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DVD downloads now active

Hi All,

We’re up and running on the new server and everything seems to be working much faster- so I’ve reactivated DVD downloads. Whoop!

Just go to finish editing the May updates for Restrained Elegance then I can get to work on writing the script for our next Elegance Studios feature- a slave auction storyline. Why not post and tell us what you’d like to see happen?

Launch day technical issues

HI All,

Launch day, and launch day technical issues. Tech support say that the issues which affected my final test downloads yesterday are best fixed by moving us to a much more powerful server, which they are in the process of doing. It seems that MP4 downloads are working, but slowly. DVD ZIP files are cutting off. So until the server move is done (hopefully in the next few days) I have temporarily removed the DVD download options.

If you find that the MP4 files are too slow to allow your download to complete, please email me at and I will see if I can upload to another location temporarily.

Very sorry for the teething troubles, hopefully will all be sorted by a move to a newer server with fewer shared users etc.