Would you like some FULL SIZE pics

Home Forums General Chat Would you like some FULL SIZE pics

This topic contains 11 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Hywel 18 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hi All,

    There’s been a suggestion that I should post one or two full-size pics like THIS ONE with every set. I can do that, they come to something around a megabyte or a bit less each so it is quite feasible.

    If I did do this I would show them separately in the gallery so you knew which ones were big.

    What do you think?




    I vote “Yes”. They make great posters for the office wall. 🙂


    There’s been a sufficient number of people express an interest that I’ve decided to give it a go- some of the galleries in October will have a “super size” version of one of the pics at the start (called “Large something” so you tell which one it is).

    We’ll see how the poll goes over the next month to see if it is worth continuing with it!

    Cheers, Hywel.



    My preference would be for one big pic per set.

    (In particular, my preference would be for one of the “long shot” photos that show the whole model, rather than picking one of the “close up” shots for super-sizing. Or, if others have the opposite preference, be sure to mix the types from set to set.)



    I did’nt vote because i’m not interested in having that pics size, but i take the chance to tellyou another time how much i appreciate the quality of this site pics.
    Is very hard to find something near surfing the web.
    Compliments compliments and compliments :cheers


    Thanks! Enough people seem interested that I’m giving it a go.

    Glad you like my site, Baarabaaru. I try my best to keep quality of pics the highest possible- even if that’s not necessarily the easiest or cheapest way, I think ultimately it is the best! :surprised


    Cheers, Hywel.



    I would actually be happiest if you switched all photos over to the large format — 15-20 of the large format photos rather than 60-80 of the size you have now. But the three you have up so far are a treat already!


    I don’t know that I’d want to go as far as complete sets in that size (or even 15 selected pics). A lot of people still have dialup and small screens… and it would also be a bit too tempting for people to pirate my stuff and use it in print without my knowledge if they had full res versions of enough pics.

    But it looks like the experiment is successful thus far, we’ll see what happens by the end of the month but I will probably make it a permanent fixture with one or two or a few large pics per set if people still like it.

    Cheers, Hywel.




    I for one cannot wait to see a high-res of Aimee in one of her typically demure scenarios. I love her freckles!



    Is YES clear enough – it is great, jasmine just popped out of my screen. A few pics like that would be great!!!


    Following the positive feedback, I’m going to make the large image a regular feature with most photosets having one or two full-size pics included.

    Cheers, Hywel.



    Either or, the large pics take a longer time to download.
    Don’t fix it if it ain’t broken.

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