Where am I?

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Hywel 15 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hello! Good lord, I can’t cope. I haven’t even looked at RE for 2 weeks, because trying to decorate the house/studio at the same time as working full-time is pushing me to the VERY EDGE of sanity…. Wah! Svampen and Pling and Kobe are coming to stay next week, yay, and I hope to be sane by then 🙂

    I’m sorry (again) for being absent, I’ve only got, err 7 more rooms to decorate and then I’ll be back online properly.

    News from the Restrained Elegance House:-

    It is very lovely to live with Hywel.

    It turns out he works very hard, and doesn’t really have time to paint rooms cos he’s always editing pictures 😉

    Hywel has a desk, and an OFFICE in the new house, but the poor Resident Slavegirl only has a laptop on the floor at the moment…

    Mmm, Hywel cooks lovely food. Like, EVERY day. Mmmmmmmmm.

    We have a shoot next week, and don’t have any plans yet. Here are things I want to do;-

    Something with lots and LOTS of rope.

    Something that’s upside-down.

    Something with tape instead of rope.

    But I haven’t really worked out how any of those things are likely to happen, or what to wear.

    Just re-read what I’ve typed, and I sound like a loon. Sorry everyone, just wanted to say something cos I miss being on the forum every day!

    Ariel xx



    Glad to hear all is going well even if it is hard work at the moment, it’ll all be worth it once the decorating is finished.

    Great to be having some lovely guests join you, you’ll be happy playing host.

    As for the shoot, I hope all of your bondage shoot dreams can come true! 😀



    Wow – I really do miss things when I haven’t been a member in a while…You and Hywell are living together?! Well belated congratulations – that’s fantastic news (although it did seem sort of an inevitability given your photo spreads together 😉 ) — best of luck to you in your new home!



    Hmm.. Boxes, tape, packing materials.

    Ariel it sounds like the perfect time for a shoot about a demanding housewife being rude to some movers.

    Maybe they break open a box of bondage equipment.

    Or they bind her up in bubble wrap and tape.



    Ha, and that’s why you should ALWAYS stay a member. Who knows what weird staff-related drama you might miss while you’re away….

    Ohh, I LIKE the idea of being packed up to move to the new studio in one of the big cardboard boxes! Hope we can shoot that, hoorah!

    Thank you for the idea, I think it’s great 🙂


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