Snow… – …and bondage! Can they be combined?

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    I love snow! But unfortunately, instead of the big, butch Yorkshire snow I had been expecting in my neck of the woods, we have got a weedy, slushy and generally more watered down version – kind of like London beer… must say I am rather disappointed :glare

    How is everyone’s snow? Anyone managed to wangle a day or two off work due to it? Anyone been sledging, had a snowball fight or built a snowman?

    I would love to see a real snowy bondage set. Not sure how many models would do it but I am sure we could coerce Ariel…

    Kate x



    My username may be a bit of a giveaway but OMG I’d love to see a nice cold snowy bondage video right now :snowman2 πŸ™‚




    This is one of the meanest things i can think of! You can easily blend out most sources of pain, but coldness sneaking into your body is something you just can’t ignore…

    Yeah, Ariel would be a good candidate for this! πŸ˜€
    Make sure she wears cold steel, and please record this on film, not only pictures!

    This could be really fun – if you still find some place in europe with a little bit of snow. Even the alps don’t seem to be reliable anymore this days… :glare



    heh, somebodys got a very kinky mind… :p :nana

    I dunno, freezing snow and bondage, I fully agree that I can only see one model trying this one. There’s another thread running where concerns are raised about the prevalence of sets on the net that are at the S&M side of the BDSM scale and this would have to be another, I mean you can kinda fake a spanking but there’s only so much you can do with blue makeup, I’d imagine. Might be some new safety issues too but I’m sure Hywel / Ariel would be on top of it and I for one would like to see this shot πŸ™‚ can’t really see the opportunity arising tho.

    And yes Kate I do have a little snow story to tell. Sadly its not kinky, but if you’re sitting comfortably… Once upon a time it snowed in the semi-rural UK East Midlands so piss-takingly badly in the space of a couple of hours that merlin and a few others found himself realising he was going to have to abandon his car at the foot of a large hill and walk the remaining 5 miles or so home in a blizzard. πŸ™ But… in bygone days this same hill was a problem for coach horses too so somebody built a nice big coach house at the foot of it which is now a nice big free house type pub. A roaring log fire could clearly be seen from outside and so pretty much the entire little traffic jam ditched their cars (some more literally than others) and headed for the magnetic pull of the pub. There I spent the entire night, the landlady was a star plying us all with hot food, somewhere to stay and gallons and gallons of beer and wine. The little morale is this for one night I made about 20 close personal friends asif I’d known them for my whole life and ironically I shall now never see any of them again, arrr..

    Glad its going.. :snowman2




    No decent snow stories from me… πŸ™ We had about 2 inch’s and it melted by the end of the day. Couldn’t even get anytime off work… Not fair.. πŸ™

    Kate, you have a wonderful sense of adventure!! :notworthy
    Snow bondage sounds like fun πŸ˜€ Hywel is a dab hand with the ropes, so I’m sure he could find a way of having is victim tied up, pose through the photoshoot and released in double quick time to ensure hypothermia doesn’t set in too quickly πŸ˜€
    Maybe when you all go to France… You could take a couple of days out, head to the Alps and find a suitable spot! :snowman2 :devilishangel





    Here where I am we have got alot of snow πŸ™‚ been out throwing som snowballs at my friends…. but now it´s beginning to melt away….

    I would like to try to do a bondage set in the snow…. just imagining that it must be cold…. maybe I´ll try it anyway, it must work with som layers of clothes :grinning



    I’ve always thought this would work really well- and I’ve always envisaged it with a nice big fur coat! That and the bondage-in-front-of-the-fire apres ski…

    I’d LOVE to try shooting this. The snow around here was pretty for a few hours but it doesn’t stay and it isn’t reliable, so I guess it would be a trip to the alps or somewhere to really do it properly.

    If I wasn’t up to my eyeballs in redecorating the studio and fitting in extra shoots which I promised myself I wouldn’t do, I’d be really keen to give this a go. For ages I’ve been wondering about doing “run and gun” bondage shoots on the cheap – one model, cheap flights, one night in a hotel somewhere nice. Sigh. Maybe next year, unless there’s enough snow in Sweden that I could return the favour and go shoot Pling over there.




    the snow is so unpredictable here to….. a couple of days ago it all rained away…. and now it´s snowing again…. i just wished the weather could make up it´s mind….. :glare πŸ™‚

    I want more snow :snowman2

    :love Pling



    Snow is great, southampton never gets any though! Bondage and snow though, that’s interesting.. Think it could be fantastic!

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