>Pure Awesomeness

>Hi All,

As you may notice, we have a lovely piece of artwork for our front page! I commissioned this from the very talented Morgan Cauthers-Knox, asking her to deliver me something inspired by the style of Mucha… and she has absolutely come up trumps! I really love it!

It may seem weird given that I’ve been running a commercial website for almost a decade, but it still amazes me that it is possible for such a tiny cottage-industry production house like us to get artwork custom-drawn by people with more artistic talent in their little fingers than I have in my whole body.

Cheers, Hywel

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About Hywel

Particle physicist turned fetish photographer, producer and director. I run http://www.restrainedelegance.com and http://www.elegancestudios.com together with my wife, who is variously known as Ariel Anderssen or Amelia Jane Rutherford, depending on whether she's getting tied up or spanked at the time.

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