Wimbledon – Ball girl Auction

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  UndipWinOdior 19 years, 2 months ago.

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    During Wimbledon, Belle gets a job as a ball girl, issued a uniform, her photo for her pass taken, etc…

    When the season nears the end, she finds a website with her picture on it, with a price tag next to it. Later she is grabbed, bound, and sold. {In uniform}

    {Maybe another part of the site, has Aimee and Sabrina on the list of tennis players, and maybe their trainers are somewhere…. }



    Nice idea… though I’d be a little worried about it because the real Wimbledon ball-boys and ball-girls are definitely schoolkids, so using Wimbledon specifically might land someone in hot water.

    Generic tennis competition with clearly over-18 ball girls, though, sounds good to me.


    I thought over 18s went without saying……, If you look carefully the ones at the edges of the court are not young school children, these were who I was thinking of. Anyway its only fantasy isn’t it..

    Anyway, I Should say where the idea came from. My friend says that her boyfriend loved tennis, and thought she’d look good in tennis whites, so to wind him up wore a similar outfit to the ball-girls. His response to that, was a night in ropes, and nobody had a camera….

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