photo set idea

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    Hey all;

    Was thinking, you should totally shoot a wedding bondage set. Have a bride and some brides maids tied up and all, I think it would be really interesting.

    something similar to this

    Anyone else think this would be cool?



    Haven’t shot a bound bride set in ages… good idea!

    Cheers, Hywel.

    P.S. is that one of Felix Dartmouth’s shots? I think I recognise his style… had the good fortune to meet up with him for a coffee briefly when he was in London recently, was really fun to meet up with someone who hd a very big influence on my bondage photography!



    Ooh we have done bride sets and a two girl bridal rivalry set but we *haven’t* done one with bridesmaids as well…
    I totally think we should!

    Have we done a bride set with the ball and chain??

    Now just need some willing victims and some matching bridesmaids dresses… Anyone getting married anytime soon?? 😛

    Kate x



    This gets my vote. I was lucky enough to shoot Ariel in a wedding dress just before she as she bbecame ill. I let Ariel take it with her so you have a dress you could use, and Ariel could be the bride (or rather Bondage Bride)
    Cheers Tighter



    I’ll add my vote for a “bride in bondage” set. As a variation, maybe the bride is dressed for the sort of wedding where she and/or her bridesmaids go barefoot or wear “barefoot sandals.”

    As for a storyline, maybe “Honest Omar” (remember him?) & his men crash the wedding to obtain “merchandise” for the slave market.



    Here are some pics from my own Bondage Bride video / photo shoot I did with Ariel.
    The idea was a mail-order bride company with a difference – the bride is duped in to it and then gets sold to the highest bidder. Thus we start with the bride doing a publicity shot, and then getting in to various bondage predicaments while being progressively stripped – this gets the auction going.
    Finally, as the bride is so lippy (yes, Ariel playing to character!) her abductor humiliates he by making her wear a bathing cap and then applying very crude make up while she is helplessly bound.

    So go on Doc, please do a bride shoot (Ariel has the dress still)

    I know they’re not great especially as I’ve had to edit them to upload them but I hope you all enjoy them (I might go and watch the two hour video now!)

    Cheers Tighter



    Greetings from New Jersey

    I hope everyone is doing well,

    I agree it’s time that RE do a full bridal party photo or video set. Personally I think this one might be better as a video rather than a photo set but that’s just my opinion. You do see a reasonable amount of photos of or on bridal bondage, and RE has done their share (and the bridal rivalry set with Ariel and Sammie was great fun), but it’s very rare to see a bride and her bride’s maids in bondage together. I’m sure there have probably been some others but the only one I can remember is something that Harmony Concepts did back in probably the early to mid 1990’s about a bride and two brides maids being kidnapped before the wedding. I believe it was done as one of the numerous video tapes they sold but I do recall photos from it in one of their magazines. And just to confirm things, yes the original image that PJM posted is one from Felix Dartmouth.

    Hope you’ll take it on and I’m sure it will be a classic if you do.

    Cheers and all the best,



    Ariel Anderssen

    LOL, thanks Tighter! I’m glad that you explained the makeup wasn’t done by me 🙂

    Yep, I definitely still have the dress, and it’s a size that will hopefully fit a fair number of the other models. We don’t have any specific bridesmaid dresses – I wonder if matching silk gowns would do – or do people particularly want to see the more structured, poofy ones? 🙂

    Anyway, hooray, brilliant idea – and the original picture is just gorgeous…


    How about doing something different for the bridesmaids.

    Maybe matching see-thru body-stockings.



    These are all interesting ideas, but to be honest, everyone does bridal bondage the same way. Its a kidnapping, or a forced/reluctant marriage, or naked/sexy dress, etc… I would like to see a bridal bondage set where the bride and her brides maids were actually happy and enjoying themselves in traditional bridal garb.

    part two:
    Also, an off-shoot to this idea is a shoot with the reception. After the marriage, the bride (who is still in bondage of course) and groom arrive at the reception hall , brides maids (also still tied) meet them and there is dancing, cake, etc… the whole sha-bang!

    I think it would be one of the most fun and sexy bondage shoots of RE.

    personal request: I would like the B-maids to be gagged and once the wedding is through, for the bride to be gagged by her new husband. The reception can be with gags around the girls necks, or something like that.





    PJM1986, I think I see where you’re coming from, and you’re right that a bridal bondage set with the bride & bridesmaids in traditional wedding costumes (or something close to it) would be in the RE “style.” The only thing is that the RE style – not to mention my own preferences 😀 – also pushes for a “barefoot” variation of the wedding costumes. Especially since barefoot bridesmaids & brides are a fairly common variation in reality.

    As for gags, I have a vision of the bridesmaids all wearing cleave-gags, of some silky cloth, with long “tails” behind their heads. Ball-gags would be the other choice, but I think that would cut against the RE “elegant” look and toward a high-fetish look. The sort of thing that, if carried to extremes, would have the bride & bridesmaids wearing latex parodies of traditional wedding costumes with six inch stiletto heels. 😯



    Agreed, RE style is unique and does not have the traditionally high fetish type materials. I think that barefoot is a great idea and as for the gag ideas, both sound great, I would like to see ball gags as a personal preference, however, I will let the experts at RE decide these things. I would love to see this shoot done and posted, I think it would be amazing with the resident slave girl and all the other beautiful RE models.



    I don’t know about you all, but I tend to feel most like a prisoner when I’m just attending a wedding. Perhaps everyone EXCEPT the lucky couple should be bound for a bit of satire. 😆



    @pjm1986 wrote:

    Agreed, RE style is unique and does not have the traditionally high fetish type materials. […] I would like to see ball gags as a personal preference, however, I will let the experts at RE decide these things.

    Agreed. I do like to see fetish materials used judiciously. Not in every shot or even in every shoot, but certainly once in a while.

    Ball gags are probably the most appealing “high fet” item; I certainly like them much more than ring gags.



    Wow, we’re going to have a bride in her wedding gown! I hope she’s going to get barefoot real quick!




    I really like the sound of this. Can I vote for silky cleave gags? Just to be contrary? I think they’d suit the whole ‘elegance’ idea really well. And, as a personal preference, I think silk cleave gags are best with long dresses…

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