What makes a film scene hot? – Thoughts…

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    Hi All,

    Question: What are you favourite sexy scenes from movies or videos which DON’T have BDSM in them (or only have a hint of BDSM, anyway)?

    What I would like to do is to bring some of the glossy look, feel and style of Hollywood or music videos to the screen, keeping a “proper” BDSM dynamic but without horror film or “sicko” connotations.

    Most of the BDSM scenes I can think of in the movies usually portray them in a really dark context in the storyline. If you see bondage or whipping in a Hollywood film, buckets of blood or murder are usually on the way (Captivity, Hostel 2, Sin City, Pulp Fiction…) Secretary was pretty sympathetic, although James Spader’s character seems to be totally dysfunctional and joyless as the dom. King Kong is great- lots of drama, satin and bare feet, Naomi Watts as a damsel in distress looking stunning, and she doesn’t get cut up at the start of the second reel.

    We’ve discussed fave BDSM moments from films on the forum a lot. I’ve got a pretty good idea how to do the BDSM dynamic and make things hot without turning them into snuff. (Wait for part four of Lady of Pain and see if I’ve succeeded with a pretty dark storyline…)

    What we haven’t really talked about is how to shoot scenes so they *look* hot.

    So what I’m wondering is – can you think of a relatively vanilla scene from a movie or music video which is just sexy as hell? If so, can you think why it is sexy, even though it maybe lacks an overt bondage element?

    It is OK to say one which has unsubtle bondage hints- like about half of Britney Spears’ videos and Rachel Stevens’ Sweet Dreams my LA Ex video… I think those are hotter for the added BDSM hints, but they are also well shot because they make the singers look FABULOUS.

    The sex scene between Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo in The Thomas Crown Affair (remake) worked for me, for example. I thought it was stylish and looked great, though it is completely vanilla.

    Kylie and Dannii Minogue’s videos usually make them look great. Sugababes, the Pussycat dolls… their music videos are all about making the girls look sexy. Can you think of more examples, or stuff from mainstream movies??

    I know this is a weird thing to ask people who are by definition into bondage (or you wouldn’t even be reading this).

    But if you can find stuff with no BDSM in it erotic, what do you find erotic to look at? Can you find vanilla stuff hot? If so, can you think of some examples?

    Maybe if I think about that I’ll be able to work out some fun new ways to approach shooting BDSM in a really slick and glamourous elegant style, and make the look of these film productions a bit more like the look of the stills.

    It isn’t as simple as just copying the stills approach by the way… because you have so much more to think about when you have to produce an attractive image 25 times a second rather than once every ten seconds, and somehow tie those images together with cuts, different angles, camera moves, etc. to convey the same impression from moving pictures as you can get by looking at a still one.

    Any thoughts?

    Cheers, Hywel.



    Again a very interesting question…

    On the one hand, there are tons and tons of sexy music clips. The whole music industry is circling around the term “sexy”.

    On the other hand, I have the feeling that Hollywood totally lost interest in erotic themes. We had a couple of interesting movies in the 90s like Sliver or 9 1/2 Weeks (although I think the latter is widely overestimated), but besides this…

    I just went through my DVDs and tried to remember any sexy scene. I really couldn’t think of any. “The woman in red” from the matrix came to my mind, which is basically a film noir joke.

    Have I seen any woman in red lately? Any femme fatale?

    So Hywel, if you plan to spicen up your videos a bit, I actually doubt that you should take Hollywood as role model! πŸ˜‰

    PS: well, I can remember one thing from the recent past, and that is “Kate” Evangeline Lilly from Lost. She manages to look regularly very sexy, although I’m not sure what exactly she does to achieve that. Maybe, because she is not some glossy Vogue model, but she sweats, she is dirty and she has ragged clothes.
    I guess, sexy often stands in contradiction with beautiful.


    Hi Marius,

    Ah, I’m glad it’s not just me who was having difficulty finding recent Hollywood examples!

    I’m sure there ARE examples, but I couldn’t think of any recent ones either. So I was maybe going to go back to an earlier era- I love the way the heroines looked in The Vikings, Forbidden Planet, Psycho and the two Conan films, for example.

    Cheers, Hywel.



    What about “American Beauty”?

    Well, the cheerleader /Rose bath theme was definitely ripped off a lot, but still… some very sexy scenes in this movie.

    Hm… “Alias” is FULL of interesting scenes! The whole series revolves around Jennifer Garner being sexy and dangerous. From elegant cocktail dresses to kinky red latex dresses – everything there.


    Ahhhh, American Beauty! Any excuse to watch that again… this time it is for research! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    I’ll look for Alias, too. Thanks!

    Anyone else got a suggestion? Some moving pictures where you thought they made a girl look really attractive (and ideally elegant as well)?

    Cheers, Hywel.



    Oh I LOVE Alias! Can bring the DVDs down for you to borrow when I come down for the meeting if you like Hywel? I fell in love with Jennifer Garner in that series.

    My immediate thoughts were Rita Hayworth in Gilda and Jessica Rabbit… but on thinking about it, Cameron Diaz’s entrance in the Mask was something else, and Barbarella was pretty hot.

    What links all of these and makes them hot? They are all confident and aware of their own sexuality – and wear this as a shield in a way, yet they all make mistakes and show a vulnerability and they all have compassion.

    Just a little lady’s point of view πŸ˜‰

    Kate x



    @KateTT wrote:

    Oh I LOVE Alias! Can bring the DVDs down for you to borrow when I come down for the meeting if you like Hywel? I fell in love with Jennifer Garner in that series.

    Oh Kate, me too! Absolutely! I just finished the fifth season of Alias, and I can’t get enough of her!

    But I’m not jealous, we can share her.
    So, the only problem that remains is: how do we convince Jennifer Garner to leave Ben Affleck? :glare




    As you know by now I am a bit of a Bond fan, and whilst I am normally going on about the fantastic damsels in distress scenes in that series over the years I think if it is vanilla (where do you get a list of these ice-cream flavours and there BDSM connotations?) you are after you could do a lot worse than Eva GreenÒ€ℒs character in Casino Royale. Beautiful dresses, stylish, sassy Γ’β‚¬β€œ frequently barefoot she had it all. Stand-out scene has to be where she has just witnessed Bond kill those two guys at the bottom of the stairs. He returns to their hotel room to find her fully clothed and sat, emotional, in the shower. The scenes that follow with Bond joining her in the shower, comforting her, are truly fantastic.




    the 5. element has some great scenes



    Fun topic,

    The first film scene that came in to my mind was oneor two from The Phantom of the opera, the film from a couple of years ago. One scene where she is taken down to his lair in the boat and the other one when she wakes up in his bed.
    hmm… think something like that would be to exepnsive to do.. but one can always dream about it :dreamingoflove

    Agreeing American Beauty some nice scenes.

    Underworld has got some nice scenes, know that it´s lot of shooting and chasing but some of the scenes in the vampires house is nice,

    Maybe a bit odd choose of movies but πŸ™‚



    It took a little while, but I have thought of some examples πŸ™‚

    True Lies – the scene at the end with Jamie Lee Curtis and Arnold Schwarzenegger dancing in the ball room. Her dress has something to do with it πŸ™‚


    Van Helsing – perhaps its just me, but the vampire women are really sexy. Powerful, attractive, lovely “floaty” silk outfits… The fact they are very strong, and tease / play with their pray, helps.


    Looney Tunes: Back in Action
    when Heather Locklear appears as Dusty Tails and does her song about being a bad girl:


    The way she moves, the change from “innocent” dress to “I am sexy” underwear, the words, the look in her eyes, it comes together for me.


    Kate’s reference to Jessica Rabbit reminded me, there is a scene in “The One”, where the baddie is about to be sent to the prison planet, where is “wicked” girlfriend walks in. Again it is as much about the movement and her attitude as it is about her outfit.


    Broadening the question to “sexy movies”, in my experience they are very hard to find. In terms of “porn” it all seems to be “watch them fucking”, simple teasing, erotica, sexy, seems to be something of a lost art.

    I really like watching a good striptease, and they are remarkably hard to find, or else I am looking in the wrong places.

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