Ariel’s Bondage Dance

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Hywel 10 years ago.

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    Loved it 🙂

    Just wanted to say well done to Hywel, Ariel and Sheep for all the effort and planning put into this. What a great start to the year in terms of video quality 🙂

    Ariel – you are a superstar!

    Particularly loved Sheep’s cameo at 04.28 or thereabouts 😆

    Yay!!!! Roll on 2011!

    Kate x


    Yes, the video was very nice and a good example of behind-the-scenes material adding real value. I had no idea that developing and filming a dance scene was that time consuming.



    Ariel Anderssen

    Thanks Kate and Martes (and Amy Hunter, who just emailed me to say nice smiley things about the bondage dance too)

    Thank you Sheep and Hywel for putting in the time, energy and effort to make a bit of an unusual video – the feeling I got at the end of the dance, when I was fully suspended and swinging around, was unparalleled sub-space joy!

    LOL, Martes; I’m sure choreographing a dance sequence isn’t that time consuming if you’re any good at it 😉 I was embarrassed about how tired it made me. More cardiovascular slavegirl training required in 2011, I think!


    Don’t be so modest. It may have taken some time to get it right but the result was absolutely worth it. A nod to Hywel as well, for the editing.

    @arielanderssen wrote:

    More cardiovascular slavegirl training required in 2011, I think!

    Should we interpret this as a request for tougher requests, incorporating things like cross country running, push-ups, sit-ups and spinning? 😈 I’ll see what I can come up with.
    Maybe less cake would be a good starting point? Reality may look different but you certainly give the impression of eating cake and meringues for breakfast, lunch and supper. I thought photo and fashion models lived on nothing but apples, cucumber, water and the occasional glass of champagne. You are crushing my illusions!




    I just saw this for the first time. I got it off the archives. I don’t know how I missed it when it first came out.

    Wow! That was really terrific. I amazed at Ariel’s abilities – choreographer, dancer, model. The “finished product” part was great. The behind the scenes portions were icing on the cake.

    I can see that putting this together was a lot of work and probably a lot more work than most of your videos. Thank you all for going so far above and beyond the ordinary.

    Are there any other videos like this that I haven’t seen? Are you planning any more? Please, please, please!



    Well, there’s the original dance videos – slavegirl dance plus the “individual” dance performances. I’ll bring those back in the archives, think I just queued them for August in fact (I’m working a long way ahead to try and allow for time-out from internet if/when we move house).

    Cheers, Hywel.

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