
Home Forums General Chat …IT’S…IN…mY…HeAd!..

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  mrfixitx 15 years, 11 months ago.

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    Sir, I wish to complain..

    After being away for a couple of weeks I’ve had to catch up a bit, yesterday I watched the last 2 episodes of Ariel’s trip into London.

    Fine, excellent infact, apart from the fact I’ve clearly been overexposed to that bloody song!!! Oh you know the one, kinda a cappela beatbox thingy.. starts about 3 mins into the last video. It was only mildly irrotating when I just had the opening dum-dumdum-dumdum bit stuck in my brain but I didn’t even know I was doing the whistling until a colleague asked me to stop! DOH!! 😕 😈 😕

    Am I the only one?

    How did you edit the video dub Hywel without going crazy?

    🙂 🙂



    LOL, all part of the service… 😈

    I do get them stuck in my head too. It is one of the main reasons that I can only edit one video a day. These London ones aren’t so bad because they aren’t cut to the beat, but a video with lots of fast cuts in time to the music can really screw up my brain for editing anything else until I’ve had a good break from it.

    The trouble is that you listen to the track over and over again and try to let it seep into your subconscious so you “get a feel” for where the cuts in the video should go. Unfortunately this has the side effect of impressing the music into your brain and you can’t get it out. That’s a problem when you go to edit another video and find that the rhythm of the piece in your head doesn’t match the rhythm the new video needs.

    So what I tend to do is to edit one video and if there is time left edit some stills whilst listening to stuff which I know drives other tunes out: Propane Nightmare by Pendulum and the Freemasons/Bailey Tzuke cover version of Uninvited are doing a good job for me today, for example. (Bailey Tzuke. Bloody hell, I used to fancy her mum when I started buying records. She had a nifty line in satin clothes, if I remember correctly. That’s vinyl records. No, not the old fashioned sparkly CD thingies that came before MP3, the black spirally ones before that….)




    merlin perhaps you are asking the wrong question, maybe this has already driven Hywel crazy. After all, it would explain why he spends all of his time stuck in a studio tying up incredibly attractive ladies instead of working in an office like a normal sane person.


    it is just possible that “sane” and “crazy” may have been reversed in the first sentence of this post 😉

    It looks like I have a load of catching up to do myself, just for a change *rolls eyes* I want to know what happened in London!

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