Today’s video starring Amy Hunter and Fi Stevens

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    Hywel is smiling while punishing the girls! LOL

    great video btw 😛





    I was at the time and still am completey impressed by the total randomness of it. Genius.

    Occasionally its a worry the mic(s) are picking up crew giggles, this was definately one of those times for me! and now realise that I should have put the cam on autofocus for panning shot of Fi, sorry Hywel 😥



    That’s OK Merlin, happens to the best of us. At least the Panasonics HAVE autofocus…!

    Spent most of yesterday shooting Ariel’s new bondage dance at a nightclub, courtesy of RE forum member Sheep (thanks, Sheep!!!!!) I went armed with 7D and Panasonic as a backup and ended up using the Panasonic for 90% of the shots- it is just so fiddly and slow to use the 7D by comparison, and there are just some shots where you really want to track focus automatically because you’ve got more than enough to handle with keeping the framing as an energetic and enthusiastic tall blonde is gyrating across the floor in chains in front of you!

    Cheers, Hywel.



    Greetings from New Jersey,

    Hi All,

    A very enjoyable video with Fi and Amy. I was half expecting someone to break out laughing in the middle of it which is a good thing from time to time in a bondage video. Nice clean simple hogties and then the ladies continuing on with their work almost as if this was a routine day at the office. Cool.

    Now Hywel’s comment about an updated version of Ariel’s Slave Dance video and having an enthusiastic lady dancing in chains….. Well that certainly sound like a classic in the making. Hope the trailer will not be too far off.

    All the best and Cheers,




    Ah, Fucksocks. You know, I genuinely did not expect that to be read. No wonder Hywel has a smile on his face.
    I’m taking more care about what ideas I blurt out for videos at the next shoot… 😉



    I feel I should ask, But what exactly is a Fucksock?! Amy Maybe you could spread the light on this?!

    Hywel, You are welcome! It really is amazing how far Ariel can move, even when tied to fixed points!


    Haha, a bit of ridiculousness connected to this video. Rejoined today on a computer where I don’t have the video I’ve always had a soft spot for… aaand by the looks of things, I did so the day after it dropped from the archives. D’oh! Morale of the story, kids: don’t wait to rejoin the site. 😛

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