What do we feel about? – Being members of a bondage website?

Home Forums General Chat What do we feel about? – Being members of a bondage website?

This topic contains 25 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Hywel Phillips 17 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi Guys;

    I was at the airport the other day. Circumstances dictate that I am often at airports these days and, as I have a habit of flying with everyones favourite orange-branded budget airline, often have some time to kill whilst they track down a plane for me! Anyhow, on this particular day I ventured into the airports paper shop/stationer (you’ve probably guessed the one!) to buy a magazine to read with the beer I had decided I was going to treat myself too. Now as it happens I was after a photography magazine (CD has a new camera!) but my eye got drawn to the array of ‘lads mags’ on display not a million miles away from a display of car modification magazines both of which had on there covers beautiful women wearing not much more than their underwear. Now there is absolutely nothing wrong with that (many RE models have cropped up in them over the years – particularly recently Jasmine Sinclair) but it kind of got me thinking. I could, had I have chosen, brought a magazine from either of those racks and enjoyed viewing pictures of those beautiful women (with my beer!!) without anyone batting an eyelid. However, had I selected an ‘adult’ title (I don’t think the particular chain I was in stock them, but suppose) and done the same thing – sat with a beer in an airport reading it – I would certainly have been noticed and whilst nobody would probably have said a thing (I was after all flying from and going too British airports – and we are terribly polite) I would most likely have subconsciously been labelled a pervert by many those walking past (I do concede airports are public places and you probably don’t want children accidentally seeing some of the more gynaecological content of some of the publications to which I refer). The irony is of course that over the past few years the differentiation between ‘top shelf’ and ‘young male interests shelf’ has become ever smaller.

    Continuing my beer, and extending my argument as I did, I began to think about this site and how it fitted into my thoughts. Hywel has always aimed to, and successfully accomplished shooting glamorous women bound in a beautiful manner, even saying in here in the past that if a model were up for the bondage but not for the nudity and looked the part he would shoot them (with a camera – silly!). And so it is that many of the shots we see on RE are actually relatively tame when compared to what you could buy on the newsstand along any high street – or indeed airport! However, the inclusion of rope, cuffs, gags and the occasional blindfold somehow moves them into a whole different category, and we move from being that bloke looking at a picture of his favourite celebrity in her underwear to something a bit dodgy (before YOU get depressed think about Hywel and I, we like women’s feet too!!). Maybe I am being a bit too serious here, but I guarantee that the majority of people reading this post have not told anyone/many that they visit the site or even show an interest in bondage or even adult internet sites, and I am kind of intrigued by that and what it says about us and about society in general – why might me telling a group of friends I frequently visit this site bring about a negative reaction in them (I ought to mention here that I am an English bloke aged 28 (new information for the forum there!!) and I am fairly sure that you are the only people who know I visit here, except that is no good to you as in my normal day-to-day life my surname is not driver, or my first Cavalier!).

    Further thought has convinced me that our reluctance to tell our friends, family and work colleagues that we visit this site (you know I am 100% supportive of this site and would love to recommend it to more people but can not envisage how that might occur) has to reflect more upon society (and again, I am intrigued as to whether this is just a British phenomenon or not – methinks the Italians, for example, are a bit more open and honest about this sort of thing) than it does us. I consider myself perfectly normal (I am only just realising that the foot thing stems from an appreciation of all that is feminine about women, and is related to why I always tended to go out with quite short women – until it dawned on me that bending down form my 6 ft 2â€


    Ariel Anderssen

    Oooooh, JAMES!!!! (or CD; maybe you don’t look like a car, afterall )

    Fascinating post :spin ; I think a lot about this kind of thing. I decided to be honest with my family when I started doing this work because proud of it and found that I wanted to talk about the stuff I’d done at bondage shoots, just the same as I’d want to tell my mother about a fashion shoot. It’s a bit tricky sometimes – neither of my parents really understand BDSM so I think they sometimes think that I might be in danger. But I’ve showed them the less naked/SM pictures from my bondage shoots, and they’re very encouraging. (My father even watched the first half of my ‘Sloane’ video and laughed A LOT!!) My sisters know all about my work, and are supportive too; which makes me really happy. And if I ever bump into someone in the street who recognises me from RE, I’d love it 🙂 For me, it’s important that everyone who knows I shoot bondage also knows I love it. I don’t want them to think I’m faking….

    I struggle more with telling my female friends, although they do all know, now. The more feminist ones find it a bit difficult to cope with, I think, and I sometimes feel a bit ashamed of wanting something so un-liberated in my private life. And I tend not to tell people in the fashion industry about my life as a bondage-model, because I don’t think some people believe you can do more than one sort of modelling. If I told them, they’d probably expect me to do ‘bondage’ faces when I’m advertising wedding dresses….

    What I have REALLY enjoyed doing, recently, is telling random people I’ve met casually. I was at a conference this weekend (modelling for a holiday company) and I ended up telling a couple of people I sat with at dinner about my tastes. Once I’d opened up, they confessed to being proper ‘scene players’ – the lady had even worked as a dominatrix! So being able to be honest has ended up making me feel much less isolated.

    I really wish it wasn’t something that anyone felt the need to keep secret. But at least it seems as though things are slowly changing, and it’s getting easier to meet people who are into the same stuff as us – I’d never have expected that when I was a teenager 🙂

    I’ll be REALLY interested to see what everyone else has to say about this – do most of us feel the need to keep our bondage-interest secret? I know loads of people have to for work, or because they don’t have liberal enough families. Or maybe just cos it feels private?

    Ariel :spin



    Blimey Cav..

    does your cold require any prescription meds..? maybe things that shouldn’t be mixed with beer?? 😀

    Saying that, you’ve hit upon a whole raft of intriguing issues.

    I quite like the way that D/s is practiced behind closed doors, its like sex on a train or in a restaurant, basically terrible but exciting because its something different, something risque.. Problem is.. if you do something, expecially something so involved, in isolation then you (I) start to wonder if you’re the only people doing this, doing it “wrong” or even possessing such fantasies at all.. Such issues are of course not easy to discuss in our vanilla lives hence the beauty of forums such as this. Even better, a year ago I had kinda got near the bottom of the list of the GF’s known fantasies and decided I had to go for the biggy. I literally abducted her in a van and ended up in the back of a police car for my troubles. Fuck. No… FUCK! I was literally speachless for weeks and certainly finished with D/s play, after a certain amount of alcohol I detailed the brief highlights of my evening in this very forum and to be honest it was a HUGE weight off my shoulders. I mean the BEST therapy I could have found, I think Ariel was particularly understanding and it helped alot. Thanks. Heh, Auntie Ariel.. 😀

    Couldn’t have possibly told our parents the details or our shared fetish, I mean they would NEVER EVER understand in any way. We used to housesit all the time for the GF’s parents and I basically converted the whole of their extensive home into our playground, clues everywhere but even if I’d replaced the front door with a dungeon door and hung a cage in the dining room they’d never have figured it out, “ooh.. yea.. err thanks for the extra indoor hanging baskets.. in the bedroom.. that’ll be.. err.. lovely..” (literal quote) lol. The GF’s brother once let himself in and rapidly became familiar with his big sisters fetish, but of course not being completely stupid he kinda knew ayway..

    I have no problem with workmates, I guess thats for 2 reasons, firstly we work very closely in 2,3, or 4 person teams and travel extensively basically living out of one anothers pockets. You get to know each other very well indeed and its fun to tell people once they know you’re not a complete phyco freak (..no I’m not.!.). Secondly its basically my company so who’s gonna sack me 🙂

    However my peers are another matter. For years I moved around with my career, couple of years here, couple there and often going “home” for the weekend and so got used to having 2 seperate lives. I’ve known Jo to varying extents for about 10 years and never even introduced her to my oldest friends / peers. Different life.. On friday evening my oldest mate and his fiance were sitting in my kitchen waiting for me to finishing beautifying myself (no small job..), Dave knew I’d just ventured into a “pro studio” for the first time but nothing else. When he saw my camera he picked it up and had a browse, when I walked in they were closely examining a headshot of a ballgagged and tied Ariel… So the cats out the bag then, going to be an interesting couple of weeks and surprisingly, I’m not really bothered.

    I read your post with particular interest Ariel, its one thing to have a passive interest, I mean on this side of the screen but a whole new ballgame to be infront of the lens. I’ve wondered how you girls introduced your work to friends and family. Most girls I’ve ever dated tend to be “daddies little girl” around family who of course don’t know them at all.. I’ve wondered how you make the step to tell them you got tied up and whipped? last night, and loved it.. Interesting stuff.



    P.S. Is that “Jim” then.. Get well soon. 🙂

    P.P.S OOh Ariel.. you have sisters..there’s a set I’d pay to see heheheh (err.. Merlin feeling a bit dirty now ..)


    R 21

    Strewth. :surprised

    Where do I start?

    I could, had I have chosen, brought a magazine from either of those racks and enjoyed viewing pictures of those beautiful women (with my beer!!) without anyone batting an eyelid. However, had I selected an ‘adult’ title (I don’t think the particular chain I was in stock them, but suppose) and done the same thing – sat with a beer in an airport reading it – I would certainly have been noticed and whilst nobody would probably have said a thing (I was after all flying from and going too British airports – and we are terribly polite) I would most likely have subconsciously been labelled a pervert by many those walking past

    I would label myself as a pervert – I view a lot of pornography in a myriad of styles. Some of it is so mild as to barely make it in to the definition, some so hard it nearly squeezes out. Having said that, I’m pretty sure I would label someone sitting at the airport reading a stick mag a “pervert” – and probably not subconsciously.

    I guess it’s about context – there will always be those who will label sites like this one as perverted and there will always be kindred souls. I can’t imagine my parents reacting with anything other than revulsion, my siblings were mildly amused and wanted to know more, the lads at the cricket club weren’t the slighest bit surprised cos they think I’m a pervert anyway and my therapist didn’t bat an eyelid when I told her I was looking at more and more bondage. (Actually, I think my therapist has something wrong with her eyelids – they don’t move much anymore.)

    I am not in any way dirty or sordid (on my best behaviour I am actually quite respectable!) and very much resent being labelled as such just because society would prefer not to think about such sites/things.

    For me, part of the enjoyment that I get is that (I think) what goes on here IS sordid and dirty. The fact that pretty girls are prepared to be degraded and humiliated for my arousal is, well, arousing.

    At this point I would like to say that I am no psychologist (you noticed right? – I am a biochemist as it goes) but surely a more open and frank discussion about this sort of thing and an acceptance that people like yourselves and I do get pleasure (that sounds dodgy!) from sites like Restrained Elegance, that sex and the different things that turn people on is part of life and is interesting, sometimes funny even, and rarely as sordid as people make out can only be a good thing and might prevent some of the easily corruptible from going off and developing, and indeed enacting, all sorts of messed up fantasies on their own.

    And there will always be a range of responses (from devotees) to a site like this that has so much to offer. The overwhelming majority will be healthy and normal (yes I know, what is healthy?, what is normal?), but there will always be a tiny percentage whose response will be outside the norm. (Iceman freaks me out BTW). In this cyber age, we are a community, but I don’t know of any community where all the members think exactly alike.

    Grumpy (also a ‘James’)



    Hi CD,

    Thanks for bringing this up on the forum. I’m sure you will get some interesting views posted here….

    For me, I believe the whole topic of bondage for personal relationships and publications depicting photographic imagery has roller-coasted from a highly taboo subject decades ago into something for more open and widespread today. This will continue and I’m sure as in 5 to 10 years time, it will be a far more accepted in conversational discussions. The internet has obviously played a HUGE part in this by allowing the worlds population to access images, chat rooms etc in the confides of their private home without feeling embarrassed or a need to share their passion with any family members of friends.

    For me, I am extremely lucky as my wife shares this enthusiasm and we enjoy a very opened-minded relationship with her in a sub role and it’s fantastic!

    With the evolvement of more individuals using the internet and purchasing magazines to seek information about the BSDM subject, I have found people are opening up and feeling comfortable enough to share their feelings. It’s very interesting to note that Ariel said herself she has started to share her thoughts with strangers about her work, which I think is fantastic. It shows how seriously she takes her work and how much she not only enjoys it, but also is also proud of her achievements (and quite rightly so). Full respect to you Ariel for doing something you genuinely love to do. Wish I could say the same about my work!

    A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine told me about a girlie night out she had with her mates. Usual Friday night thing, 6 girls out in town eating drinking and clubbing etc. The topic of sex came up which also included their respective husbands, boyfriends. She told me 4 of the 6 girls really loved to experiment with bedroom toys, and dressing up and self-bondage. However, the other 2 were really surprised and somewhat shocked by this as they had no interest in it at all. What was most interesting is the fact 3 of these girls who would love to indulge in these bondage fantasise would never dare raise the topic with their boyfriends for fear of their response (I believe this to be a very common situation which is a great shame). It clearly shows there are for more people either curious or actively participating in these scenarios then we may realise.

    Ariel, I know you’re interested in meeting and sharing conversations with likeminded people. I have only just started doing this myself with very selected people, and it’s wonderful to hear their thoughts and opinions, as it’s really surprising to find out how similar our views are.

    Interesting to hear what Merlin said…..The first thing I did after getting home from the photo-shoot was to take all the pics off the camera, stick them on the PC, and wipe the memory stick clean! I was using the camera the next day, so didn’t want to accidentally look at the photos with my mates around. Just goes to show you how paranoid I was about it. This is a great shame, as I’m really proud of the photos taken during the shoot (there the best pics I’ve ever taken) and Ariel looked stunning and so beautiful.

    The point being, that thanks to people like Hywel who have created websites and forums etc (R.E. being the best of these by miles and miles), its allowed people to be more open minded, indulge in their fantasise and probably more importantly, re-assured us were not alone in our thoughts and there are hundreds and thousands of others out there who feel the same way. It helps bring an end to the thought of “Am I weird and strange for enjoying these activates and is there anyone else who thinks the sameâ€



    Wow CD, thanks for starting this thread!

    For what it’s worth, here is an ex-model / publicity person / sometime photographer’s musings… obviously, this is more from a modelling and photography point of view. Although I dabble in bondage at home, I am probably a lot more vanilla than most people on the forum…

    When I was modelling whilst at Uni, I loved the fact that I had a ‘double life’ and I used to smile in lectures thinking about what the lecturers would have said if they knew what I did. It made it all the more amusing that, at weekends, I was being tied up and photographed by an academic!

    I was running a low key website (the now defunct katethetemptress.co.uk) and sold picture CDs and had Wednesday night chatroom sessions – it was quite innocent, I just chatted to any visitors, nothing sordid or sexual involved at all really. I was trapped at home with a kid and a controlling hubby and Wednesday nights were strictly ‘me-time’. I guess I must be an exhibitionist, but really I think modelling enabled me to be somewhere else, physically and mentally. When the camera was on me, I could be whoever I wanted to be.

    I tried to keep it from my family, but my lovely husband at the time sent my Mum a link to my website under an anonymous email address… luckily my Mum was quite impressed that her little girl had designed her own website! She didn’t mind me modelling but was worried about sleazy men taking advantage. She thought Hywel’s stuff was classy, but isn’t a fan of gags…

    I actually stopped modelling when I started my first full time job after graduating. It was for a well known bank, and it stated in the contract that a) I wasn’t allowed to do any additional work outside of the bank and b)that I wasn’t allowed to do any activity that may put the corporation into disrepute. Noone there knew about the modelling, I was worried it would damage my credibility and that people would look at me in a more unprofessional way.

    Now that I am doing more and more work for the site, I am fairly open about what I do. I have to be… my Mum tells everyone she meets (and sends them to the site – she should be on commission!). She is so proud of Restrained Elegance it is untrue – I think she would model for it given the chance and if she was a few years younger!

    A month ago, I started a part-time job and on my first day, my immediate boss started to ask about what I did so I just came out and told her. It now means that I can talk openly about how excited I am about the Bondage X Factor and the France trip. She was intrigued by the whole thing. She keeps asking loads of questions. The latest was about what the models do with their pubic hair. It’s very random! She looked at the preview and is very impressed at how classy it all looks. I describe the site as ‘FHM with cuffs and rope’ as that is how I view it. Excellent quality sexy photography with a kinky twist. She did tell me not to tell her boss though, as he may look at me in a different way and judge me for it…

    To be honest, I think it is easy for me. I could simply say ‘I get paid to take photographs / be photographed for the site’ and I am protected by this phrase and could quite easily hide behind it. Instead I try to enter into a healthy discussion about bdsm and how it isn’t all whips, chains and rubber. I *really* admire you, Ariel, for being so open and honest that you explore your fantasies through your work. I don’t know that I could ‘bare all’ in such a way although I am sure it must feel very liberating!

    Kate (short for Kathryn – and it is my real name!) x


    Wow, what a long, thoughtful and intelligent thread. I think I’ll post “my story” first then maybe pick up on a few things others have said in later posts.

    I’ve been interested in bondage literally as long as I can remember. I think I probably realised at a very early age that there was a difference between what I imagined wanting to do to girls and what was actually acceptable behaviour for any human being to do. In fact my earliest fantasies were far darker than anything you’d see on Restrained Elegance, mostly involving baroque death-traps and damsels in distress.

    I didn’t tell anyone about my interests. I don’t know why, exactly, although I was very much quieter and more private generally as a child than I am now. I started producing my own “Bondage Porn” very early, with pictures cut out from magazines and drawing in the deathtraps around them. As a teenager I collected elegant soft porn (Mayfair was a particular favourite, and I still like the slightly playful and camp style of the Mayfair covers of that era).

    I was known in school as the soft porn king (there was another guy who was the hardcore porn king) so I obviously didn’t hide that interest much! I had calendars of naked women all over the walls of my room

    I didn’t specifically tell anyone about the bondage interest although by this stage I was 100% sure that bondage and bare feet were my things. Not really sure why I didn’t discuss it- it never came up in the right situation, I guess. I had a collection of BDSM themed books (Gor etc) but not much in the way of photos. I’d read up as much as I could and knew that it wasn’t an uncommon fetish, and I think by stage had started to get comfortable with ways of making the initially very dark fantasies into things which one could actually do with a partner without causing harm or injury (or getting arrested for that matter LOL).

    At University, I suddenly had a bit of money, control over my own spending, and wasn’t really accountable to anyone. The walls of my room were still adorned with the odd calendar with gorgeous girls, I’d started drawing on non-bondage fantasy/SciFi themes as well and a lot of the pictures on my walls featured very beautiful women (although not in a bondage context). When asked why I mostly drew women, the only thing I could really say is that I liked drawing women, I liked looking at women, I liked bringing the features to life in art as well. Men were just men- dull. Women were gorgeous! Much more interesting!

    It was at University that I discovered some sources of bondage porn, so I supplemented my steady diet of elegant soft porn magazines with the odd custom photoset ordered from photographers who would shoot them to order (still have a very cute black and white set of photos with a lovely blonde lady barefoot getting whipped with a rope whip – very mild, very tame stuff, not particularly well lit and just shot in someone’s house, but still pretty hot stuff especially one shot where she was making strong eye contact with camera). I found a few S&M videos, which were very poor quality but much better than crappy horror films which had up until then been the only vaguely reliable way of getting hold of bondage on video. I found a few American bondage magazines, too.

    By this stage I wasn’t hiding anything and most of my friends knew about the sort of things I was into- I made no secret of it, but nor did I blurt out “Hey! I’m really into tying girls up!” in general conversation.

    Skip forward to postgrad and the discovery of one of Felix Dartmouth’s stunning pics of Dana on a Usenet newsgroup during a very boring night shift on my experiment in Hamburg.
    I was instantly hooked. This was the VERY early days of the web, but being a particle physicist I was ideally placed to find bondage websites as soon as they sprung up, with Archives, Shortfuse and FM Concepts being the main sites I frequented as a member (with plenty of other sites I joined once or twice, too).

    In terms of my own bondage art, I had got into 3D rendering with Bryce and Poser, but they were a real sod to do bondage pics with (they’ve come on a way since then!) I got into drawing portraits of friends for other reasons (an SCA arts & crafts project in fact) which in turn led to me doing bondage drawings which in turn led to me taking photos to draw from, dropping the art side completely and eventually ended up with me running my own website.

    These days, I couldn’t possibly hide what I do- after all, it is a full-time job.

    But at the time I launched the site, in theory I had a big decision to make. Should I, like most bondage producers and 90%+ of bondage models did at the time, do everything “on the quiet” with a pseudonym? Remember at the time I was an academic, a research fellow looking to secure a permanent lectureship. The idea of doing the website full-time was still years off.

    For me the decision was so easy it didn’t really count as a decision at all. I’d already discovered that I was honest to the point of stupidity, and I decided I’d do everything under my own name and quite openly. In fact I promised myself I’d never publish anything under a pseudonym, ever. Life is too short. If I’m doing something I’m proud of, it can be under my own name. If I’m so ashamed of it I don’t want to put my name to it, I shouldn’t do it in the first place. So yes, Hywel Phillips is my real name, too.

    The funny thing is that I can’t even remember having any really negative reactions from people about the site or the photos. My Mum doesn’t understand why the ropes have to be there, but things the photography is exquisite. My wife doesn’t understand why anyone would want to see more than one bondage photoset, ever, and is quietly bewildered (but hugely supportive). When the subject came up at work, everyone looked at the site and the photos and said nice things.

    Sure, quite often I get “it is not my cup of tea”. That’s fine, wouldn’t expect it to be to everyone’s taste. But VERY few people have ever had a go at me for what I do. Most people seem to appreciate the care and thought that has gone into every photo, the way I’ve designed the website (one of my University friends commented just last week that he’d looked at the site for the first time and been very impressed by the style and class of it all). Feminist art historian friends at the previously-all-women’s college where I worked discussed the historical iconography of women as Madonna or Whore and the depiction of bondage in traditional art with me… and had some very constructive criticism (one that I’m still fighting my own tendency for is that a lot of the photos are very static. Not posed, just without obvious motion or flow in them). Not one said “you disgusting pervert, you’re exploiting women”. My lecturing career did not suffer one whit.

    I don’t know for certain whether my students all looked at the site, but they probably did. I made no secret about it and I think did have one or two conversations about photoshoots with some students. Curiously the sort of things which interest people tend to be the nuts-and-bolts of the job- what time of day do you shoot to get good light, how come your beach shoots look gorgeous when mine always look rubbish (one word- reflectors!), how do you find the models, what camera do you use (get asked THAT one a lot), that sort of thing. So I never felt it was in any way inappropriate to discuss that sort of thing with students, male or female. (Remember these were adult University students, typically 20 or so- would surely have been different if I had been a school teacher!)

    I’ve been equally open and up-front with everyone else. When I got the studio, I told the prospective landlords exactly what I did (and showed them the site). They thought it was much better fun than leasing the unit as a boring office. When I shot the film and wanted to shoot external shots, I emailed around all the other businesses on the estate and told them what I was doing and why. Several offered me help and we got to use stairs etc belonging to other businesses. When we met up to discuss various issues with the estate management company, several of them complimented me on the quality of the site and that it was quite fun to have something like that going on just a few doors away.

    ALL our friends know. No-one has ever expressed any problems with it. When we go on diving holidays and people on the boat ask what I do, I tell them. Usually I say glamour and fetish photography when first asked rather than being very specific, but if they express any interest (which they usually do) I’ll tell them all about it and usually give ’em my card, too. Which has the website URL all over it of course. Frequently someone in the group goes off to a web cafe and has a look at the site during the week- and usually comes back and says nice things to me about it.

    One or two models have been a bit off when I have contacted them about modelling for the site. Without wishing to name names, I would say that they have all turned out to be the sort of model who is modelling to find, fuck and extract money from a premiership footballer and for no other reason than that. Those are the ones who seem to be rather stuck-up. Plenty of models have declined to work with the site for personal reasons (most often not being happy with gags, or being on a site with more nudity than they are happy with- not that that would be an issue shooting because we’d work to their limits, but because they don’t want to be on ANY site with more nudity). Some have decided after appearing on the site that they would prefer the pics to come down, usually over worries about their careers. But only the few fuck-a-footballer models have been in any way insulting or sneering or pretended indignantion at my work- everyone else has said nice things, even if they decided not to be part of it themselves.

    So all in all, it has been an amazingly positive experience for me. I guess I am very lucky that my social group is mostly open-minded university types, and that I live in a country where the people are very liberal (even if the laws haven’t quite caught up with them yet). I hear horror stories about models and photographers in small-town America which make my toes curl, glad I don’t live in a hypocritical stultifying atmosphere like that. (To be honest, I’d up sticks and move if I did).

    Incidentally, I share CD’s fondness for petite (short!) women. Can’t say why, just do. Not that Ariel isn’t stunningly gorgeous I hasten to add… but there’s something about a petite, perfectly formed and barefoot girl that is so ultra-ultra-feminine that it really pushes my buttons 🙂

    Personally, I would like to think that having a good, safe, classy, elegant, respectful outlet for bondage fantasies is a good way to ensure that people like me who started with very dark fantasies get to understand and explore them in a way which harms no-one. It is always a worry that some image I have taken may cause a fixation in someone who sees it and eventually trigger some horrible crime, or that somone will get obsessed with the site or (most likely) will fixate on and stalk a certain model. My personal opinion is that such a person would be likely to commit the crime eventually anyway, and would just have found another trigger a few days, months or years down the road. There are studies which seem to support this, but others which seem to contradict it. I know some of the models have had stalkers and do get creepy emails a lot. Incidentally that’s one reason why while I think the real name/total honesty works for me, I wouldn’t really advise every model to go for it. There are certainly very strong arguments against a model giving out her address to anyone!

    Ultimately I can’t be responsible for everything others may see in my work, but I can try to deliberately maintain a level of style, grace, elegance and ultimately RESPECT and maintain that in the text and the attitude displayed towards the models on the site. That’s the best I can do. While I really enjoy hurting and humiliating someone within the context of a bondage scene, it is absolutely NOT acceptable to maintain that “sexist sadist scumbag” attitude for real. Probably even more important to have that respect for the person you are going to tie up and torture in a scene than it is to have it towards people in general, in fact.

    So while I may have a storyline where the model is portraying a character who might be a whore or a slut, you will never see the person herself referred to in that way on Restrained Elegance. Other sites may sell the “Phwaor we got this slut here and did horrible things to her because she’s just a worthless bitch whore cunt and then we told her to fuck off and didn’t even pay her, aren’t we cool and hard bondage doms?” attitude. That attitude is kinda fine to have towards someone WITHIN the context of a scene, if that’s what appeals to the two of you. (Although it doesn’t do too much for me, to be honest- I prefer to be bit rather colder and more remote and aloof as the dom somehow, rather than dom-as-drooling-prevert).

    So I shouldn’t really object to it on a website if that website is selling a fantasy and can be understood on that level. Personally, I prefer to make everything clear and maintain at least some separation between the fantasy and the reality on the site. So I really appreciate that Chanta has “her bitches” on Chanta’s Bitches and she treats them like sluts in the scene, but always “frames” the scene with interviews to make the girl into a person and emphasise that the whole thing is consensual. It makes it much easier for me to enjoy the darker and more intense stuff if I know that it is by construction a fantasy… and that any non-consensuality in the story is purely for the purposes of the storyline, too.

    I try to make sure other people appreciate that there is a difference between model out of the scene and model playing the role in the scene, too. I don’t want to stop someone appreciating the site on a fantasy level by intrusively forcing them to consider the models as real people rather than slavegirl fantasy figures if they don’t want to- that would be intrusive. But I don’t want them treating models direspectfully either or thinking that it is OK to speak to them on the forum in the way Chanta or I might speak to them during a video when we are in character, for example. So I’ve enjoyed some of the behind-the-scenes videos of rigging suspensions where you can see us being us (the only thing really different from when the cameras aren’t rolling is that we have to remember to use stage names for models and that we mustn’t bitch too much in case anyone sues us!) Equally I can appreciate that someone might not WANT to have the fantasy punctured because it might lose a lot of its power for them so I try to drop hints like calling these things behind the scenes or tutorial features or whatever.

    I really don’t like websites that have a constant, non-stop misogynist attitude (and I absolutely loathe people who have that attitude for real).

    I think the development on the site that I am most pleased about in the last year or so is the way that the forum has developed into a community. Ariel’s decision to discuss some very personal things has really helped others do the same, I think. Thanks to all who have contributed to making it a safe, supportive and interesting place to talk about things like this!

    I don’t think I ever worried too much about the “am I weird and sick for thinking like this”. I think I knew that I absolutely WAS like this, and nothing was going to change that, ever. But I also always knew that OF COURSE it would be wrong to really put a woman in a deathtrap (as well as being quite ludicruous, given most of the comicbook heroine stuff I used to imagine!) So I just started looking for safe ways of scratching the itch. I will admit that I used to be rather wary of mind-altering substances of any kind: I didn’t want to find that in some drunken haze I had actually done something from a fantasy. These days I know myself well enough to know that no, that would never ever happen… and everyone I’ve discussed it with has said that they are absolutely 100% sure that I never would, either. But when I was younger, I guess I didn’t. These days I don’t drink at all but that’s because I get a three-day filthy hangover from half a glass of wine.

    P.S. CD… Sadly “thousands” over-estimates the membership. At the time of writing we are hovering at around 940-950 or so and are all crossing our fingers that we’ll finally hit 1000 members “for real” soon. We thought we had done so in December, but it turned out to be a false dawn because some 90 day memberships were not expiring correctly. DAMN.

    Cheers, Hywel.

    Edited By Hywel on 1170714318



    I really don’t like websites that have a constant, non-stop misogynist attitude (and I absolutely loathe people who have that attitude for real).

    What you said.

    It’s also a driving force for my fiction writing. The Gor novels are interesting, but too much on the misogynic and DSM end of BDSM for me to really enjoy. And a lot of the more recent fiction on the subject is like that too: Leaning heavily (from my biased point of view) to the DSM end of BDSM, with not enough actual bondage. Fiction featuring chained, barefoot, and pampered slavegirls is amost nonexistant. So I set about writing some.

    Sadly “thousands” over-estimates the membership. At the time of writing we are hovering at around 940-950 or so and are all crossing our fingers that we’ll finally hit 1000 members “for real” soon.

    Elegant glamorous bondage does seem to be a tiny minority taste, dang it, with more misogynic fantasies being “undeservedly” popular. But it’s good to learn the real membership numbers for the site, rather than having to make wild random guesses.



    This post got me thinking once again about how society thinks and how I got in to the whole thing,

    I can´t say that I have felt it since I was little, my first contact with bondage were when I found some pictures at my boyfriends when I was around 14 I think, I became curios but was afraid of continuing exploring it even though he wanted to, because what if anyone found out, they would think all kinds of stuff about me….. I was clearly not normal I thought this was a bad thing….. 🙂

    Well started not to think about what other thought, got in to it more and more, tried more things and saw what I like. Now I wouldn´t like to live without it :newangel

    I would like to say that I´m completly open with it but I can´t be….I´m kind of semi open. My parents and family don´t know they wouldn´t understand. I´m open with most of my friends, have got positiv response there, they think there´s nothing wrong… shown them some pictures of me and they think they are beautiful. Now I tell new people that I meet from the start.

    I really hope that society become even more accepting about BDSM, I would like to be able to say what I like without maybe having to defend it or being thought of like some strange person. I´m proud of the pictures that I have taken and of what I´m doing. I´m finding new things all the time I would like to try.


    Pling ( nickname for Ingela)



    I quite like the way that D/s is practiced behind closed doors, its like sex on a train or in a restaurant, basically terrible but exciting because its something different, something risque..


    For me, part of the enjoyment that I get is that (I think) what goes on here IS sordid and dirty. The fact that pretty girls are prepared to be degraded and humiliated for my arousal is, well, arousing.

    That’s the sort of thing I mean about not wanting to puncture the fantasy with the behind-the-scenes stuff. Within the fantasy, the thrill of something forbidden can be absolutely exquisite. That seems to be quite a big element in a lot of kinks and fetishes- cross-dressing for example where I’m guessing that a lot of the power comes about precisely because normal barriers are being transgressed. (Only a conjecture- it can be really hard to understand the power of a kink you don’t personally share).

    Since I also find this forbidden element quite powerful I wonder why it is that I am not at all comfortable with sites who provide it in a purer from-the-moment-you-get-through-the-door form. I guess because there are genuine women-haters out there.

    I get a similar yuck-squick factor with some of the people who write in about the guillotine trick onEvilMagician.com. While I’m happy to shoot a magic video where the beautiful assistant is put in a deathtrap and menaced with a guillotine blade, the people who want to see spurting jugulars, severed heads and twitching corpses can damn well go elsewhere. Our assistant is going to be magically unhurt. If we ever do one where she appears to be beheaded for a while, her head will surely be chattering away, having a right go at the silly magician for not doing the trick right and where did he put the bumper book of head-restoring spells, doesn’t he know she’s got a hairdresser’s appointment in an hour???


    It’s also a driving force for my fiction writing. The Gor novels are interesting, but too much on the misogynic and DSM end of BDSM for me to really enjoy. And a lot of the more recent fiction on the subject is like that too: Leaning heavily (from my biased point of view) to the DSM end of BDSM, with not enough actual bondage. Fiction featuring chained, barefoot, and pampered slavegirls is amost nonexistant. So I set about writing some.

    Ooooh… have you had anything published? Any links we can look at?

    I have a confession to make- we really totally failed when we tried to shoot something along the lines of what you’ve described. The end result was the Bondage Driving Test series which (trust Ariel) is about to take a more sinister and dramatic turn for the dark side. I feel rather guilty that what sorted off as a plan to do something pampered ended up with probably the hardest, most intense punishment scene we’ve ever shot together. Feel like we copped out completely.

    I’d actually really like to try shooting something more along the lines of what you’re describing. But perhaps I either need to shoot it with someone other than Ariel (although she’ll be unhappy) or we need something a bit more tightly constrained to work to. Would you be interested in putting heads together and seeing what we can come up with?


    P.S. Pling – I’d love to invite you back for another shoot. I’ve got a lot of commitments for the next few months (currently redecorating the studio with new sets, then Bondage X factor, then the next France trip) but we’ll definitely try to bring you over again later on in the year, OK?



    Hi all,

    Well, this is kind of a big thing for me, to be even contemplating posting anything here. I’ve been an intermittent member of RE since getting hooked up online about three years ago, but have only been a silent observer of the forum till now. Mostly, because I have wrestled for the best part of 35 years with my attraction to the images of bound damsels, feeling that it was in some way, unhealthy, abnormal or just plain wrong. I have marvelled at the self-confidence and candour of all of you who have been able to post your feelings and reactions, but have just never felt able to respond myself.

    That is until reading CD/James’s initial post on this thread. Then the fascinating replies of the rest of you…and agreeing, or at least understanding, with something from almost every post, I felt I could remain a silent observer no longer! So, I’ve done it..I’m posting!! I’m not very good at this, but I guess I just wanted to say something as someone who ISN’T good at this.

    I must say that I love Kate’s definition of the site as a kind of light bondage FHM, as this neatly ties in with the dilemma CD touched upon: the rather dodgy rep that bondage has out there; but in reality, the wonderful work that Hywel does – no matter that the initial fantasies may have come from darker places – IS rather FHM-y..albeit with more class! It is interesting the broad consensus across the lot of you as to what you find so appealing about images of tied women, though I envy you all that you seem able to share your passion with others, even immediate family. That is a bridge too far, and I suspect will always remain so. As for actively sharing my passion with another person..that is even more unlikely. I should take heart from what many of you say, but I fear that I have lived with the stigma too long. It’s a long-term fantasy that will simply remain one. Still, I can see how the forum offers a valuable means of contextualising things, and that it is clear that there are a number of us out there, who broadly share the same passion. I thought it was intriguing the notion that it might even be more mainstream in ten years or so. The mainstream representation of bondage in film and TV is still rather limp, it must be said, and I don’t see that changing. Until it does…

    I really envy Hywel, Merlin and Steve that they have actually been able to work with wonderful people like Ariel who are easy with their passion for bondage. I agree with Hywel that Ariel’s contributions on the site in general, and the forum in specific, have been incredibly important. She has been kind enough to reply to a few emails I’ve sent over recent months, and that was an immensely significant step for me…just to be able to ask a few things of another person, who so openly embraces her love of being restrained. Obviously, I’ve never been able to create my own photographic images, but ever since I was about 8, I have written stories that have explored them in my head. I stopped writing until very recently, having plucked up the courage to buy some erotic SM novels from Amazon. One or two were OK, but the majority were a wee bit too sordid for me, with a bit too much rather messy sex in. I know that might seem weird, but I kind of prefer the peril side of the imagery, the struggling and moaning and wriggling, rather than too much rough sex and pain. Never been one for the pain side of things, though was surprised by how much aspects of Ariel’s videos have drawn me in. I guess it is simply that she so obviously enjoys the playing that I can cope. The novel representations are much more about pain for its own sake and I can’t abide that. So, I have been trying to write a story which treads a careful line. In fact, I was plotting a tale involving a beautiful woman – not unlike Ariel as it happens, LOL! – just before Hywel and Ariel posted the first LOng Term bondage stuff. I wasn’t a member at the time, and thought that a strange coincidence. However, it rather stole my creative thunder – thanks, you two!! – and have only recently been able to get back to it properly, but partly also due to university commitments (I lecture but unilke Hywel, there is NO way I can be as open…always been too shy and that’s my problem!).

    All these stories over the years have been my outlet, but they have been mined solely from imagination. I have NO idea how a woman feels to be tied up, why it is so sexy or a thrill or whatever. Ariel’s openness on the forum has helped massively, but I do lack that personal experience. As a result, I doubt these stories are ever likely to get off my laptop, as they are probably totally divorced from the reality, from what it actually feels like, but they will doubtless remain a key expression for me.

    I’m not quite sure what this post has contributed to the debate CD started, but I felt strangely compelled to say something. I think, simply, that there might actually be other people here, who read these posts and envy the ability of the minority to be so open. They might, like me, never have actually tied anyone up, but still dream about doing so, and maybe it might encourage them to post too. It has been quite liberating to do this..oddly enough.

    On a personal note, though, I wanted just to say thank you to all of you who have posted a response to CD. While I still feel uncomfy in my own skin about my passion, it DOES nevertheless help to learn a bit more about how others feel, how they have coped with their feelings and how they have been able, with differing levels of ease, to be open i ntheir lives. There is hope…!


    PS It’s my pseudonym..and I’ll hide behind it for now. C’mon, I’ve go to learn to crawl first..!



    Hi Jo!

    .. and welcome to therapy.! :;):

    Feels kinda good to get stuff off yer chest doesn’t it, hope you’ll stick around.

    Any more inspired lurkers out there?




    Hi Hywel,

    Thanks, I would love to come back later in the year :smooch 🙂


    Hi Jo,

    Good to hear from you! It is really nice that long-time lurkers are starting to feel that the RE forum is a place where they can actually speak up and say hello!

    I stopped writing until very recently, having plucked up the courage to buy some erotic SM novels from Amazon. One or two were OK, but the majority were a wee bit too sordid for me, with a bit too much rather messy sex in. I know that might seem weird, but I kind of prefer the peril side of the imagery, the struggling and moaning and wriggling, rather than too much rough sex and pain.

    Personally I’ve never been overly fond of the graphic sex descriptions in most erotic fiction. I prefer things a bit more understated (possibly because I’m British- the American bondage fiction I’ve read does tend to be very heavy on the throbbing cocks and dripping cunts and rather light on the foreplay!)

    The rough sex and pain aspects ring my bell, but I like there to be much more to the story than that- I like to have some emotional connection to the characters too I guess. (Bit of a girly thing to say that but hey there we go).

    I’ve always written fiction as well, from a very early age… still probably got my battered old hardback notebooks full of bondage writings. Storytelling is actually a driving compulsion of mine which I *cannot* get away from, whether taking still photos, shooting a video, writing text, writing and running year-long roleplaying campaigns for my friends, giving a scientific lecture (even a 15 minute seminar should be structured like a story I reckon), writing to a lady halfway across the world about bondage fantasies, or sitting down with friends’ kids and a bunch of cuddly toys and having an adventure as they cuddly toys come to life and start acting out stories. I don’t think I could stop doing it if I tried.

    As a result, I doubt these stories are ever likely to get off my laptop, as they are probably totally divorced from the reality, from what it actually feels like, but they will doubtless remain a key expression for me.

    Well, if You’d ever like to upload them, I’m sure people on the forum would be supportive. I know we’ve not had a great response when a few people have posted long stories before- I think that’s mostly because it is really hard to know what to say. I’ve certainly read everything people have posted with interest, even if I’ve not managed to provide any meaningful constructive criticism.

    All these stories over the years have been my outlet, but they have been mined solely from imagination. I have NO idea how a woman feels to be tied up, why it is so sexy or a thrill or whatever.

    Oh yeh, I know… that’s absolutely the hardest part, isn’t it? Even knowing quite a few submissive women and having chatted endlessly, I can only dimly begin to understand it by reverse psychology. I am absolutely not a switch, not even a little bit, so I can’t even creep up on it from a male submissive point of view, let alone a female point of view. As far as I’m concerned it is just a bloody miracle to discover that yes, there are women out there who have submissive fantasies that are the counterpoint of my dominant ones. Result!!!! :singhappy :singhappy :singhappy :singhappy :singhappy

    I don’t claim to understand it but I’m bloody glad it is the case. And we’re very lucky that so many of them are willing to get tied up for everyone’s pleasure here on RE.




    @hywel wrote:

    It’s also a driving force for my fiction writing. The Gor novels are interesting, but too much on the misogynic and DSM end of BDSM for me to really enjoy. And a lot of the more recent fiction on the subject is like that too: Leaning heavily (from my biased point of view) to the DSM end of BDSM, with not enough actual bondage. Fiction featuring chained, barefoot, and pampered slavegirls is amost nonexistant. So I set about writing some.

    Ooooh… have you had anything published? Any links we can look at?

    Well, the first novel is collecting rejection-slips from various major publishers, and the second one (sequel) is stuck half-way through.

    I do have a number of short stories as well, some on my website http://geocities.com/lurker60031/, ten stories on the Damsel Theater token site http://www.damseltheater.com/galleries.php?id=Sablesword, and if you don’t mind tickling with your bondage, a bunch of stories on the TickleTheater forum http://www.tickletheater.com/showthread.php?t=34672

    (A couple of the tickling stories are interrogation stories that I’m especially pleased with 🙂 because they’re *not* your usual “interrogation by tickling” stories. Instead they give a hearty “neener neener” to the standard “Talk woman! Or I will tickle you some more!” – “No! Please! Anything but that!”)

    Oh, I should also add that all my stories are science fiction & fantasy because that’s what I *do* :alien So if you’re alergic to that stuff, you have been warned.



    If anyone is interested, here’s the opening from my novel Agent of Cern. (That’s the finished one collecting the rejection slips). And [channeling Lewis Carroll] if you’re not interested, then here it is anyway.

    My name is John Smith.

    I had recently received my doctorate in organic chemistry, making me “John Smith, Ph.D.” when the Black Druid summoned me, or half summoned me, into the world of Trion.

    I was on a job interview, about to give the usual talk to the company’s scientists when the summoning hit. I felt terrible. Worse than terrible: As if my heart had stopped. As if I were about to drop dead. And there were two of me.

    One of me still stood in the meeting room, knees about to buckle, listening to my sponsor introduce me. The other me stood in a strange place, looking at the back of a man who was working on something at a bench. I breathed in, and life and strength came flooding back into the both of me. At the same time, my sense of there being two of me faded, and by the end of the breath there was only one of me, the one in the strange place.

    My skin tingled, and I could smell the familiar lab-smell of stored chemicals. The bench looked like a very old-fashioned chemistry bench, like something from a museum, or from a chemistry department display of how things were a century ago. I could see stoppered jars on the shelves above the bench, with hand-written labels, and a big carboy labeled “water” at one end. My hearing seemed unusually sharp; I could hear the faint splashing sounds as the man mixed something, and the rustle of his clothing as he moved. He was a short man, with dark hair close-cropped, wearing tight black shorts, a loose green shirt, and a sash in darker green. The cloth looked like silk, and its style gave an overall ‘ren-faire’ impression – at least to me, who knew nothing about historical costume.

    I also heard a clatter and clamor, a room or two away, and a female voice suppressing a whimper, to my left. The man at the bench didn’t seem to notice. He turned toward me, not looking up, carefully holding a liquid-filled dish.

    “Excuse me,” I said, “Can you tell me – “

    He looked up at me and his eyes widened. His mouth fell open, then snapped shut. “Forker take it!” he said. “It’s too soon!” Then his eyes narrowed and I expected him to dash his liquid at me. Instead, however, he turned and threw it to his right. I glanced in that direction and did a classic double-take. A naked woman lay there, bound to a low table with straps at her wrists and ankles. She had dozens of shallow cuts on her belly and breasts, and she screamed when the liquid splashed over them.

    My laboratory reflexes kicked in. Chemicals spilled on a person must be washed off immediately. I shoved the man aside as I rushed to the bench, grabbed the largest empty beaker I saw, and filled it with water from the carboy. A long step brought me to the bound woman, and I poured the water over her, rinsing away the other liquid. She stopped screaming and began to sob instead.

    The sounds of the furniture-smashing brawl outside the room had grown louder, and now the man noticed them at last. He’d produced a sword from somewhere, while I took care of the chemical emergency, and after glancing at the woman he muttered some pungent-sounding words while splitting his attention between me and the door. I eyed the sword warily and bit down on some pungent words of my own. The woman continued to sob.

    The door burst open and a gray-bearded man entered, dressed in a lace-trimmed costume that struck even my ignorant eyes as elegant. Two associates in blue and tan uniforms followed him. All three carried swords of their own. “Simon del Vair,” the graybeard said, “In the name of the King, I arrest you on the charges of -“

    “Belzac!” first man – Simon del Vair – said. He pointed at me. “Help me stop it! It’s wild, dangerous.”

    Graybeard looked at me, sword ready. “Um,” I said. The point of that sword looked unpleasantly sharp. I realized that I still held my dish, and also that I didn’t have any clothes on. I tried kicking my wits into activity. “Excuse me, sir, but I don’t feel very dangerous at all.” I smiled weakly at my attempt at humor.

    ” ‘Wild and dangerous,’ is it?” Graybeard sheathed his sword and gestured to the uniformed men. They disarmed Simon del Vair and escorted him from the room. Graybeard turned back to me. “My name is Belzac del Boise,” he said, bowing slightly.

    “I’m John Smith.”

    “Well met. We will collect the girl, get you both covered, and retreat to discuss this more comfortably.” He turned to the female on the table. “What is your name, my dear?” he asked politely.

    “Luce. I am named Luce, if it pleases my lord.” She had stopped sobbing and now seemed limp with relief.

    “Very good then, Luce. Just relax for a minute while I -” He broke off, noticing the same thing I did: Luce’s injuries were gone. Her wet skin still had smears of blood, but the cuts had vanished. She didn’t even have any scars. Belzac then looked me and the dish I still held. “Well met indeed, sir,” he said softly. “I think, John-Smith, that you ought to be the one who unties Luce while I locate some coverings.”

    He left the room while I attacked the bindings. They consisted of fat leather straps, knotted rather than buckled, and tied so that Luce couldn’t reach the knots. I found them easy to undo, and in short order Luce sat up on the edge of the table. She had almost-black hair that fell well past her shoulders and a body just slightly better endowed than a ballerina’s. She watched me in return with brown eyes set in a round face that would be even prettier if she smiled. We studied each other, not saying anything, until Belzac returned carrying an armload of stuff. He found a dry spot and set the load down: Plain shoes, baggy pants, a long shirt, a blanket, and a set of brass chains.

    “Go ahead and shackle her,” Belzac told me. I would have balked, but Luce held out her arms, smiling slightly. I fastened the smaller shackles on her wrists, and then she sat back on the table, legs extended for the larger pair. She seemed oddly pleased by my attentions.

    “The blanket is also for Luce,” Belzac continued. “You will have to carry her, I am afraid. The other clothes seem to have been made for you. They are not very stylish, but they should at least fit you.” I draped the blanket around Luce and began to dress myself.

    I realized several things all at once: Luce was a petite young woman; it should be no trouble to carry her. Belzac was a short man, and Simon del Vair and Belzac’s uniformed assistants all stood only slightly taller. I looked at my hands and the final realization hit: I had a different body from the one I grew up in. This body was leaner and more muscular than the original body, the one that my other self must still be wearing back in the hotel. I looked at my feet and saw the floor further away than I remembered it being. The others then, weren’t short; I was tall.

    I made myself finish dressing. Questions could wait. Later, I promised myself as I picked up Luce. She wiggled for a moment, trying to get comfortable, as I followed Belzac out the door.



    Haven’t got my own thoughts in order about the questions raised in this thread yet, however for those who didn’t hear Woman’s Hour this morning, the “listen to this item” at the URL below might be of interest.






    Can I just say a massive thanks to all of you have replied to this already. I guess I was slightly apprehensive that I may have crossed the line between what people were prepared to talk about in these forums and what they were not (it’s that fear of opening up about things even though you are doing nothing wrong thing again!) but I have been genuinely overwhelmed by the positive response that this has received. Special thanks must go to Kate, Ariel and I guess these days to Pling for the special insight and unique perspective that, it seems we all agree, they bring to the forum. And also to Jo for emerging from the lurking shadows and posting in the forum, I really can’t think of a better place to begin to explore these kind of things in the open and hope that all of you other lurkers might follow where Jo has bravely lead!

    Looking back over the responses to my original post I guess my overwhelming feeling has been that of surprise at just how many of you are able to share the fact that you are into bondage with your friends and family. I am not quite there yet, and despite the positive experiences that you all seem to have had in doing this fear that this level of openness may be some time off (and I guess when I do, rather like Merlin, it is more likely going to be to a group of mates rather than close family members or the management team at work!). Though not willing, at the moment, to join you all in your openness I must say I really do admire those of you who have been able to discuss this sort of stuff more openly it must be a particularly liberating experience. I guess it was motivated me to write my initial post, this (inbuilt) fear of telling people that I am into BDSM for fear of a possible negative response, though secretly longing for a situation where I could. Of course there are people who I deal with on a day-to-day basis who I really don’t feel need to, or indeed would want to, know (that management team again! – though there would probably some good gossip to be had by there secretaries!) but it all becomes rather more complicated when it comes to those to whom you are close, a situation I feel I probably need, or will be forced, to tackle sooner rather than later (read on).

    I really don’t know when I first realised I was into all of this. I have mentioned in here before memories of finding women bound in films and television (even childrens TV cartoons – actually now I think of it imagine Hannah in a gaudy pink outfit and cap and tell me she is not the spitting image of Penelope pit stop!) and soon became a huge fan of the Bond films, King Kong and magic shows on the television. I was kind of fortunate to have a sister relatively close in age to me and remember there often being a group of mine and her friends round at the house. More often than not play turned to a kidnap story or a bank raid etc during which one of my sisters friends would end up tied up with a dressing gown cord or something similar that came to hand (often the kidnapper made off with their socks as well!). Being a little older, and when not tying my young female friends up tickling proved a fun activity – another heady mix of dominance and a young foot fetish!. I often wonder how many of those girls (none of whom I now know) put two and two together in later years, when they grew up and began to learn of sex, bondage and the like, that the young CD was in fact acting upon what were to become two of his kinks!.
    As I continued through school and college I remember bondage was always at the forefront of my mind (there was a time when the average break between kidnappings in UK/Australian soaps was about two months – glory days!) and I used to regularly purchase magazines such as FHM, Loaded and occasionally Mens World (UK topshelf – I used to get it around the time that Jo Guest left and was replaced by Abigail Toyne) in the hope of an all too infrequent article on bondage – perhaps even with a handcuffed model to illustrate the article!. Of course during this time I was meeting and going out with girls and, just as now, was reluctant to reveal this growing interest in all things BDSM, my strategy being to introduce maybe some early restraint (often simply by holding their arms down so as they could not move them) to see whether that made a connection with a bondage-curious part of their mind before moving on to a pair of handcuffs presented in a kind of ‘lets both experiment with these’ kind of thing. I remember my first girlfriend was about three months before she went barefoot in my presence (one of these girls with an unnecessary ‘thing’ about their feet) and was completely under whelmed at the prospect of being tied up – we were never going to last!

    Whilst reluctant to talk about all of this stuff in the open, I still remember my jubilation shortly after I started my undergraduate degree when, on a lads day out in the centre of London, I first entered a Soho sex shop. These have a somewhat seedy reputation (I guess this is linked to exactly the sort of misconceptions that got this thread started in the first place) but I was in awe. Not only where there bondage magazines the like of which you simply don’t see in UK newsagents (the Lyndon and Dom productions type stuff – where I first became aware of Ashley Renee) but there was a huge rack of restraints, gags and the general sort of bondage paraphernalia that members of this site take for granted – though which for me at the time were a thing of fantasy! I remember leaving that shop, albeit with a group of most probably drunken lads who had likely been waylaid by some gratuitous porn, with a feeling that I was not alone – that if these shops stocked this stuff and had such a massive range of it there must surely be folk out there prepared to buy it and that was a most fantastic realisation. Actually now I come to think of it, and as a slight contradiction to my previous post, those shops provide a fantastic method of expressing those innermost thoughts and feelings that you might normally be reluctant to share. Simply by standing by the BDSM stand people know!.

    I think I have mentioned in here before that I now have a long term girlfriend (have been together for 5 years now though we live apart – hence the frequent flights on the budget airline and the delay that kicked all of this off!) and whilst we are fantastic together and she is all a guy could ever look for in a partner I have still to inform her of this part of my life. This is something that is increasingly beginning to trouble me though it seems a bit of a delicate balance – on one hand it would be great to get it all out in the open, to have no secrets and perhaps improve our sexual play, on the other there is a lot of history to throw away if she reacts badly, particularly to my membership and involvement of this site and forum. My gut feeling is that bondage really is not her thing – we have dabbled along similar lines to those above – and it really didn’t seem at any point to really ‘click’. I guess I need to decide whether in reality I can sacrifice all of this (in the long term) for the right woman? Certainly, were it all to go wrong, leaving telling until this late stage is a mistake I definitely wouldn’t make again – and would probably aim to find a partner involved in the ‘scene’ (I hate that term!).

    That all got a bit heavy didn’t it? Enough of that!

    Returning to the thread and to the replies to my original post, special mention has to go to Ariel. You showed your dad an RE video with you in it? WOW! And your family all know. I find that so cool, though must admit when I first read your post I did have a worrying couple of moments. Coming off the back of my post on how great it would be if we were all open and honest about our interests in this sort of thing and how I find the majority of the content on RE thoroughly respectable (am loving Kate’s description of FHM with cuffs and rope – it exactly describes how I see it) Ariels post left me wondering how I might react if my sister told me that she were modelling for RE. However after a couple of minutes thoughtful reflection I concluded that my feelings towards the site would remain unchanged – my initial misgivings can be put down to every brothers right to look out for his sister!. Talking of my sister, she is the one who has come closest to rumbling me on several occasions. She has a nasty habit of jumping on my computer to check E-mails and the like. Normally I am quite careful to clear my browsers history but more than once she must have been seconds away from bumbling into this forum (maybe then she would realise why it was I was always tying all her old friends up!).

    I do take exception to Grumpy’s comment;

    fact that pretty girls are prepared to be degraded and humiliated for my arousal is, well, arousing.

    I presume you are talking within the context of the scene? After all, I really feel that Hywel would soon run out of models were he really to humiliate and degrade them.

    It has been another monster post! Thank you all once again for making this a really very interesting, intelligent and personal thread.


    Ps; Kate – you are beautiful and we all think you are great. I was going to write about what a bastard your former hubby sounded, how you clearly deserve a far nicer bloke, and how great it is that you are back on RE but I thought I would leave it short and sweet.

    PPs; Lurker (me and he had a chance meeting in another forum the other day!) I have not had chance to read your story yet – hence the lack of a positive review. I will though!


    Lurker, I’ve copied your fiction excerpt to a new thread for comments- this one is heavy enough already 🙂



    R 21

    I do take exception to Grumpy’s comment;

    fact that pretty girls are prepared to be degraded and humiliated for my arousal is, well, arousing.

    I presume you are talking within the context of the scene? After all, I really feel that Hywel would soon run out of models were he really to humiliate and degrade them.

    It is manifestly self-evident that Hywel has an excellent professional relationship with all his models, and that he treats them with the utmost respect.

    My arousal comes from the fact that the models POSE in ways that make them appear to be degraded and/or humiliated. Perversely, the fact that they are posing is more arousing than the real thing! That way it feels like they are doing it for my benefit.



    Ps; Kate – you are beautiful and we all think you are great. I was going to write about what a bastard your former hubby sounded, how you clearly deserve a far nicer bloke, and how great it is that you are back on RE but I thought I would leave it short and sweet.

    Really touched, CJimD. Thank you. Made me cry a tiny bit! :smooch

    As for your situation with your partner, I do think that honesty is the best policy, but obviously only you know the situation and, I suppose, the longer you leave it the harder it gets. Good luck whatever you choose to do.

    Also, interesting about your sister. I have an older brother (only 11 mths older) and I kept my modelling a secret from him, however my blob gob mother recently told him that I was ‘doing some work for a bondage photographer I modelled for while I was at uni’ and he hasn’t reacted in a negative way at all. In fact, he is very proud of my photography in general and was keen to see some more of my work. He hasn’t asked to see any of my modelling photos though – surprise, surprise…

    Kate x


    Ariel Anderssen

    Heavens, hello CD/James 🙂

    Have been away/ill/etc for a little while so I’m just catching up on the forum. I like the sound of your tying up/barefeet games; my big sister and I used to play tying each other to a lamp post (which had a timer inside it that TICKED!) and then trying to escape. It was the BEST game – but everyone else got tired of playing it WAY before I did…. When I was a little older, I cleverly introduced a game called ‘Escapology’ to my cousins. This involved tying each other up (!) and timing our various escape attempts. Super-duper fun… until my oldest cousin decided that I should be put, tied up and HEAD FIRST into a sleeping bag. Don’t think I’d enjoy that level of bondage even now. Had forgotten quite a lot of that, your post reminded me 🙂

    On the subject of telling your girlfriend, that does seem like a particularly challenging problem. I’ve heard lots of people into various fetishes discussing when the best time to ‘tell’ is; and there doesn’t really seem to be a right answer. Too soon and they might run screaming before they have a chance to fall in love with the rest of you; later and it’s so much worse if they don’t take it well 🙁 You come across as pretty splendidly articulate, so I’m guessing you’ll be able to explain it to her in a non-scary kind of way; and, from what you’ve said on the forum, you’re lucky that your BDSM tastes are more ‘vanilla friendly’ than average. At least, from what I’ve picked up, you’re not going to be wanting to experiment with needles, bullwhips and cattle-brands any time soon?

    I really hope you manage to tell her, anyway, and that she’s friendly about it :;): I wonder a lot about whether I could sustain a relationship with someone who was less into BDSM than me (because finding a relationship with someone who is kinky but also nice is tricky) and I think probably not, because the role I need them to play is so active. On the other hand, I know a couple of bondage people who have very successful relationships with vanilla partners who don’t mind being tied up as long as it’s not all the time…. the level of involvement you need from your partner seems to be the key, I think.

    Anyway, sorry for the ramble, and nice to be back on the forum (hmm, at 4am with insomnia – RUBBISH!)


    Ariel Anderssen

    And HELLO JO! So glad you made it onto the forum, I’ve been hoping you would 🙂 I’ll look forward to reading your posts; so pleased that you worked up the courage :;):



    Hi everyone,

    It’s taken me all this time to pluck up the courage to look back into the forum…and I’m so glad I did. Thank you to all of you who have been so welcoming, and espcially thanks to you, Ariel, for your gentle persuasion! It meant a great deal…I’m still not sure how much of a poster I’ll be, or how interested people might be in what I have to say, being a real novice at all this, but the welcomes were very encouraging.

    I must say that reading Jim’s eloquent last post, I thought I was reading about myself!! Amazing similarities, dilemmas, attractions, almost all the way down. The playing with mys sister’s friends, the seemingly innocent, yet oh so profound tie-up games with dressing-gown cords, trees etc…Jim, I think you must be me!! LOL

    I too feel in awe of those of you who have been so open with family and have found it liberating to be so. I’m a long way from that…And I have to say that I fully understand Jim’s dilemma abiut telling his girlfriend. I’m not in that situation personally, but I can imagine how hard it must be to wrestle with the decision, not wanting to lose a great partner. I am not one to be able to offer advice, but I guess I’d be erring on the side of caution, hoping that eventually there might be a spark? Is there any way you could ‘happen’ across a film featuring a nice DiD set-up and try and gauge some kind of response, either way? There’s quite an interesting film called Whispers in the Dark, with Annabella Sciorra, which I think was possibly the first mainstream hogtie I ever saw – a good one too to my untrained eyes. It’s on DVD..Just a thought? But good luck, Jim, and thank you for sharing a long post with which I could identify, kinda 90%, actually.

    I must say too that I admire Lurker’s courage for posting some of his fiction, which was good to read. I’m a long way from sharing my own stuff on the forum, as for me it is all based on imagination rather than experience. It was also pleasing, though, to read how you too Hywel have problems getting into the submissive woman’s feelings. It is a challenge, for sure, though your photos do appear to capture it all so perfectly. I think it is all credit to your site that it has alos generated such an open forum; your photos have clearly tapped into a rich psychological and emotional seam, which draws people like me into starting to bare our souls!

    But thanks again, Ariel. Not sure how confident I’ll be about posting..but I’ll give it a go if the mood strikes! And Jim? Thanks for your candour too!

    Cheers everyone




    Hi Jo,

    Just wanted to add my welcome to you as well, sorry I haven’t before now. It took me a long time of lurking too before I posted on here. I am so glad I did now and you will be too… promise!

    It is interesting what you say about watching films with a partner. Me and my partner recently watched ‘The Secretary’ and, although he was really fine about my submissive fantasies / requests before, now he really seems to ‘get’ why I sometimes need to be like that. He isn’t into bondage really (although he has a thing about secretaries…) but he thought the scene where Maggie Gyllenhaal has that metal pole across her shoulders (don’t know what it is called) was one of the most erotic things he had ever seen!

    Kate x


    I am not one to be able to offer advice, but I guess I’d be erring on the side of caution, hoping that eventually there might be a spark?

    I dunno. I think I am a pretty weird person in that I REALLY like everything to be out in the open and cards on the table… because I genuinely believe that honesty is always the best policy about everything, in the long run.

    I don’t think I could relax with someone I felt I was keeping secrets from, nor could I be comfortable being with someone who didn’t know about what is for me a very major part of my psyche.

    So I’d shoot my mouth off and blab the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth right away. It gets me into a fair bit of temporary trouble, but it seems to me that thus far it has always worked out for the best for me in the long run. Perhaps it might do so for you, too???

    I looked at it as “the worst that can happen is that this person I really like will think I am such a horrible person that she’ll run a mile. In which case better she does so now than in a few years time, and better she finds out what I am ACTUALLY like and gets to know the whole me rather than just a public facade. A more hopeful scenario is that she might like me sufficiently to be willing to give it a go- and a bit of playful light bondage with the dressing gown belt is a hell of a lot better than no bondage. In the best case scenario she might have been dreading telling me that all her life she’s had these submissive fantasies…”

    Everything’s a risk. You could end up losing your partner, and of course you probably ought to be a bit more subtle than I would be capable of being! But wouldn’t it be better to be yourself with the person you might be thinking of spending the rest of your life with? And if she is really going to run screaming maybe it would be better to find someone a bit more sympathetic, because sure as anything SOMETHING is likely to tip her off sooner or later. There are, after all, a hell of a lot of people out there.


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