Scientific (tickling) experiment

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  AbeVandermark 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    I like tickling, and so I really wanted to like this. Unfortunately…

    My major gripe with the video is that the space was so badly cramped. We never got to see an entire victim. – only close-up views that showed various parts of the victim. My minor gripe is that the bondage wasn’t much good. My preference when it comes to tickling and tickle-bondage is for the victims to have much less slack to pull away. This would have been a good scenario for the “researcher” to apply duct-tape bondage to her experimental subjects.

    Maybe the root problem was just a bad choice of location. In any case I’d like to see this experiment repeated under better lab conditions.


    I’d like to agree with Lurker that I like tickling but…. there’s a technical “snagette”: in our household I’m the only one who’s ticklish. So it’s my wife who enjoys doing the tickling. 😀

    Confining ourselves to watching tickling, we watched this video together and both had a huge amount of fun from it, as we do from many of RE’s more “loony” stories. However, tickling videos have the added feature that we both know my wife often treats them as instructional manuals and is making mental notes throughout. She has now spent the last few days conducting experiments of her own to demonstrate her ability to get a strong and immediate reaction with fingers.

    As to the “cramped location” point, I agree it would be even better with more space but it wasn’t a problem for us at the time. I guess it was inevitable because it was only on the staircase that you could get the ties you wanted for Janey and Ariel. If you find a location with convenient posts and anchor points in a bigger room, you could make a very similar video and have us all even more excited.

    I should add, Lurker, that my wife also thanks you for your suggestion about firmer ties. This has resulted in additional scientific research of her own. Preliminary results suggest you may be right but that there is also great fun to be had from a quick ankle tie or even an instant gripping of the ankles with one arm while tickling the feet with the other hand.

    Needless to say, as with most scientific research, our primary conclusion is that there is need for a great deal more research. My wife is now petitioning for an additional research grant to obtain a large tickling feather. 😀 😀

    Thanks for another great video.

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