rather than round like modern ones. I love them, but I wonder if you like modern shiny ones best? Before I realised I could be a bondage model, I was always wishing I could have a chance to be handfcuffed, and used to wonder if I’d dare to get arrested just so I could experience it…. Unfortunately I’m terribly law abiding and I never did get arrested…

    When I finally did get a chance to wear handcuffs, I tried too hard to escape and got awful bruises all round my wrists. But, how I loved them – they make me feel like a really bad girl, whereas rope (which I also love) makes me feel much more like a helpless victim πŸ™‚



    Thank you for the positive response, Ariel. It makes me feel privledged to be consulted in this way. Here is what I would like to see:

    You Ariel, as a notorious Cat Burglar, have been holding the city enthralled with your daring robberies. Dressed all in black & looking extremly sexy, you make your way over to the jewels. But this time you have been fooled by a police trap and are caught in the act. Because you are such a dangerous Cat Burglar, I would love to see you in the shiny hinged handcuffs, cuffed in front. Whether you are wearing a mask & gloves while you break in is immateriel to me, but please make sure these come off once you are captured. I want to see how unhappy & frustrated you are at the end of your crime spree.

    Give me time & I will come up with a scenario for those old-fashioned handcuffs. Cheers!



    Hi All

    Couple more for the little book Ariel.

    I’m just the labour around here so I emailed the “brains” who’s currently transatlantic for some original RE ideas that she’s never seen before. She’s produced a recipe (literally) very long and a bit personal so I’ve chopped it down to:

    – Prepare atleast 1 Subgirl, wisk in a Dom if available.
    – Sprinkle with effective restraints to taste.
    – Add generous amounts of multi-colour body paint and get Sub thoroughly MESSY!

    Dunno where she dredged that from but its got potential. £6.50 Buys all the (edible) paint you’ll ever want on good old Ebay. Apparently…

    A personal fav of mine is to dress my Sub in a selection of rope underwear or a leather body harness if I don’t have an hour to fumble amateurishly with the rope, add her laughably tight latex pencil skirt as a hobble and then get her to choose a vanilla outfit to go over the top before going out to a restaurant, cinema etc. Trick being to include a remote control vibrating egg…. Only problem is it turns out to be the funniest thing I’ve ever seen sitting opposite my girlfriend in a restaurant as she tries not to have a “When Harry Met Sally” moment. (So if you ever see a guy slumped in a East Midlands restuarant crying for no reason…) Never seen the thinly disguised bondage in public place thing on a site before but I’m sure you guys could think up a nice kinky scenerio.

    Fully agree with whoever suggested slightly minimalist (although secure) bondage. Overkilling the restraint of a Sub will mean she (or he) simply accepts the helplessness of her situation and sits there waiting to be released. For me thats a bit of an anti-climax. Much better to give a restrained Sub at least the illusion that squirming and struggling will produce some gain, and perhaps make for more interesting photography. Just make sure she can’t kick anyone in the nuts…

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