Jasmine Sinclair

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Hywel Phillips 17 years, 3 months ago.

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    For the last month there has been this message on the front page of the site suggesting that the end of last years doom and gloom surrounding Jasmines future appearances on the site may have been slightly premature.

    Since then all has gone kind of quite – and we have been left in a state of heightened suspense!

    Have you any further news? I hope you will excuse my nosiness but you understand that this would be very good news.

    Yours hopefully



    Yes, Jasmine and I have found a formula we are both happy with and have done a couple of shoots together. First set due up in March! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    Don’t know if it is a long-term solution, we’re taking things one shoot at a time, but am really glad to be working with her again both for RE and JasmineSinclair.com.

    Cheers, Hywel.



    CD, I guess if you want to see more new Jasmine sets and vids you could always be a memebr of her own website too (like me). ๐Ÿ˜€


    Yeh you should definitely go and check out Jasmine’s site too!! JasmineSinclair.com

    I’m just processing the set I’m going to put up in March… here’s a quick teaser! I’ll ask Jas if she/I can post some teasers from her site here as well…

    Cheers, Hywel.



    CD, I guess if you want to see more new Jasmine sets and vids you could always be a memebr of her own website too (like me).

    Thanks for the advise – though curiously I had already put 2 and 2 together and worked out that the best place to see further pictures of the beautiful Miss Sinclair would be her site! Whilst not a regular member (I save that for RE รขโ‚ฌโ€œ finance does not run to recurring membership of two sites) when I feel a bit flush I often buy a couple of months membership to her site and see how she is doing (and am never disappointed).

    No, my concern really was the possible ending to the Hywel/Jasmine relationship – I mean what a tragedy it would be if one of the more beautiful bondage models around (need to be a bit tactful here in case Ariel, Kate and co read this!) stopped working with definitely the best bondage photographer/webmaster. It is great to see the sample that Hywel has posted above – reassurance that you both still have the magic!




    I mean what a tragedy it would be if one of the more beautiful bondage models around (need to be a bit tactful here in case Ariel, Kate and co read this!) stopped working with definitely the best bondage photographer/webmaster.

    Hey CD, I’m well and truly with you on this one. You would have to be blind and quite a bit stupid to not see that Hywel and Jas make wonderful work together.

    It has been really interesting seeing how RE and JasmineSinclair.com have both evolved over the last few years to have a very different look, feel and ‘identity’.

    I am tentatively hoping (don’t want to jinx owt!) that they come to an arrangement that is mutually beneficial for both sites and allows the magic to continue for a long time yet!

    Really looking forward to seeing these pics, Hywel!


    Here are some pics that Jasmine sent me to put up…


    P.S. in case you were wondering, five of the pics were taken by me… can you guess which ones? LOL



    @hywel wrote:

    P.S. in case you were wondering, five of the pics were taken by me… can you guess which ones? LOL

    If it is true that you have an aversion against socks and stockings, I’d odd out the two stocking pictures! ๐Ÿ˜‰ (No. 6 and 7)

    Also, they have a certain lighting/color style that I haven’t seen so far from you.

    Now, the last one is tough. I’d say either the very first, or the very last picture. I tend for the first one.

    And? Was it the jackpot? ๐Ÿ˜€


    Nope, no jackpot… but you did get at least one (and possibly two…) correct ๐Ÿ˜€

    Anyone else want to take a guess? :newangel




    I think I have got it – I deserve punishment if I haven’t…!

    2,3,4,5 and 7 are by Good ol’ HP!

    – I feel like a bit of a cheat cos I know your style so well and recognise a few sets…. won’t I feel a muppet if I have got it wrong now!!!

    Kate x


    LOL of COURSE you got it right, Kate! (Knowing my style isn’t cheating. Being able to recognise every corner of the studio might be though… I am really jealous of that aeroplane set, wonder how you get hold of the airline seats…)


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