New Mac Pro – Improved Work Flow?

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dorsai6 4 years, 4 months ago.

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    I assume you will be an early purchaser of the new Mac Pro. I’m curious, how do you think it will affect your work flow? Do you expect it to save you time? Will it offer better quality?



    I’m curious, what are your thoughts about using the new Mac Pro for your work?



    Ahh, the new MacPro is too expensive for me to consider for the moment. With the UK pound exchange rate the way it is, it’s just completely unaffordable, and I’m not sure the performance gains over my current set-up of two iMacs would justify the cost.

    Furthermore the latest version of MacOS finally and conclusively breaks some software on which I (still) rely- Aperture and the “old way” of handling REDcode RAW video files.

    I’ve moved away from Aperture for most things but still find it by far the most efficient tool for the final retouch pass. And I’m sure there is a new way of handling REDcode files, but I really like the way the current workflow decouples editing and grading.

    And MacOS Catalina is buggy as hell by most accounts, too. Ariel’s new laptop runs it I think and it keeps spewing random crap when she tries to print anything on the shared printer which has just worked for about a dozen different Macs over the years and now suddenly breaks.

    So I’m not going to update my computing and especially my MacOS until I’m forced to.

    Cheers, Hywel



    Thanks for the reply.

    I’m looking to replace my 2013 Mac Pro. I briefly considered the new Mac Pro, but I do data analysis, not image processing and I decided it didn’t fit my needs. I like the iMac Pro, but I’m waiting in the hope a new version will come out this year.

    I’ve got a 16″ MacBook Pro runing OSX 10.15 and it seems stable to me. However, I’m still running OSX 10.14 on my Mac Pro because some of my special tools are 32 bit.

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