Reminder: members’ chatroom with Pling, this Friday evening!

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    Members’ Chatroom with Pling, this Friday evening:

    Friday 25 April, 19:00 to 21:00 BST (British Summer Time: GMT+1)

    Chatroom URL:

    Cheers, Hywel.




    I was really looking forard to chatting with Pling and everyone on Friday but my highly selfish friend has decided to celebrate her birthday. How rude! Hope the night goes well – will look forward to reading the transcript!

    Kate x



    Not only that I intended to go to a movie premiere on this friday- a friend of mine already insisted that I help him by moving his furniture into the new flat – and “there is a very special woman I have to chat with” didn’t work as an excuse. Why does all of that have to be on exactly this friday?

    Oh well… seems I’m out of luck for the RE chat appointments! 🙁



    What time is this EDT?



    It looks like I am back just in time! The joys of falling down a big hole (full of work), it takes a while to dig your way out again.

    It is sad news that people will be missing, but the good news is that this means I will get more of pling. That may sound terribly selfish, but strangely enough it sounds appealing all the same 😈

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