bound woman – the perfect cat bed?

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    It is the age old question. Now that you have your lovely lady stripped down to her sexy underwear, or even naked, and tightly tied up, what are you going to do with her?

    Clearly something needs to be done, since she is more than just a decorative item, but what?

    If there is a cat around then one answer is obvious, she will make a perfect cat bed! Warm, soft, attentive, not going anywhere any time soon, clearly put there just for the cat’s enjoyment :newangel

    I suppose if you are one of those strange people who do not have a cat living with you, you could use her as a centre piece for an arrangement of your teddy bear collection.

    So what is your answer? What is this lovely bound woman ideal for?

    Oh yes, if you had not guessed, no taking this to seriously! I shall “menace” the first person to do so with a bar of chocolate! :p



    Greetings from Texas,
    You joke, but you know cats! The furry thug that lives with us now will get into our laps when we are reading or watching DVD’s and glairs at us if we want to get up for any reason.
    I never had a cat when I was playing tieup games but have collected a huge file folder of bound girls being ‘investigated’ by cats. I have no trouble imagining cats decideing the girl tied to the chair has been provided for it’s comfort.



    *puzzled* *brain hurts* it almost sounds like you are saying the girl tied to the chair has not been provided solely for the comfort of cats…

    Such a silly idea! Surely humans know that they only exist to serve cats! 😀

    Your picture collection is interesting. Are these pictures you have found online over the years? I hardly ever see cat’s in pictures with tied up women. Off hand I can only think of a handful of examples that I have seen over the years.



    Greetings from Texas,
    It’s taken me 10 + years to collect these. The old Jay Edwards sets would sometimes have cats ‘investigating’ the girls. Several old Harmony sets, one with Darla Crane, had cats making an appearence. Before the ARCHIVES site went down he would often have a cat or two wandering about the backround. There have been a bunch collected as ‘once off’ from photo collections.
    Clearly the photographers thought these were cute shots or they wouldn’t have taken them. Were a litter of kittens available it might be fun to have Ariel in a tie simular to her bed tie with the kittens exploring and playing around her. She would need to be dressed for this one – tiny little claws you know.



    That makes sense. I have seen very occasional pictures myself, I was just wondering if you had some secret source of these pictures 🙂

    Ariel with a collection of kittens, I do like that idea 😀 You are quite right about the claws of course. Still, given how naughty Ariel can be, perhaps not that many clothes? It would help if there was only one or two kittens, so if there was a problem with the claws, or the kittens were just to much of a handful they would be easy to catch and contain.

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